Report of Inclusion of FNMOC Ensemble into NAEFS S. Lord (NCEP/EMC) Andre Methot (MSC) Yuejian Zhu, and Zoltan Toth (NOAA) Acknowledgements Bo Cui (EMC), Stephane ...
... implementation status and offer recommendations for related JAG tasking Purpose * Implementing the ... Area) Ocean Modeling (On-Going ... WRF 5km in Blue FNMOC ...
... By Year Total Observations: 181,345 Delayed-mode QC: 24,769 Data Access: FTP US GDAC: French GDAC: ...
NAVY UTN-P & FTP POLICY UPDATE 16 April 07 CDR Dave Pashkevich CNMOC N64 NAVY UTN-P POLICY Same issues as Air Force NAVY FTP POLICY Awaiting JTF-GNO to issue a ...
Title: US COAST GUARD: NAVIGATION OF INLAND/COASTAL WATERS Interagency Meeting on Weather support for Surface Transportation Author: Jonathan M. Berkson
SST cooling within hurricane inner-core in 3D and 1D ocean models ... Consensus TC Track Forecasts', 63th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference, St. ...
Progress in Developing Coupled Tropical Cyclone-Wave-Ocean Models for Operational Implementations at NOAA and Navy Isaac Ginis Morris Bender, Tetsu Hara, Richard ... University ... Accuweather Pro. Digital Atmosphere. ...
The Joint Ensemble Forecast System GOAL: Prove the value, utility, and operational feasibility of EF to DoD operations. FOCUS: How to best exploit EF output within ...
The pebble in the pond, forecasting principle. Tools of the trade: WAMs. Data Mining ... Wind (the pebble) Transfers energy to water. Waves are created. Travel outward ...
Visualization of High Resolution Ocean Model Fields Peter Braccio (MBARI/NPS) Julie McClean (NPS) Joint NPS/NAVOCEANO Scientific Visualization Workshop
Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs): Tropical Cyclone Data Assimilation and NWP Impact Studies Howard Berger1, C. Velden1, R. Langland2, C. Reynolds2
UW Oceanography ( Argo observes physical variability of the global ocean's upper 2 km. ... UW and PMEL work together on ...
... panel), the wave statistics are described well using the ... The wave height distribution narrows during high-energy events at a shallow water sensor. ...
1. The Argo project. 21st Century in-situ Ocean Observing System ... upper layer in real-time. Complement to satellite and other in-situ observing systems ...
Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting System (ATCF) Interagency Success ... can be done with least squares fit or weighted average (adjustable weights for ...
Create a SAR case when alerted. Gather data, estimate uncertainties ... Promulgate the search plan. Perform the search plan. Evaluate the completed search ...
Kate Beierle. NCAR AVAPS people: Terry Hock, Charles Martin, ... Bangor Operations: John Murray. UND Citation Crew: Paul LeHardy, Tony Grainger, Bjorn Hansen ...
2005 and 2006 only, one time only push ... Analysis/Forecast backgrounds. UKMO: FOAM forecast profile ... BMRC: WOA or CARS temperature and salinity climatology ...
The WOCE Global Synthesis: How far have we come, how far might we get? (Ocean State Estimation) Detlef Stammer Center for Observations, Modeling and Predictions
Ported NCEP Post and Verification codes and the NMM code to FSL computer. ... Verification techniques ... Score' and other verification techniques. 13. FY05 ...
Create a SAR case when alerted. Search & Rescue Problem. Create a ... New York Bight. EDS Uncertainties (knots) 4.2. 0.36. 4.2. 0.35. NCOM. 4.0. 0.42. 4.0. 0.40 ...
Real-time Generation of Winds and Sea Ice Motion from MODIS Jeff Key1, Dave Santek2, Chris Velden2 1Office of Research and Applications, NOAA/NESDIS, Madison
Swell is sensitive to its initial conditions, and should include perturbation ... Tentatively realistic swell perturbation ... the role of swell played in the ...
Performance of the ocean wave ensemble forecast system at NCEP ... Deter. Model error. Old ens. spread. New ens. spread. Old and new ensemble use same winds. ...
Study ... Run offline for Year 2001. Common Grid (Linear Maps) at 39 km, 8 ... MODIS Terra time series for oceans and subregions, for three MODIS chlorophyll a ...