Title: Observing System Monitoring Center (OSMC)
1Observing System Monitoring Center (OSMC)
- Status Update
- April 2005
- Steve Hankin PMEL (co-PI)
- Kevin Kern NDBC (co-PI)
2 to provide a system view of global ocean
climate observations
3Systems View of the OSMC
Data and metadata pulled from various sources.
OSMC servers will store metadata for display and
Live Access Server to provide web browser access
data visualization
Analysts and Researchers
4A partnership
- PMELUser interface logic tools
- NDBCData assembly operations
- assistance from Todd Pearce (OCO)User
interface layout
5OSMC Schematic View
NDBC Firewall
NASA Firewall
6OSMC (meta)database
- What is the climate data record?
- Current (meta)data (realtime)
- GTS -- primary source
- Historical (meta)data
- poorly integrated
- need DMAC integration
- for now use a GTS archive(misses e.g. NOAA
research cruises)
7OSMC (meta)database at NDBC
- Met and Ocean surface data are updated daily with
GODAE T-files(06, 12, 18, 24) from the
previous day 350 MB of data per day - URLhttp//usgodae2.fnmoc.navy.mil/ftp/outgoing/f
nmoc/data/met/2005031706.tar.Z - Updates applied to NDBC-hosted time series
metadata from NDBC system - Ship call sign info from the WMO Pub 47
8OSMC (meta)database at NDBC
- Profiling float data from US GODAE Server
- Float updates from JCOMMOPS
- URL ftp//ftp.jcommops.org/Argo/Status/status.t
xt - Country information is assigned based on WMO
allocation table - URL http//www.wmo.ch/web/aom/marprog/Operation
9OSMC (meta)database at NDBC
Platform Type Observations
CMAN 794,262
MOORED BUOY 2,066,686
SHIP 682,757
- Met and surface ocean database back to June 04
- Profile data back to January 04
10OSMC Database Entity Diagram
Country is based on ISO 3166, which defines
unique 2-character identifiers for each country
Organization identifies an agency, institute,
university, or private company that owns or
operates a reporting platform
Platform identifies a ship, drifting buoy, moored
buoy station, or other platform that reports
marine data
Observation records the instance of a marine
observation for a reporting date and time.
11OSMC Database Environment
- Dell PowerEdge 2650
- Dual Processor 3.06 GHz/1MB Cache
- Five 146 GB Harddrive
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES v3
- Oracle Database
12OSMC (meta)database
- Gridded filesObservation metadata are summarized
into 1X1 degree gridded files (netCDF) to support
evaluation operations
13OSMC Database Architecture
14 OSMC must provide
- Overview (where are the obs?)
- Drill-down (what are the obs?)
- Evaluation (are the obs adequate?)
15User interface tools for evaluation
Web-accessible to the community
16Visualization evaluationOverview
all platforms reporting today
17Visualization evaluationOverview
all platforms reporting air temp. today
18Visualization evaluationOverview
all platforms reporting SST today
19Visualization evaluationOverview
all platforms reporting SST today colored by age
20Visualization evaluationOverview
Drifters reporting SST today
21Visualization evaluationOverview
U.S. drifters reporting SST today
22Visualization evaluationOverview
U.S. drifters reporting SST this week
23Visualization evaluationOverview
U.S. Pacific drifters reporting SST this week
U.S. Pacific drifters reporting SST this month
24Visualization evaluationDrill Down
mouse click for metadata summary
25Visualization evaluationDrill Down
mouse click to view data
26Visualization evaluationDrill Down
mouse click to view plot
27User interface tools for evaluation
- Overview (where are the obs?)
- Drill-down (what are the obs?)
- ?Evaluation(adequacy of the observations)
28Visualization evaluation
Number of platforms per 1x1 degree box reporting
SST today
29Visualization evaluation
Number of platforms per 1x1 degree box reporting
SST this week
30Visualization evaluation
Number of platforms per 1x1 degree box reporting
SST this month
31Visualization evaluation
Number of platforms per 5x5 degree box reporting
SST this month
32Visualization evaluation
5x5 degree boxes this month that had one or more
SST obs every day
33Visualization evaluation
Percentage of days when a 5x5 degree box had at
least 5 SST obs
34Visualization evaluationEvaluation
Percentage of days when a 5x5 degree box had at
least 5 air temp obs
35Visualization evaluation
Click for time series record of SST obs in a
single 5x5 grid cell
36Visualization evaluation
Click for time series record of SST obs in of an
ocean basin
37Visualization evaluation
Click for global time series of SST obs
38The OSMC doesnt look like a Live Access Server
but it is (Shown is the more traditional LAS
user interface)
is another specialized user interface to the same
OSMC server
40Ready for integration into NVODS, DMAC, and IOOS
41Ocean CO2 data access with LAS
42Next steps
- Wire it together robustly(It is not as mature as
it appears) - Improve performance
- User interface make-over(w/Todd Pearce)
- Full support for profile data
- Bring NGDC/NOSA GIS efforts into the partnership
43Next steps (database)
- Improve Meta-data quantity and quality
- Eliminate Not Defined platforms
- Further coordinate with JCOMM OPS
- Add organization URLs
- Expand data sources
- Carbon Data
- NOAA High Resolution Ship Data (FSU)
- Repeat Lines, Ocean Reference Stations,
44and after that
- Other types of data(biochem, fisheries, )
- IOOS/DMAC integration(satellites, models, GIS,
) - Quality control metadata
- Expanded evaluation metrics
- to be guided by community input
45Suggestions? Questions?