Title: EagleRAD Your Assistant for Reference Service
1EagleRAD - Your Assistant for Reference Service
- Jiangping Chen
- School of Library and Information Sciences,
University of North Texas - http//max.lis.unt.edu
2Presentation Outline
- Challenges and Opportunities for Reference
Services - Introduction to Automatic Question Answering
- The Idea of A Reference Assistant Database
- A class project for developing a Web database
system for reference services - EagleRAD Eagle Reference Assistant Database
- Usefulness
- Design considerations
- Open Discussion Does EagleRAD Make Sense?
3Challenges and Opportunities For Reference
- Digital libraries
- Digital reference services
- The Educators Reference Desk (http//www.eduref.o
rg/) - Automatic question answering systems
- High expectations for reference librarians
- Subject domain knowledge
- Familiar with various in-house online sources
- Familiar with database search techniques
- Online interaction
4Automatic Question Answering
- Types of question answering (QA) systems
- Automatic vs. human mediated
- General vs. domain specific
- Automatic question answering
- A step further from information retrieval
- Provide answers to users natural language
questions - Fostered by TREC (Text REtrieval Conference)
(http//trec.nist.gov) - Currently, a popular research area attracting
researchers from information retrieval,
artificial intelligence, and natural language
5Basic QA strategy of TREC QA systems
Question focus identification
Keyword selection
Keyword expansion
Document or passage retrieval
Passage filtering
Answer candidates identification
Answer ranking
Answer formulation
6Automatic Question Answering
- Strengths
- Quickly respond to questions
- Effective to some factoid questions
- Question How much folic acid should an
expectant mother get daily? - Answer 400 micrograms
- Question Who invented the electric guitar?
- Answer Adolph Rickenbacker
- Weakness
- Unable to understand and answer complex questions
- How do I complete Form 2441 if I have flexible
Spending Account? - Is there any research on correlations between
playing violent video games and aggressive
behavior in children?
7The Idea of A Reference Assistant Database (RAD)
- Some reference questions are difficult
- Can you help me to find articles with negative
opinion on artificial intelligence? - Usability testing methodologies on small scale
Web database systems? - Some difficult reference questions have been
asked by different customers at different time - The sources for reference service are changing
and growing
8The Idea of A Reference Assistant Database (RAD)
- Spend our time wisely
- Focus on learning new things
- Organize and summarize what we have
- Knowledge is power
- Why didnt we collect and use what we have as
reference experts? - Take advantage of information technologies
- Internet and Internet information resources
- Database management systems
- Open-source software systems
9The Idea of A Reference Assistant Database (RAD)
- The idea encouraged me to design a class project
for my database class at SLIS, UNT in Spring 2004 - Students were required to design a Web database
to assist reference librarians - Specifically, the project included following
tasks - Informal interview to understand users
requirement - Database conceptual design
- Database logical design
- Website design
- Web database implementation
10The Idea of A Reference Assistant Database (RAD)
- Informal interview to understand users
requirements - Four team interviewed about 7 reference
librarians - Very informal students presented the project
assignment and asked interviewees questions about
their daily reference practice and challenges
they have encountered. - During the interview
- At the beginning, interviewees were unclear about
the usefulness of the system - Questions about what the system could do
11The Idea of A Reference Assistant Database (RAD)
- Discoveries from the informal interview
- It is true that there are different types of
reference questions, and some questions are
substantially difficult - Direct answers vs. information sources for
answers - Libraries currently dont have such a system to
track reference questions - It is important to organize questions and sources
according to a thesaurus - Browsing through subjects is as important as
searching - Outcomes students obtained knowledge on
reference service and reference librarians
system requirements
12The Idea of A Reference Assistant Database (RAD)
- Screen shots of students work
- slis5717sp04_websites.ppt
- Students comments on the project
- A practice on applying Web database knowledge to
reference service - Knowledge on database design is useful for
librarians as non database designers - Limitations of search functions offered by
Database Management Systems - The most important tasks for database design
implementation - Users requirement
- System evaluation
- The class project helped the students to design a
database to connect database technologies with
library work
13EagleRAD Design and Implementation
- EagleRAD Eagle Reference Assistant Database
- A Web database system that will be implemented
using PHP and MySQL at SLIS, UNT - Web based, database-driven, interactive system
- Will provide to interested libraries free of
charge - Currently the design phase has been completed
- We want to hear what reference librarian say
about the design before implementation
14The screen short of the trial web site EaglaRAD
15EagleRAD Design and Implementation
- Usefulness of a system like EagleRAD
- A time safer for reference librarians
- A training tool for new reference librarians
- A knowledge base for patrons
- An important component of future digital
reference services - A source for evaluating library services
16EagleRAD Design and Implementation
- Functions of EagleRAD
- Record patrons questions, reference librarians
or subject experts answers (sources), and the
reference interview processes - Organize the resources used by reference
librarians for references - Convenient search and browse whats in the
database - Provide certain statistical information for
17EagleRAD Design and Implementation
- Database conceptual design
- Business rules
- one question can be answered by different
sources, one source can answer many questions - One question can be assigned many subject terms.
