Innovative and Painless treatment is given for Piles by Dr. Ashwin Porwal which is without any surgical operation. It contains Medication, Constac, Diet, Physiotherapy and Ayurveda therapy. Using this therapy Piles can be easily Cure. For more details visit us or contact- 020-24444442 , 8888288884
Healing Hands Clinic is a unique and speciality clinic for constipation,piles, hernia & prevention of Lifetstyle diseases. Apart from its heart of the city location, expert consultation, state of the art technology and well qualified staff are few of its assets. It is the first clinic in the city to deliver facility of Defecography for constipation. Our focus, dedication and inner feeling of curing or treating the patients with care have given us many satisfied patients.
Piles or Mulvyadh are swellings that develop inside and around the back passage (anus). The most common symptom experienced is bleeding after going to the toilet to pass stools. Along with bleeding itching and irritation may also persist. This PPT will help to know more info about piles symptoms. For more information visit us: or contact us: (+91) 8888288884/020-24444442
Dr. Ashwin Porwal, founder of Healing Hands Clinic introduces a new world of advanced Medical and Surgical Treatment options Constipation, Piles, Hernia, Fistula and other Ano Rectal diseases. Dr. Porwal’s credit, is the first STARR (Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection) surgery for ODS a form of Chronic Constipation in State.
Piles Treatment in Pune by healing hands clinic. Healing Hands Clinic is leading hospital to provide Piles Treatment in pune by best piles Surgeon in pune, Dr. Ashwin Porwal.
Want to know about piles in detail? This information will clear all your doubts about piles provided by Dr Ashwin Porwal, a renowned proctologist of India
Piles can be treated by painless methods. Dr.Ashwin Porwal is the best piles surgeon in Pune cure piles.Dr. Porwal suggests some painless piles treatment to cure piles. For more information visit us: or contact us: (+91) 8888288884/020-24444442.
Dr Ashwin Porwal, lead surgeon at Healing Hands Clinic (HHC) and a dedicated Proctologist. Dr Porwal has trained many fellow surgeons from across the globe in the Stapler and Laser procedures. He is also available at Navi Mumbai location at Healing Hands clinic. Visit us: cal us: 8888166667
Mulvyadh can be cured by surgical treatments like laser treatment or stapler hemorrhoidopexy. These surgeries are done under the supervision of Dr Ashwin Porwal who is an eminent piles doctor in Pune. For more information visit us: or contact us: (+91) 8888288884/020-24444442.
Healing Hands Clinic is the best health care center in India.We provide world-class treatment for diseases like piles, hernia, fissure, and constipation etc. Dr. Ashwin Porwal the Best proctologist in Pune,India. This hospital is located in Bengaluru, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Nashik,Pune and has its branches at Pune Station, Salunkhe Vihar, Chakan, Chinchwad and Baner. Book an Appointment :
Are You Suffering for Fissure? we are providing the best treatment for Fissure. Dr Ashwin Porwal founder of Healing Hands Clinic has handled large number of Fissure cases and has efficiently managed difficult ones. This hospital is located in Navi Mumbai, Mumbai, Nashik, Bengaluru, Pune and has its branches at Pune Station, Salunkhe Vihar, Chakan, Chinchwad and Baner. For more details: or
Indiapiles is India’s leading Proctology (the branch of medicine dealing with the rectum and anus) clinic in pune. Dr.Ashwin Porwal is the founder of this association. The treatment strategy at Indiapiles is Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty, Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy and MCDPA treatment which is innovated by Dr.Porwal himself. As nowadays many people are suffering from piles so this will be useful to them. For more details visit us or contact (+91) 8888288884/020-24444442
Indiapiles is India’s leading Proctology (the branch of medicine dealing with the rectum and anus, in short – your bottom) clinic. The clinic is well equipped with the advanced treatment techniques in this field. Dr.Ashwin Porwal is the founder of this association. The treatment strategy at Indiapiles is Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty, Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy and MCDPA treatment which is innovated by Dr.Porwal himself. As nowadays many people are suffering from hemorrhoids so this will be useful to them. For more information visit us: Contact us: (+91) 8888288884 020-24444442
Surgical procedures on body may cause side effects on body. One of the side effects of surgery is constipation. If proper care is taken then you may avoid constipation problem after surgery. Main causes of post surgery constipation are lack of physical activity, little or no food before and after surgery. There are many hospitals that treat constipation but if you want quick relief from constipation then visit Dr. Ashwin Porwal's Healing Hands Clinic. He is the renowned constipation doctor in India. Clinic has different branches at Pune, Baner, Chakan, Chinchwad, Mumbai, Nashik, Bengaluru and Jaipur.
Hernia is commonly found problem in men as well as women. But it is generally found in older age men. There are many reasons that may lead to hernia out of which some are heavy weight lifting, physical exertion, poor nutrition, long-term constipation. There are many hernia clinics in India but Dr. Ashwin Porwal’s hernia clinic is one of the leading hospitals in India. It has successfully handled large number of cases. It has different branches at various locations like Pune, baner, chinchwad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, nashik, chakan. The hernia doctor at respective branches is very well qualified.
