Title: Vojtech Petrcek FNSPE CTU, CFRJS
1Heavy Ion Physics in Czech Republic
- Structure
- Experiments
- Results
2Structure of activities in Heavy Ion Physics
CTU in Prague Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and
Physical Engineering
Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR
Charles University in Prague Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics
Institute of Physics ASCR
Center for Physics of Ultra-relativistic Heavy
Ion Collisions
4Research teams
- CTU FNSPE Milo Pachr, Vojtech Petrácek, Libor
koda, VladimÃr Wágner, Boris TomaÃk, Petr
Jizba, VladimÃr PospÃil, Jirà Král, David
Tlustý, Martin Kroupa, Michal Petrán, Radek
makal, Filip Mohyla, Jan Rusnák, Jaroslav Adam - Staff 5.5 , 1 PhD student , 8 undergraduate
students (4FTE from 07 ) - NPI ASCR Michal umbera,Andrej Kugler,Dagmar
Adamová,Svetlana Kupilová,Vasilij Kupil,Imrich
Zborovský,Pavel Tlustý, VladimÃr Wágner, Michal
Zerola, Filip KrÃek, T. Krása, Petr Chaloupka,
Michal Bysterský, Pavel Jakl, Jan Kapitán, - Staff 8.5, 5 PhD students, 1 undergraduate
students (2FTE from 07 ) - IP ASCR Petr Závada,Jirà A. Mare, Karel Polák,
Martin Nikl, Eva Mihóková, A.Beitlerová, J.
Pejchal - Staff 6, 1 PhD student
- