Title: B masses, lifetimes and mixing at the Tevatron
1B masses, lifetimes and mixing at the Tevatron
XXXXth Rencontres de Moriond La Thuile, March
12-19 2005Â Â Â Â Â Franco Bedeschi INFN-Pisa
- Tevatron and Detectors
- Data sets
- Masses
- Lifetimes
- Mixing
2Data sets
- CDF/D0 use data collected in the period 2002-2004
- 600 pb-1 recorded
- D0
- 220-450 pb-1 used for B physics
- 240-360 pb-1 used for B physics
- Lost 100 pb-1 due to Central Tracking Chamber
ageing problem - Now completely resolved
3Data samples
- J/y samples
- Millions! 20 are from Bs
- Reconstruct exclusive B/LB?J/y K/L0 modes
- Semi-leptonic B ? D ln X samples
- 100 K events with fully reconstructed D
- D0 has larger muon acceptance
- CDF lowers lepton trigger pt by requiring
additional displaced track - Fully hadronic decays (CDF only)
- 10 K events fully reconstructed Bs
- Requires trigger on secondary vertex (SVT)
4B hadron lifetimes
- B hadron decays dominated by b-quark decay
- Effect of spectator quarks can be included with
perturbative expansions in terms of 1/mb (HQE) - Expect small differences between lifetimes of
different species - Non-perturbative ME from lattice, Wilson coeff.
from perturbative QCD - NLO improves agreement
- Ratios reduce theory uncertainties
C. Tarantino, hep-ph/0310241 October 2003
- HFAG 2004 averages as of summer 04
(hep-ex/0412073 Jan. 2005) - B0, B dominated by BaBar/Belle (latest not yet
included in HFAG average) - Best result from Belle ? calibration result for
Tevatron measurements ? - B0 1.5340.0080.010, B 1.6350.0110.011,
t(B)/t(B0)1.0660.0080.008 - Bs, LB dominated by CDF/D0, LEP
- t(B)/t(B0) No Tevatron Run II results included
- Bs Includes Run II D0 J/yf (220 pb-1), CDF J/yf
(240 pb-1) - See talk by S. Burdin for new DGs/Gs measurements
- LB Includes Run II D0 J/yL (250 pb-1), CDF J/yL
(65 pb-1)
b hadron species average lifetime t/t(B0) measurement t/t(B0) Theory 2004 () (NLO)
B0 1.534 0.013 ps
B 1.653 0.014 ps 1.081 0.015 1.060.02
Bs 1.469 0.059 ps 0.958 0.039 1.000.01
LB 1.232 0.072 ps (0.803 0.047) 0.860.05
() Gabbiani et al., hep-ph/0407004 Oct.2004
6Lifetimes with B?lnDX modes
- Highest statistics samples
- Difficult systematics
- Sample composition for Bu, Bd
- Cross talk from D, D
- Backgrounds
- Combinatorial
- Physical B?D()D()
- Prompt c-cbar, b-bbar, Dfake
- Recent result from CDF with low statistics lepton
pt gt 8 GeV sample - t(B) 1.6530.0290.032 ps, t(B0)
1.4730.0360.054 ps - t(B)/t(B0) 1.1230.0400.040
- Very high statistics secondary vertex triggered
sample still under study
7Lifetime ratio with B?lnDX modes
- D0 new method to determine t(B)/t(B0)
- Fit the ratio of the lifetime distributions
- Many systematics are reduced in the ratio
- Best measurement of this ratio at Tevatron
- t(B)/t(B0) 1.080.0160.014
126,000 D0
8Lifetimes with Bs?lnDsX modes
- First high statistics Bs lifetime measurement
from D0 - Use Ds ? fp decay
- Difficult background systematics
- Combinatorial
- Physical B?D()D()
- Prompt c-cbar, b-bbar, Dfake
- Currently best measurement
- t(Bs) 1.4200.0430.057 ps
NDs 5153
Systematics Summary (mm)
9Lifetime with hadronic decays
- First measurement with Secondary Vertex Trigger
biased samples - Trigger/analysis ct-efficiency curves from
realistic MC - Check by emulating trigger cuts on B? J/y K
- Use several final states
- B D0p 8380 ev. (D0?Kp)
- B0 Dp? 5280 ev. (D?Kpp)
- D 3p 4173 ev. (D?Kpp)
- Bs Ds p 465 ev. (Ds?fp)
- Ds 3p 133 ev. (Ds?fp)
- Important for Dms measurement
10Lifetimes with hadronic decays
- More statistical power than J/y modes
- Slightly larger systematics
- Efficiency curve
- backgrounds
t(B) 1.6610.0270.013 ps t(B0)
1.5110.0230.013 ps t(Bs) 1.5980.0970.017 ps
Systematics (mm)
11Lifetimes new results summary
- Many new results not included in HFAG 2004
