Bioenergetika imunitnho systmu a imunosupresivn mechanismy APCs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bioenergetika imunitnho systmu a imunosupresivn mechanismy APCs


... the synthesis of nucleotides from ribose-5-phosphate, lipids from acetyl ... Effects of other drugs. on cellular metabolism. Glucocorticoids (major side-effects ! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Bioenergetika imunitnho systmu a imunosupresivn mechanismy APCs

Bioenergetika imunitního systému a
imunosupresivní mechanismy APCs
  • Pokroky v imunologii
  • Brezen 2006
  • Karel Drbal

Cellular energy metabolism
  • ATP is the principal immediate donor of free
    energy. Turnover is very high an ATP molecule is
    typically consumed within a minute of its

Buttgereit ImmunolToday 21192
Energy supply and immune functions (examples)
  • Energy deficit in Late stages of septic and
    haemorrhagic shock inflammation is followed by
    marked immunosuppression of T cells
  • increased mitochondrial deficit with ageing gt
    loss of T cell function
  • apoptosis x necrosis x autophagy type of cell
    death might be determined by the intensity and
    duration of cell damage and ATP absence/presence

Buttgereit ImmunolToday 21192
Energy supply and immune functions (2)
Growth factors costimulation regulate nutrient
  • The mitogenic stimulation of thymocytes or naive
    T cells induces an almost 20-fold increase in
    glucose uptake within 1 hour (glucose catabolism
    required for cell cycle entry)

only for survival
T cell quiescence
  • Self-maintenance of quiescent T cells is a highly
    regulated and energetically demanding process.
  • Quiescence is maintained, in part, by regulated
    protein turnover, which consumes a large amount
    of ATP.
  • survival-promoting cytokines induce transcription
    factors to maintain actively the expression of
    inhibitors of the genes that are involved in
    cellular activation (IkB)
  • family of E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASES functions to
    maintain peripheral T cells, by potentiating the
    rapid degradation of protein kinases such as
    those that are activated by antigen- or
    cytokine-receptor ligation

  • A metabolic process that occurs in the cytosol
    and breaks down one molecule of glucose into two
    molecules of pyruvate, resulting in the
    production of ATP. Pyruvate is converted to
    lactate, which regenerates the NAD that is
    required as an electron acceptor in this
    catabolic process. Alternatively, pyruvate can be
    oxidized in the tricarboxylic-acid cycle, and NAD
    can be regenerated in one of two mitochondrial
    shuttles that end with electron donation to the
    electron-transport chain.
  • A metabolic process that encompasses two sets of
    reactions. The first reaction involves the
    conversion of intermediate molecules (pyruvate
    and fatty acids) to acetyl coenzyme A
    (acetyl-CoA) and the degradation of acetyl-CoA to
    carbon dioxide in the tricarboxylic-acid cycle,
    yielding free electrons that are carried by NADH
    and FADH2. The second reaction involves the
    transfer of electrons from NADH and FADH2 to the
    electron-transport chain, resulting in the
    movement of protons out of the mitochondrial
    matrix. The resulting electrochemical potential
    is used by the F1F0 ATP synthase to synthesize
  • The breakdown of complex substances into simpler
    ones. This often allows cells to capture the
    released reduction equivalents and channel them
    into ATP production. Examples include the
    oxidation of fatty acids and amino acids.
  • The synthesis of complex macromolecules from
    simpler intermediates at the expense of ATP.
    Examples include the synthesis of nucleotides
    from ribose-5-phosphate, lipids from acetyl
    coenzyme A, and proteins from amino acids.
  • A metabolic process that is preferentially
    induced in proliferating lymphocytes and is also
    characteristic of neoplastic and transformed
    cells. In contrast to anaerobic conditions (such
    as in skeletal muscle and inflamed tissues), in
    which glycolysis is the main source of ATP,
    lymphocytes in the peripheral blood are not
    exposed to low oxygen concentrations however,
    they continue to excrete excess pyruvate as
    lactate rather than fully oxidizing it in the
    tricarboxylic-acid cycle.