At HEALING HANDS CLINIC, we have set up a team that support sand guides the patient till the end for the cure of the ailment via a combination of Medication, use of stool- softeners like Constac, Diet, Physiotherapy & Ayurveda therapy. This regimen was devised by Dr. Ashwin Porwal; founder surgeon of Healing Hands Clinic. The main focus is on medicines, diet, physiotherapy and Ayurveda. Surgery is only suggested in case of severe situations only. Healing Hands Clinic has its branches at Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Nashik and Jaipur. Doctors and surgeons at all the branches use minimally invasive methods for treatment of patients. All of them are expert in pies, constipation, hernia, fistula, fissure and other ano rectal disorders.
Fistula or Bhagandar is abnormal connection between end of the bowel and skin around the anus. In this there is formation of abscess. It is common in both men and women. It is mostly cured using surgery. Whenever you face the problem related to fistula, consult your doctor as the conditions may get worse with time. Healing Hands Clinic is the certified center of excellence for fistula treatment in India. Dr. Ashwin Porwal introduced Laser Surgery FiLaC (Fistula-tract Laser Closure), the first of its kind in India, for Fistula treatment. He himself devised DLPL (Distal Ligation Proximal Laser) treatment though his research experience. Healing Hands Clinic has internationally recognized doctors and surgeons at all centers in Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Nashik and Jaipur.
Piles also known as haemorrhoids or mulvyadh or bavasir are swollen blood vessels near the opening of anal. Its main causes are chronic constipation, obesity, pregnancy and sedentary situations. These can be easily cured at home in the early stages. Never feel shy if you are suffering from piles. If the problem persists for more than a week then one must seek help of the doctor. Dr. Ashwin Porwal, lead surgeon at Healing Hands Clinic, has successfully provided treatment for piles to more than 50k patients. He himself has trained many fellow surgeons across the globe in the STAPLER and LASER surgery. Using laser technology there are no cuts, no stitches and no blood loss during the treatment. This clinic has various centers at Pune, Mumbai, Nashik, Bengaluru and Jaipur. All the centers have internationally recognized surgeons and doctors; expert in handling anorectal disorders such as piles, constipation, hernia, fistula, fissure and others.
Sharad Purnima, celebrated in Ashwin (Sept-Oct), marks the end of the monsoon. It is believed the full moon's rays on this night have healing energy, promoting health and spiritual awakening.
Healing hands clinic provide the best treatment for rectal/Anal Abscess. Find types of rectal abscess, symptoms, Causes and treatment By Dr Ahswin Porwal. For more information visit us :
Indiapiles Clinic is very famous for Proctology in Pune. Piles are treated by different therapies like Laser treatment, Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy and one more therapy which is innovated by Dr.Porwal himself is MCDPA which is combination of physiotherapy and ayurveda. Some symptoms of piles are itchiness and pain while defecating. For more information please visit: Contact us: (+91) 8888288884. 020-24444442
Under his tutelage, the company has grown many-fold. However, recently the company has found itself surrounded in a controversy. VV Minerals has been accused of illegal sand mining while concerns have been raised against Vaikundarajan for using his political connections to influence the system. District Attorney Ashwin Kumar and ex-IAS officer V Sundaram have been vocal in their allegations. In the letter written by the latter, Vaiundarajan is accused of looting Rs. 96,000 crore.
Piles or mulvyadh are swellings that develop inside and around the back passage (anus).Piles during pregnancy usually resolve by itself once the baby is born. Anything that is recommended needs to support the wellbeing of the fetus and the mother. Dr.Ashwin Porwal treatment includes Ayurvedic herbal formulations, oil remedies and Pelvic floor physiotherapy for pregnant women who are suffering from piles. For more information visit us or Contact (+91) 8888288884/020-24444442
It is a procedure that was originally conceived in 1994 by Dr Antonio Longo, and has since gained popularity as the treatment of choice for Grade 3 and Grade 4 prolapsed Piles. The procedure is usually done under short general anaesthesia and takes around 25-30 minutes. Using the circular stapler, the mucosa which is responsible for the the prolapse of Haemorrhoids is circumferentially excised and the prolapsed Haemorrhoids are pulled up back to their normal position.
It is a procedure that was originally conceived in 1994 by Dr Antonio Longo, and has since gained popularity as the treatment of choice for Grade 3 and Grade 4 prolapsed Piles. The procedure is usually done under short general anaesthesia and takes around 25-30 minutes. Using the circular stapler, the mucosa which is responsible for the the prolapse of Haemorrhoids is circumferentially excised and the prolapsed Haemorrhoids are pulled up back to their normal position.
