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Title: Putting Numbers and Words on the Problems Young People with Hearing Loss Face in Their Everyday Life Author: Niels-Henrik M. Hansen Last modified by
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... on June 19, 1623 in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-D me, France and died on August 19, 1662 in Paris. ... Pascal's mother died when he was three and he was raised ...
HVAD SKAL DANMARK LEVE AF? Perspektiv, viden og inspiration til morgenkaffen Vi skal leve af vores evne til at forandre og udvikle os! Lektor, ph.d. Michael N rager
Title: Oppvarming Author: Per Kristian Haugen Last modified by: Espen Arntsberg Created Date: 10/9/2006 6:49:05 AM Document presentation format: Skjermfremvisning (4:3)