The PI3K pathway regulates energy metabolism
  • Stimuli
  • cytokines (both PI3K and JAK pathways)
  • costimulation - CD28/CTLA4-B7 (mainly PI3K
  • Genes involved in coordination of catabolic and
    anabolic metabolism
  • TSC1 (tuberous sclerosis1), TSC2,
  • RHEB (RAS homologue enriched in brain),
  • RICTOR (rapamycin-insensitive companion of TOR)
  • RAPTOR (regulatory associated protein of TOR),
  • PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue) and
  • PP2A (protein phosphatase 2A)
  • and the core kinases of this pathway AKT/PKB,
    AMPK, PIM2 and TOR.

Inhibition of the PI3K pathway by rapamycin
  • potent inhibitor of energy metabolism
  • G1 arrest
  • suppresses cap-dependent translation
  • stimulus- or cell-type specific
  • selective accumulation of CD4CD25 regulatory T
  • does not phenocopy the effects of growth-factor
    or nutrient deprivation
  • alternative pathway of metabolism regulation
  • JAK induced expression of PIM1, PIM2 oncogenic
  • immunotherapeutics
  • patients with autoimmune or infectious diseases
    or for those who are undergoing solid-organ

Effects of other drugs on cellular metabolism
  • Glucocorticoids (major side-effects !)
  • Lazaroids (free radical scavengers and membrane
  • Cyclosporine A and FK506 (cyclophilin-targeted
  • Channel blockers - promising! (voltage-gated K
    channel Kv1.3, Ca2-activated (KCa) channels)

APCs regulate uptake of essential amino acids in
T cells
  • Cysteine redox regulation of cysteine membrane
  • APCs regulate T-cell proliferation by controlling
    the availability of the amino acid cysteine,
    which is present only at a low concentration in
    blood plasma (intracellular reduced cysteine and
    extracellular oxidized di-cystine equilibrium is
    defined by redox conditions both inside and
    outside the cell) but lymphocytes lack specific
    cystine transporters and cannot synthesize
    cysteine. The activation of dendritic cells or
    macrophages by ligation of CD40 or by treatment
    with LPS or TNF increases cystine uptake and
    cysteine production by these cells, and it also
    promotes the secretion of thioredoxin, which
    reduces extracellular cystine to cysteine,
    thereby making cysteine available to nearby
  • Tryptophan catabolism (deprivation toxic
  • APCs can also control the T-cell response by
    regulating the extracellular concentration of
    tryptophan. Tryptophan is enzymatically degraded
    by indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), which is
    expressed at high concentrations in placenta and
    potentiates fetal tolerance during embryonic
    development. Induction of IDO activity in
    macrophages depletes extracellular tryptophan,
    and tryptophan metabolites can suppress the
    immune response by inducing either T-cell death,
    through the generation of reactive oxygen
    species, or T-cell anergy, by activating the
    stress responsive kinase GCN2. Macrophages
    themselves escape growth limitation that is
    caused by tryptophan catabolism, in part, by
    upregulating expression of tryptophanyl tRNA
  • Arginine catabolism (deprivation toxic
  • increased metabolism of L-arginine by myeloid
    cells can result in the impairment of lymphocyte
    responses to antigen during immune responses and
    tumour growth
  • arginase and nitric-oxide synthase (use
    L-arginine as substrate) are crucial components
    of this lymphocyte-suppression pathway

Overview of IDO/tryptophan pathways
Myeloid suppressor cells-T cell relationship (IDO)
  • Myeloid cell differentiation Pro-inflammatory
    signals (such as CD40 ligand, TNF, LPS)
    versusTolerogenic signals (such as
    CTLA4CD80/CD86 ligation by regulatory T cells)
  • Production of major anti-inflammatory T cell
    suppressive mediators
  • prostaglandin E2, eicosanoids and cytokines
    (IL-10, TGFb)
  • Reactive free radicals (ROS, RNOS) are also
    suppressive for T cells
  • Novel mechanism of essential AA deprivation by
    IDO (indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase), ARG (arginase)
    and NOS (nitric oxide synthase)
  • ancient antibacterial mechanisms where
    macrophages inhibit microbial infections by
    producing IDO, which catabolizes tryptophan
    for single-celled organisms, nutrient depletion
    is a common biological strategy to control
    proliferation of competing cells (also iron
    chelator lactoferrin)
  • local veto for T cell response tolerance
    induction at feto-maternal barrier (IDO
    expression in placenta)
  • IFNg , regulatory T cells CTLA4 gt induced Mf IDO
  • treatment with 1-methyl-tryptophan (a
    pharmacological inhibitor of IDO) induced rapid
    and uniform rejection of allogeneic conceptus a
    few days after implantation.
  • T cell has a cell-cycle regulatory checkpoint for
    available free tryptophan

