Types are checked at compile-time. Types cannot be ... Every checkout is a branch. Every checkout is a repository. Darcs - interactive. Interactive 'pull' ...
Higher-Order functions. applyTwice :: (a - a) - a - a. applyTwice f x = f (f x) (a - a) is a function. parentheses are needed. a is (of course) a type parameter ...
Int, Float, Char, Bool, Integer, Rational. Lists and Tuples ... equal to b, the function will then countdown from a to b, outputting all these numbers. ...
Sound Haskell. Dana N. Xu. University of Cambridge. Joint work with ... Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) gives at run-time. Exception: Prelude.head: empty list ...
Two reasons: Haskell's type system is very expressive. thanks to ... A new type can be declared by specifying its set of values using a data declaration. ...
First order vs Higher order. Higher order: functions are values. Can be passed around ... Monads are higher order ( =) :: Monad m m a (a m b) m b. IO is higher order ...
Borland C compiler. GNU C compiler. Haskell programming. HUGS interpreter. Glasgow Haskell compiler ... Borland C # bytes in data file. Test E (secs) Test D ...
HaRe The Haskell Refactorer -- A prototype tool for refactoring Haskell programs ... Refactorings in HaRe: Move Definition. e.g. demote/promote the ...
Existing Haskell IDEs. Some of these have some Haskell support: syntax colouring ... Language support tends to be unreliable, because these environments are not ...
El problema de la entrada/salida. Se programa a trav s de funciones matem ticas puras ... (http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Misc/haskell_and_monads.htm) ...
La programaci n extrema o eXtreme Programming (XP) fue formulada por Kent Beck, ... http://sf.gds.tuwien.ac.at/00-pdf/z/zinc-project/manual-tecnico-1.0.0.pdf ...
Haskell is one of the worlds most popular functional programming languages. ... Designed to work on the VMs. Reduced features. Mixed compile/interpretive approaches ...
e.g. f (g x) Using Haskell: The Hugs Interpreter. A linked list. 1. 3. 5. 1 : 3 : 5 : ... Defining Functions. insert :: Ord a = a - [a] - [a] insert x ...
Helps instill a desire for elegance in design and implementation ... Partition rest of sequence into two parts. elements pivot value. elements = pivot value ...
Work done at University of Cambridge. Joint work with. Simon Peyton Jones ... Chalmers University of Technology. 2. Module UserPgm where. f :: [Int] - Int ...
Typing, saving, printing... Introducing and practicing skills that will be used to publish student writing. ... and master skills. Giving ourselves a ...
Phone number with optional area code? More examples in the ToeTipper. Expression. Meaning ... lex will run a short bit of code for each matched regular expression. ...
Current State of the Art. Enforce information flow policies in programming languages! ... Caveats and Disclaimers. Debugging may be more difficult: ...
Supongamos que en Haskell no hubiese sobrecarga, y que quisi semos ... importaci n deben aparecer al principio, el resto pueden aparecer en cualquier orden. ...
The Art of Avoiding Work. Oliver Hunt & Nigel Perry. University of Canterbury, New Zealand ... Prior Art: New Languages. Designed to work on the VMs. Reduced features ...
Read the text book each week. Make sure you can solve the problems ... Type error messages will be easier to understand. Sometimes they are necessary (as for price) ...
This graphics library is the work of Matthew Forrest for a third year research project. ... Utilises PDF as its output type to produce rendered vector graphics ...
Turing Machines, complexity classes, lambda calculus, etc, were ... Pairs of type QV (a, b) can be assembled from two quantum values using a tensor product: ...
advised by Simon Peyton Jones. Microsoft Research, Cambridge. Module UserPgm where ... Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) gives at run-time. Exception: Prelude.head: ...
fac :: Int - Int. fac 0 = 1. fac n | n 0 = n * fac(n-1) 11/7/09. FP ... fac m = tfac m b -- renaming m to b or b to m causes name capture. where. tfac o k = k ...
Want to solve all problems in one framework. Have to ... Affine transformations. Rotation. Translation. Reflection. Scaling. Shear. Composition of the above ...
(2) Definite Bug (definitely crashes) (3) Possible Bug. Crash! Crash! ... Checks each program in a modular fashion on a per function basis. The checking is sound. ...
else head xs `max` 0. No more warnings from compiler! 5. Satisfying a ... e 2 t , e B t is crash-free (related to Blume&McAllester:ICFP'04) Normal form e' ...
A dozen lazy functional programmers, wanting to agree on a ... Damas-Milner is on a cusp: Can infer most-general types without any type annotations at all ...
On-Line telephone directories. Pay-roll. etc. Iguana : FP-Group 2002. 4. What's LDAP ? ... every entry from the LDAP directory into an IOArray (mutable array) ...
Rename an identifier. Promote/demote a definition to widen/narrow its scope ... mkLeaf = Leaf. mkNode :: a - (Tree a) - (Tree a) - Tree a. mkNode = Node ...
Wrangler: the Erlang refactorer. Model checking of Erlang programs. Testing of Erlang programs. ... The Erlang Refactorer, Wrangler, is implemented in Erlang. ...
... has been put to the program analysis part for the implementation of Wrangler. ... Refactoring Erlang programs involves more complex static semantics analysis. ...
Their leader (Lenin) and his comrades rose before a cheering crowd, ... rise, aggression, and human costs of totalitarian regimes (Fascist and Communist) ...
Walther recursion. Size change termination. Does this terminate? fib(1) = 1. fib(2) = 1 ... A function only stops terminating when its given a value. Perhaps ...
Is: a collection of Haskell data types and functions. 3/23/2001 ... High-level, declarative. Concise code. Executable spec [new!] Time is continuous. 3/23/2001 ...
Accept the input (number whose factorial is desired) from switches and store it ... answer in R2 register and keep displaying it untill the new number is entered. ...