Disad: Afghan leader bad. Permutation: only give aid to L ... Plank 1: Ban your plan. Plank 2: Feed the world. Afghan stability 10; feed the world 1000 ...
Types of PICs. Plan Plus: Adds some action to the plan to garner the net benefit. ... Types of PICs. Consult: Gives another entity input before passing the plan. ...
Debate II: Speaker Responsibilities Doris L. W. Chang Presentation Outline Speaker Order and Responsibilities (Goodnight 22-31) 1st AC (affirmative constructive ...
Applying the relevant standard, why does the definition offered demonstrate an aff violation? ... the kritik give a reason to vote aff or neg in the debate? ...
You don't think a plan of action is ... The Sharpshooter Approach. The Shotgun Approach ... The Sharpshooter Approach. Focus only on one stock issue. Problem ...
It may have worked somewhere else, but the situation is crucially different in Taiwan. ... between the time of the testimonies (i.e. something is crucially different) ...
Know way you may frame the debate depending on 2nr strategy before the 1ar speaks ... The negative kicked politics, went for spending tradeoff and defense against ...
Since the negative can now defend two areas of ground, the affirmative can as ... plan and 'the perm,' or permutation (both the aff and neg plans at the same time) ...
Example of this is when Honda arrived in L.A. in 1959 to ... By 1964 nearly one out of two motorcycles sold in the U.S. was a Honda. What is Strategy? ...
Flow top to bottom, left to right. ... Flow one major set of arguments per sheet of paper (disads, procedurals, ... the arguments/flow sheets to prioritize ...
Traditional policy debate theory states that the affirmative plan must fulfill ... against biopower, racism, centralized government or anthropocentric viewpoints. ...
Private Key or Symmetric: Key1 = Key2. Public Key or ... What does it mean to be secure? ... Sober, Leviathan, Panama, ... Page 22. Private Key: Block Ciphers ...
Public Forum Debate (PFD) OVERVIEW Public Forum Debate (PFD) is a team event that advocates or rejects a position posed by the monthly resolution topic.