averages - To come
- CDF high statistics semi-leptonic results
- Ratios in several modes
- Updates on LB
 Lum. CDF y modes D0 y modes CDF hadronic CDF semi-leptonic (Hi pt) D0 semi-leptonic (y) HFAG
pb-1 240 220 (250) 360 260 400 2004
B0 1.5390.0510.008 1.4730.0510.023 1.5110.0230.013 1.4730.0360.054 Â 1.534 0.013
B 1.6620.0330.008 1.6610.0270.013 1.6530.0290.032 Â 1.653 0.014
B/B0 1.080.042 Â 1.1230.0400.040 1.080.0160.014 1.081 0.015
Bs 1.3690.1000.009 1.4440.0940.020 1.5980.0970.017 Â 1.4200.0430.057 1.469 0.059
Bs/B0 0.8900.072 0.9800.0730.003 Â Â Â 0.958 0.039
LB Â ( Â Â Â 1.232 0.072
Included in HFAG averages
Red Very recent! Just approved
12B mixing
- Neutral Bs mix
- SM interpretation with box diagrams
- Frequency Dmd,s ? Vtd,s2
- Constraints to CKM weak due to theory
uncertainties - Theory accuracy 5 in ratio Dmd/Dms
- Bd mixing measured and established clearly
- LEP, CDF-1, CDF-2, D0-2, BaBar, Belle
- Bs mixing not observed
- Limits set by LEP, SLD, CDF-1
13B mixing
- Basic ingredients for the measurement
- High statistics samples of neutral Bs in flavor
specific decays - CDF J/yK, Dp, lnDX
- D0 J/yK, lnDX
- Proper decay length reconstruction
- Fully reconstructed modes provide better accuracy
- Tagging of flavor at production (flavor tagging)
- Key problem at the Tevatron!
- Equivalent statistical power N eD2
- e tagger efficiency
- D tagger dilution 2h-1 (h probability of
correct tag) - Measure A(t) (Nnm-Nm)/ N D cos(Dm t)
- Nnm (Nm) number of Bs with same (different)
flavor at production and decay - Mixing measurement calibrates dilution
- Impossible for Bs until oscillation observed
14Bd Mixing
- HFAG Summary Based on result presented in summer
2004 - World Average dominated by BaBar/Belle
15Flavor tagging
Signal side
- Opposite side techniques (OST)
- CDF total eD2 1.1 1.4
- Soft Muon Tag
- Soft Electron Tag
- Jet Charge Tag
- D0 eD2 1.1
- Enhanced muon tag eD2 1.1
- Add-in correlations with associated jet in
likelihood - Same side techniques (SST)
- Sign of nearby track is correlated to b type
(SST) - Tagging power depends on B type
- PID helps for Bs
- eD2 1 for CDFD0 in Bd
Opposite side B
16Bd mixing
- 2 recent results from CDF using 355 pb-1 and OST
- Semi-leptonic sample 124k lD0 (24k lD), 53k
lD - Dmd 0.497 0.028(stat.) 0.015(syst.) ps-1
- Hadronic sample 5.3k yK, 2.2k yK, 6.2k D0p-,
5.6k D-p - Dmd 0.503 0.063(stat.) 0.015(syst.) ps-1
Average all taggers
17Bd Mixing
- These results obtained using many features
important for Bs mixing - Unbinned fit
- Parametrized dilutions
- Calibrate dilutions
- Test amplitude scan on fully reconstructed Bd
- Fit DAcos(Dm t) at fixed Dm
- Expect A1 for Dm Dmd
- Limit (95 CL)
- Dm such that A1.645sA 1
- Sensitivity Dm such that 1.645sA 1
 CDF had CDF semi D0 semi
OST m 0.46 0.50 1.07
OST e 0.18 0.28 Â
OST jet 0.49 0.61 Â
Total OST 1.130.18 1.380.10 1.07
H. G. Moser, A. Roussarie, NIM A384 (1997)
18Bs mixing
SM Fit (2004) Dms 18.3 1.6 ps-1
- Tevatron experiments do not have yet sensitivity
for observation of SM prediction - New results
- Limit with combined fully reconstructed and
semi-leptonic modes (this talk) - D0
- Limit with semi-leptonic modes (S. Burdin talk)
19CDF Bs mixing (signals)
?hadronic peaks ?semi peaks
- Hadronic analysis Bs?Dsp
- 900 events
- Cross-check with hadronic lifetime analysis
(independent group) - Semi-leptonic analysis Bs?Dsln
- 7.5k events
- Cross-check with parallel independent analysis
Channel Yield S/B
BsDsp (Dsfp) 52633 1.80
BsDsp (DsKK) 25421 1.69
BsDsp (Ds3p) 11618 1.01
BsDsln (Dsfp) 435594 3.12
BsDsln (DsKK) 175083 0.42
BsDsln (Ds3p) 157388 0.32
Right sign
Wrong sign
20CDF Bs mixing (cross-checks)
- Details (K-f)
- (ct-eff)
- (sct-SF)
- t (had, lD)
- Mass and lifetime projections
- Mass and lifetime consistent with World Avg.
