Ticks are nasty little critters and depending on the environment in which your dog spends time, they can be hard to prevent from crawling onto your dog’s fur and latching themselves onto their skin. However, there are preventative measures you can take both to minimize their exposure to ticks and help deter them:
Whether we realise it or not, our pet dogs are continually trying to communicate with us, but it’s not always easy to know what they’re trying to say! Here are a few examples of what your pet may be trying to communicate to you when they do, or act, in a certain way.
While any pet dog has the potential to injure a small child, the risk becomes a little greater when the breed of dog is a large one, and more kids under the age of 14 have been bitten by dogs than in any other age group.
Having a pet is a big responsibility, and if you work full time or need to go away on vacation without your pet, it can be a big worry as to what will happen to them. Do you have a friend or neighbor who can keep an eye on your pet while you’re at work, or do you cancel your vacation because you don’t have anyone willing to help take care of them in your absence?
As more cases are reported, the list of foods that can be toxic to our pets continues to grow, but there are some that are more common than others and which can have devastating health repercussions if consumed by our furry best friends:
In much the same way that we humans suffer with stress related issues, our furry four-legged friends also suffer. However, while we humans can verbally express how we are feeling and can take action to minimize our stress levels, our beloved pets cannot.