In the same way that a history book shows an order of events, layers of rock ... layers that are deposited on an eroded surface is called a disconformity. ...
Title: Chapter 8: Major Elements Author: John D Winter Last modified by: John D Winter Created Date: 1/27/1997 12:16:50 AM Document presentation format
Geologic Time Physical Geology Chapter 8 Tim Horner, CSUS Geology Department Dating rocks: Relative dating: Puts events in order Doesn t necessarily give an exact ...
Which rock layer formed first? How do you know? Relative Dating Lab Which geologic event occurred first?? Geologic relative dating Lab Relative Dating: Unraveling ...
Dating Methods 10.11.07 ... Common in glacial lake beds Distinguished by layers of dark fine particals and light heavy particles Radiometric dating A method of ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: New Hanover County Schools Last modified by: Skinner, Michele Created Date: 9/30/2002 9:06:38 PM Document presentation format
Relative Dating (No, not your cousin) Finding the Relative Age of Rocks Relative Dating and Relative Age Scientists use relative dating to determine whether a rock is ...
Lecture 10 Stratigraphy and Geologic Time Stratigraphy Basic principles of relative age dating Unconformities: Markers of missing time Correlation of rock units ...
the fundamental principle that geological processes and natural ... Cosmogenic. Radioactive Decay Systems. Radioactive Decay Systems. 238U 206Pb. Absolute Time ...
Title: No Slide Title Author: Scott K. Rowland Last modified by: Scott Rowland Created Date: 10/3/2006 7:50:06 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Title: No Slide Title Author: William R Dupre Last modified by: Ben Studer Created Date: 12/6/2000 7:02:27 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Erosion, & Types of Weathering Chapter 10 Erosion A process where water, wind, or gravity transports soil (sediment) from its source The process by which rocks are ...
2. relative age: age of sedimentary rock layers in relation to on another ... Fossils (paleontology) i. faunal succession (1) formations. Absolute Time Scale ...
Paleontology Review Game Chapters 8 & 9 Question #1 What is uniformitarianism? A principle that Earth s history can be explained by current geologic processes.
The strike and dip symbol is a straight line denoting strike, ... A basin is like a circular syncline. So, what rocks would be in the middle, oldest or youngest? ...
(7) Earth in space and time. The student knows that scientific dating methods of fossils and rock sequences are used to construct a chronology of Earth's history ...
The study of strata (layers) of rocks with an eye toward ... Stratigraphic Principles ...
Often plutons are many km below the surface. Review of Unconformities ... 1) formation of pluton deep underground. 2) erosion of several km of overlying rock ...
Unit 5: Age of the Earth Objective: E5.3D Describe how index fossils can be used to determine time sequence. E5.3g Identify a sequence of geologic events using ...
Restless Earth Rock Cycle formation of different rock This cycle is involved with three types of rock a. Sedimentary b. Metamorphic c. Igneous schematic
Big word, easy concept. Earth processes take a long ... Mummification. Amber. Tar seeps. Freezing. Petrification. Traces. Tracks. Imprints, molds and casts ...
Practical Sequence Stratigraphy Applications of Sequence Theory to Interpretation of the Stratigraphic Record * * Some Definitions Sequence Stratigraphy [Also see USC ...
Suspended load- clay and silt particles, some rivers carry ... Alluvial fan- when gradient abruptly changes (base of a mountain) Label EROSION and DEPOSITION ...
(3) nonconformity: sedimentary rocks lie on top of igneous rocks ... (2) half-life. Superposition. Deposition of ?, E, D. Superposition. Cross Cutting Relations ...
Absolute & Relative Dating Alex Burkett, Eric Francey, Juliet Collados Introduction Geologists estimate that the earth is about 4.6 billion years old James Hutton ...
It was recognized in the 1600's that in a sedimentary ... Biostratigraphy. Newer subdisciplines. Seismic stratigraphy. Cyclostratigraphy. Magnetostratigraphy ...