FAUVISME ANNE NAUS V6C STIJLKENMERKEN Henri Matisse Interior at Collioure Olie op doek 1905 Felle, ongemende kleuren Kleurcontrasten Geen toonovergang Grote ...
Henri Matisse et le Fauvisme R alis par Justine et Pauline Le Fauvisme Au XVIII me, un certain Henri Matisse fera parler de lui l aide de nouvelles id es ...
VanGogh Renoir Degas Claudel La belle-s ur de Manet qui aimait peindre avec les couleurs clairs. Claudel Cassatt Morisot Toulouse-Lautrec Il a invent une technique ...
EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE PARIS 1900 Du 15 avril au 12 novembre 1900. La m me ann e, Paris accueille les J.O. ,mais ces jeux n ont pas encore de renomm e.
L'EXEMPLE DU CUBISME ANALYTIQUE : LES DEMOISELLES D'AVIGNON (PICASSO) ... Contrairement au cubisme analytique qui cherche repr senter la r alit dans sa ...
Civilisation fr. au XIXe si cle Histoire Empire (I) 1799 (Consulat), 1804-1815 Restauration 1815 -1830 Monarchie de juillet 1830-1848 IIe R publique 1848-1852
Famous Artists. Seurat. Van Gogh. Picasso. Monet. Rembrandt. Da Vinci. Georges- Pierre Seurat ... His famous paintings include Mona Lisa and The Last Supper ...
... Van Gogh, Starry Night, (1889, MOMA New York, oil on canvas) Pointillism/Neo-Impressionism (1886-c1900) Georges Seurat, La Grande Jatte, (1884-86, ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Michael Tiffany Last modified by: Christopher Santer Created Date: 3/11/2003 2:21:00 PM Document presentation format
Impressionism Fauvism Post-Impressionism CUBISM DADA & SURREALISM Italian Renaissance Art Northern Renaissance Art Expressionism Impressionism Fauvism Post ...
FAUVISM Picasso, The Painter and his model, 1914 (oil on linen) Matisse, Piano Lesson, 1916 Picasso, Portrait of Olga in the Armchair, 1917. Picasso, Still-Life with ...
... Aragon and Soupault to shock the public and disintegrate society s structure * Was used to influence political or social change Walter ... he changed to cubism ...
Contemporary Art What and when is it? An Introduction World (cosmopolitan) culture shifted away from the Modern paradigm with World War II: c.1945-1968
... whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong colour over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism ... Art Deco Pop Art ...
Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) Born and lived in what is now known as the Netherlands His art was religious or earthy themed His work influenced the Surrealists
This PPT enlightens you with the information all about the types of modern architecture and its influence.Karpagam architecture students are well trained in all aspects of architecture and design by our team of faculty who are experts in architecture and design field
Title: Slide 1 Author: harry douglas Last modified by: WMM Created Date: 4/19/2006 2:56:39 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company
AP Art History s Greatest Hits: Part Two Late Gothic Arnolfini and His Bride by Jan Van Eyck 1434 Characteristics: Almost every object portrayed sanctity Symbolism ...
... stained glass at the United Nations Chagall I and the Village European Art Fauvism Wild savagery Henri Matisse Portrait of Madame Matisse Matisse ...
Labor Strife in the Post WWI Era Seattle General Strike Seattle General Strike of 1919 25,500 shipyard workers began a strike in Seattle. Metal Trades Council was ...
Early 20th Century Art. William V. Ganis, PhD. Fauvism ... Emil Nolde. Saint Mary of Egypt. among Sinners. 1912. oil on canvas. 2 ft. 10 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. ...
Industrial Revolution Expressionism George Rouault The beginning George Rouault was isolated at a young age among artists. George made paintings that proved it to be ...
Fauvism By: Dominic Ross The Movement The paintings of the Fauves were made by seemingly wild brush strokes and strident colors, while they had a high degree of ...
Important Art Movements Miss McDaniel 6th Grade Art Introduction to Art Art Throughout the Ages Important Art Movements The Renaissance Baroque Impressionism Fauvism ...
The Rise of Totalitarianism Section 1: Postwar Social Changes Witness History Audio: The Jazz Age Changes in Society After World War I In the twenties, many Americans ...
Art History Review 1906-1921+ Cubism 1920s Neoplasticism 1850-1880 Realism 1860-1900 Impressionism 1895-1914 Art Nouveau 1917-1920 Dada 1900s Fauvism 1940 s
HUMANITIES ART DESCRIPTION and APPRECIATION Pieta ARCHITECTURE The art and science of building and erecting buildings. History of Architecture When did man start ...
Grade 12 Exam S Riley What is Art? Impressionism Post impressionism-Pointillism Expressionism-Fauvism Cubism Abstract art Op art Surrealism Abstract Expressionism ...
... Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and Expressionism Artists come out of these periods and develop other types of art Out of abstract art comes cubism, ...