Healing Hands Clinic provides treatments on Piles, Constipation, Fistula, Hernia. We at healing Hands Clinic provide best treatment for Piles (hemorrhoids). We offer laser treatment, which can cure all above diseases within less period of time. For more information visit us @ or Contact us: 8888288884
Healing Hands Clinic Provides the Multiple treatment options. In this ppt you will get the much information about the varicose veins Treatment, causes, symptoms. Please visit our clinic where you can find the best treatment for varicose veins.
Pune is a fast growing and rapidly urbanizing city. It has many of the world class facilities. May it be sports or healthcare, one can easily find latest of technology and services available in Pune. Pune is also home to a cosmopolitan population, and therefore it becomes even more important for such facilities to exist and grow in the city.
Laser Haemorrhoidoplasty is the preferred treatment for Grade 2 and early stages of Grade 3 Piles. This procedure is done under short general anaesthesia and takes about 20 minutes. Through the natural anal opening, laser energy is applied using a special radially emitting fibre. The controlled emission of laser energy causes vaporization leading the haemorrhoidal mass to shrink
Healing Hands Clinic is one of the best clinic for piles, constipation, fistula. We aim to provide best treatment to our patients at affordable cost. Healing Hands Clinic is a leading proctology hospital with more than 30,000 stories of piles treatment in Pune, Chinchwad, Chakan and Navi Mumbai. See more @ or contact us: 8888288884.
An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. An anal fissure may occur when you pass hard or large stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements. You also may experience spasms in the ring of muscle at the end of your anus (anal sphincter)
An anal fissure or Fissure-in-ano is a tear or cut in the skin of the anal canal. The condition affects men and women equally and can occur at any age ( infants too ). Anal fissures are commonly found in the back part of your anus, in line with the cleft of your buttock. #fissure treatment at Mumbai
An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. An anal fissure may occur when you pass hard or large stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements. Anal fissures are very common in young infants but can affect people of any age. Most anal fissures get better with simple treatments, such as increased fiber intake or sitz baths. Some people with anal fissures may need medication or, occasionally, surgery. #treatment of anal Fissure
Healing Hands Clinic is a unique and specialty clinic for constipation,piles, hernia & prevention of Lifestyle diseases. Apart from its heart of the city location, expert consultation, state of the art technology and well qualified staff are few of its assets. Healing Hands Clinic provides the highest professional standards of dedicated care within a friendly and reassuring environment. It is a major referral center for colon and rectal related problems including screening, evaluation, and surgical treatment.
Piles ( Mulvyadh / Bavasir ), clinically known as Haemorrhoids, is the swelling of the blood vessels near the anal opening. An increased pressure on these blood vessels due to any reason, causes them to enlarge and swell, thus forming lumps which are occasionally felt at the anal opening. #Treatment of piles
Piles ( Mulvyadh / Bavasir ), clinically known as Haemorrhoids, is the swelling of the blood vessels near the anal opening. An increased pressure on these blood vessels due to any reason, causes them to enlarge and swell, thus forming lumps which are occasionally felt at the anal opening.
Piles are inflamed and swollen collections of tissue in the anal area. They can have a range of sizes, and they may be internal or external. Internal piles are normally located between 2 and 4 centimeters (cm) above the opening of the anus, and they are the more common type. External piles occur on the outside edge of the anus.
Piles are inflamed and swollen collections of tissue in the anal area. They can have a range of sizes, and they may be internal or external. Internal piles are normally located between 2 and 4 centimeters (cm) above the opening of the anus, and they are the more common type. External piles occur on the outside edge of the anus.
Healing Hands Clinic is a unique and speciality clinic for constipation,piles, hernia & prevention of Lifetstyle diseases. Apart from its heart of the city location, expert consultation, state of the art technology and well qualified staff are few of its assets. It is the first clinic in the city to deliver facility of Defecography for constipation. Our focus, dedication and inner feeling of curing or treating the patients with care have given us many satisfied patients.
PiloSpray is the world's 1st easy-to-use, touch-free spray treatment for Piles and Fissure. PiloSpray is a patent-applied Ayurvedic medicine with clinically proven safety and efficacy. It provides fast relief in pain, pricking, and burning after defecation, which is a common symptom of Piles and Fissure. It also acts on other symptoms like bleeding, swelling, and itching in the anal region. It also helps in the wound healing process and prevents infection in the affected anal area. Please click here for more information.
PiloSpray® fast relief spray for Piles & Fissure pain. PiloKit® 3X Faster Piles & Fissure home treatment kit, with the Power of 3 Medicines: Spray & Tablets. PiloSpray is the world's 1st easy-to-use, touch-free spray treatment for Piles and Fissure. PiloSpray is a patent-applied Ayurvedic medicine with clinically proven safety and efficacy. It provides fast relief in pain, pricking, and burning after defecation, which is a common symptom of Piles and Fissure. It also acts on other symptoms like bleeding, swelling, and itching in the anal region. It also helps in the wound healing process and prevents infection in the affected anal area.