And one subject term will be assigned to many
questions - Subject terms constitute a thesaurus, which
contains terms and their semantic relations such
as UT, RT, BT, and NT - In order to add new records into the system, the
user needs to have a valid user name and password - Tables
18The Conceptual Design of EagleRAD
19The Data Dictionary
20EagleRAD Design and Implementation
- Web site design principles
- Support basic user interactions
- Input new data
- Edit reference resource list
- Search for previous questions
- Browse resources list and previous questions
according to subjects - Easy to use
- Tell users what the system expects
- Mechanism to reduce input workload and avoid
input errors - Easy to expand thesaurus management, automatic
21EagleRAD Web Site Architecture
Main Page
Manage Account
Browse Ref List
Input Data
Edit Data
Display Data
22The screen short of the data entry page
23Application Put Data into EagleRAD
- Two examples extracted from Riechel (1989)
- Sample Question 1
My husband has a slight cut on his hand that led
to severe infection and hospitalization. He was
diagnosed as having cellulites. I need a
non-technical definition of the condition and
information about treatment.
- Answer finding process as described in the book
Patron has checked certain medial reference books
but not satisfied. What had she looked at? Some
medical dictionaries. We together looked at
certain medicine and health encyclopedias and
guides written for the layerperson, found an
indication of the cause in Columbia University
College of Physicians And Surgeons Complete Home
Medical Guide. Patron was interested in more
recent studies and reports on the treatment of
cellulites, but rejected to use MEDLINE and spend
time to find specialized journals. CCML was
searched with cellulites same hand same
treatment Article Infection Today Skin and
Soft-Tissue Infections by Roger Finch, lancet, 23
January 1988, 164-168 most interested her.
24Sample Question 1 in EagleRAD
25Application Put Data into EagleRAD
- Two examples extracted from Riechel (1989)
- Sample Question 2
I am looking for an article by Everstine or
Everstein in AmP whatever that is!
- Answer finding process as described in the book
A medical student, frustrated due to the
incomplete reference to an article he needed.
Further queries revealed that the article has
something to do with ethics and was probably
written 1980-1986. AmP stands for American
Psychologist. Do a ready reference search on
DIALOG, in PSYCINFO, search term AU
PSYCHOLOGIST. Article found Everstine, Louis, et
al., Privacy and Confidentiality in
Psychotherapy, American Psychologist, 35
(September 1980), 828-40.
26Sample Question 2 in EagleRAD
27EagleRAD Design and Implementation
- Expected Search Functions
- Support natural language queries as well as
keywords - Attempt to integrate some functions of automatic
QA into EagleRAD
28The screen short of the trial Search Browse
29Open Discussion Does EagleRAD Make Sense?
- Do you think such a tool is useful?
- Would you use it if it were available to you?
- I would like to hear from you!
- (Jiangping Chen jpchen_at_unt.edu)
- Suggestions Comments?
- Chen. Jiangping Ge, He Wu, Yan and Jiang,
Shikun. (2004). UNT at TREC 2004 question
answering combining multiple evidences. To
appear Proceedings of TREC 2004 - Lankes, R. D. (2004). The Digital Reference
Research Agenda. Journal of the American Society
for Information Science and Technology, 55(4),
301-311 - Miller, G. (1990). WordNet an on-line lexical
database. International Journal of Lexicography,
2(4), Special issue. - Pomerantz, J., Nicholson, S., Belanger, Y.,
Lankes, R. D. (2004). The Current State of
Digital Reference Validation of a General
Digital Reference Model through a Survey of
Digital Reference Services. Information
Processing Management, 40(2), 347-363. - Riechel, R. (1989). Personnel Needs and Changing
Reference Service. Hamden, Conn.. Library
Professional Publications, ISBN. 0-208-02226-0. - Rob, P. Coronel, C. (2004). Database Systems
Design, Implementation, and Management, sixth
Edition. Course Technology. ISBN 0-619-21323-X.