- Collaboration is key to the Civilian UAS program
going forward - - Nationally - No single agency/university can do
this alone level of effort, - costs,etc. too great for single entity.
- - Internationally - not only a national problem,
but a global problem with a - global solution
- How we identify potential partners? - The
civilian UAS community is not - that large together we have tremendous
resources. Need to work - collaboratively, and pool resources - theme in
many comments. - How do we do this ?
- Identify common goals/missions among ourselves
- Identify complementary goals/missions, identify
sensors - Develop communication between all of us,
particularly - between research and development
- Pool assets
- Central clearing house ?
Planning Ahead - Successful Examples NOAA/NASA
MOU a. 4 years ago NOAA and NASA identified
potential mutual interests b. NOAA and NASA
Dryden developed an MOA for broad UAS activities.
c. 2 years later this MOU allowed us to execute
the Altair mission in California for mutual
agency objectives, e.g. climate change, and
separate objectives, e.g. NOAA Marine Sanctuaries
monitoring and NASA tested REVEAL, an
instrumentation processing system. NOAA/NASA/DO
E MOU a. NOAA/NASA/DOE identified mutual agency
interests climate change and also, profiling the
atmosphere. b. 2nd MOU, signed spring 2007 with
NOAA NASA and DOE, c. This MOU allowed us to
conduct the current Aerosonde hurricane
mission. Next Steps ?