tBs 1.5180.090
21CDF Bs Mixing (scans-1)
- Amplitude scans all statistics dominated
22CDF Bs mixing (scans-2)
?Old projections
- Combined scan results
- 7.9 ps-1 95 CL limit
- Sensitivity 8.4 ps-1
- Effect on World Average
- Limit 14.5 ? 14.5 ps-1
- Sensitivity 18.2 ? 18.6 ps-1
CDF Run 1 limit
- Many new results from the Tevatron
- Major new results in Bs sector
- More Bs results from D0 (talk by S. Burdin)
- Lifetime updated and more to come
- First CDF/D0 Bs mixing limits
- Lower than expectations
- Additional improvements could reduce the
statistical error on the amplitude by up to a
factor two with same data set - It is a very difficult analysis, but now we are
in business
Backup Slides
- Tevatron is delivering good luminosity consistent
with 2002 predictions - 750 pb-1 delivered per experiment since start
of Run II - Peak luminosity in excess of 1032 ? Best 1.1x1032
- Injections around 1032 are now rather common
occurrence - Good Recycler performance
- Excellent mass resolution
- Particle ID dE/dx, TOF
- Tracking triggers (Hadronic Bs)
- L1 Tracks
- L2 Secondary vertex
- D0
- Excellent muon and tracking coverage
- Tracking up to hlt3
- Muons up to hlt2
- D0
- Old 04 results
- Narrow B resonances
- B--gt narrow D sates (D1, D2)
- Bc meson in semileptonic decays
- New winter 05 results
- Ds states
- Old 04 results
- D Ds mass difference
- D states D1, D2
- B meson masses
- New winter 05 results
- Hadronic Bc
- B fits (PR plot)
28B hadron masses
- B mass determination
- Use clean J/yK modes
- Accurate tuning of momentum scale with large J/y
- Run II results or better of current world
averages - CDF has best results due to better tracking
resolution - Close to being systematics dominated
B hadron species Mass (MeV/c2) CDF Run II (2004) Mass (MeV/c2) PDG 2004 average PDG Reference
B 5279.1 0.41 0.36 5279.1 0.5 CLEO2 (00), CDF(96)
B0 5279.6 0.53 0.33 5279.3 0.7 CLEO2 (00), CDF(96)
Bs 5366.0 0.73 0.33 5369.6 2.4 CDF(96), LEP
LB 5619.7 1.2 1.2 5624 9 CDF(97), LEP
Bc See next talk by M.Corcoran 6400 390 130 6320 60 CDF(98) - Semileptonic OPAL(98) - J/yp
30X (3872)
- CDF (11.6s) and D0 (5.2s) confirm X (3872)
observations from the B factories - CDF measures large prompt fraction
- fB(X)
- fB(y(2S))
- Many results not covered in this talk
- Charmless two body decays ? link
- Bc in fully and partially reconstructed modes
(next talk) - Measurements of D and B narrow resonances ?
link - Pentaquark searches ? link
- Charmed baryons ? link
32B? hh
? back
- Several new results based on this sample
presented at ICHEP last summer - Branching fractions
- Integrated CP asymmetries
? back
- Branching ratios and CP asymmetry
- Rare two body decay modes
? back
- CDF B? fK
- ACP -0.07 0.17 0.05
- (BaBar 0.054 0.056 0.012)
- BR(B? fK) (7.2 1.3 0.7)x10-6
- (HFAG (9.0 0.7)x10-6)
- CDF Bs? ff
- BR(Bs?ff) (1.4 0.6 0.2 0.5(norm))x10-5
- (QCD fact. 3.68x10-5)
- (NF fact. 1.79x10-5)
First observation!
