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The origin of this blog post’s title could serve as an interesting topic in and of itself (long story short, the phrase was popularized by Mark Twain but its derivation is unclear). However, to the extent that there is often a significant amount of ambiguity in the ESG world, it strikes me as an appropriate warning.
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Male organ odor is the bane of many a man’s existence (and a major complaint from partners.) The apocrine glands are largely responsible for much of that smell.
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Abert-L szl Barab si, Linked (Perseus, Cambridge, 2002) ... DAMN YOU! GOD DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!! Finding P(k) Can get analytic solution for P(k) if: ...
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Many would never think of using words of cursing, profanity, obscenity or vulgarity ... Euphemisms and Cursing. Many will substitute... Heck for hell. Darn for damn ...
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