Mutual NOS-IDO regulation
  • inflammation (IFNg) induced NO synthetase (iNOS)
    produce NO which inhibits IDO activity
  • binds to the heme complex of IDO
  • some tryptophan metabolites inhibit iNOS activity
  • iNOS and IDO gene expression is coordinated by
    proinflammatory cytokines
  • Tryptophan-tRNA synthetase is the only tRNA
    synthetase gene inducible by IFNg
  • allows cells that produce IDO to access lower
    tryptophan concentrations during inflammation in
    order to survive.
  • ? is there a special reason why tryptophan
    catabolism might be used to regulate T-cell
  • tryptophan is the most energetically expensive
    amino acid to synthesize.

IDO regulate immune response
  • chronic infection
  • chronic lentiviral infection (HIV) occur despite
    initially potent antiviral T-cell responses.
  • chronic inflammation
  • provoke sustained IDO production
  • autoimmunity
  • the only amino acid whose metabolism has been
    linked with autoimmunity
  • cancer
  • tumor-resident macrophages suppress infiltrated T
    cells (similar to placenta)

L-arginine overview
  • conditionally essential AA
  • metabolized by the enzymes ARG (arginase)
    producing urea and L-ornithine and iNOS
    (inducible nitric oxide synthase) which give rise
    to nitric oxide (NO) and L-citrulline

L-arginine T cell suppression-ARG
  • ARG dependent
  • MSC consumed l-arginine from the extracellular
    environment, and they inhibited re-expression of
    the ?-chain of CD3 after its TCR-signalling-induce
    d internalization
  • amino-acid loss and urea have been shown to alter
    the translation of various mRNAs in other cell
    types, through the kinase pathways that involve
    general control non-depressible 2 (GCN2) and
    mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)

L-arginine T cell suppression-iNOS
  • NOS dependent
  • NO is known to negatively regulate
    intracellular-signalling proteins either
    directly, by S-nitrosylation of crucial cysteine
    residues, or indirectly, by activation of soluble
    guanylate cyclase and cyclic-GMP-dependent
    protein kinase
  • block cytokine-JAK-STAT pathway
  • production of reactive free radicals

L-arginine T cell suppression
  • NOS ARG dependent
  • radicals (ROS, RNOS)!!! (most potent
    peroxynitrite ONOO-)
  • induction of T cell death

  • REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES (ROS). Aerobic organisms
    derive their energy from the reduction of oxygen
    (O2). The metabolism of O2, and in particular its
    reduction through the mitochondrial
    electrontransfer chain, generates by-products
    such as superoxide (O2), hydrogen peroxide
    (H2O2) and hydroxyl radicals (OH). These three
    species and the unstable intermediates that are
    formed by lipid peroxidation are referred to as
    ROS. ROS can damage important intracellular
    targets, such as DNA, carbohydrates or proteins.
    oxide (NO) chemistry is complex because of the
    extreme reactivity of NO, which can result in the
    formation of different reactive nitrogen
    intermediates (RNI) depending on the amount of NO
    that is produced by cells. At low concentrations,
    NO reacts directly with metals and radicals. At
    higher concentrations, indirect effects prevail,
    and these include several oxidation or
    nitrosylation reactions with oxygen (O2) that
    result in the production of various moieties. NO
    and related RNI are effective antimicrobial
    agents and signal-transducing molecules. The term
    RNOS, although less frequently used, more
    specifically indicates this family of molecules
    than does the term RNI.

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