35D mesons
? back
- CDF Mass and width
- D0 B.R.
Belle hep-ex/0307021
36B mesons
? back
- D0
- First high statistics observation
- Preliminary results consistent with D0
37Pentaquark searches
? back
- Pentaquark signal searched by CDF
- No evidence observed so far
- Set limits on production cross-section
38Charm baryons
? back
- Charm baryons observed for first time at p p-bar
collider by CDF
? back
- Old 04 results
- Bs/Bd polarization and lifetime difference
- Exclusive psiK lifetimes Bu/Bd lifetime ratio
- New winter 05 results
- Lifetimes from semileptonic 8 GeV data
- Lifetimes from hadronic modes
- D0
- Old 04 results
- Bs lifetime from psi phi mode (Bs/B0)
- Bd/Bu lifetime ratio
- New winter 05 results
- DGs/Gs results and polarization studies
- Bs lifetime using DslvX
40Lifetimes with J/y K modes
- Cleanest channels, but statistics limited
- Best Tevatron results from CDF (240 pb-1)
- B? yK, B0? yK, K0S, Bs?yf
- Main background from prompt y tracks
- No kinematic uncertainty
- Systematics at level of B factories
- t(B) 1.6620.0330.008, t(B0)
1.5390.0510.008 - t(Bs) 1.3690.1000.009
NBs 256
- Old 04 results
- B0 oscillations with SST in fully reconstructed
decays - B0 oscillations with OST in semileptonic decays
- B0 oscillation with SST in semileptonic decays
- New winter 05 results
- B0 mixing with OST in hadronic decays
- B0 mixing with OST in semileptonic decays
- Bs mixing with OST in hadronic decays
- Bs mixing with OST in semileptonic decays
- D0
- Old 04 results
- B0 oscillation with OS mu tag
- B0 oscillation with SS tag
- B0 oscillation with OS mu tag, Jet Charge and SST
- New winter 05 results
- Dms limit from semileptonic decays
42CDF Bs signals
? back
Hadronic samples
Wide range
Fit projection
43CDF Bs signalssemi-leptonic samples
? back
44CDF Bs? lnDs k-factors
? back
- K-factor pt(lD)/pt(B)
- Binned by M(lD)
45CDF Bs ct-efficiencies
? back
- Semi-leptonic sample
- All ct efficiencies obtained with realistic MC
- Cross check lifetimes consistent with D0/WA
46CDF Bs ct-efficiencies
? back
- Hadronic sample
- All ct efficiencies obtained with realistic MC
- Cross check lifetimes consistent with D0/WA
47CDF Bs lifetime checkssemi-leptonic sample
? back
- Raw lifetimes from mixing fit not good for
averaging - Average tB 1.4770.032 ps no systematics
evaluated - D0 t(Bs) 1.4200.0430.057 ps, WA t(Bs)
1.469 0.059 ps
tBs 1.4100.086
tBs 1.3810.067
tBs 1.5210.040
48CDF Bs lifetime checkshadronic sample
? back
- Raw lifetimes from mixing fit not good for
averaging - Average tB 1.5150.070 ps no systematics
evaluated - D0 t(Bs) 1.4200.0430.057 ps, WA t(Bs)
1.469 0.059 ps
tB 1.3770.186
tB 1.5500.131
49CDF Bs s(ct) scale factors
? back
- s(ct) scale factor distributions in
semi-leptonic sample - Calculation from large data control sample
- Parameterization in terms of many variables
50CDF Bs s(ct) scale factors
? back
- s(ct) scale factor distributions in the hadronic
sample - Calculation from large data control sample
- Parameterization in terms of many variables
51Old Sensitivity Plots
? scan ?conclusions
- Recall ICHEP August 2004 predictions (statistical
?ms14 ps-1
?ms23 ps-1
52Future Mixing Improvements
? back
- Include Same Side (Kaon) Tagging
- Expect twice tagging power than OST combined
- Improve accuracy of primary vertex
- Add more channels
- Bs?Ds3p
- Bs?Dsp, Bs?Dsr
- Partial reconstruction can treat as semi-leptonic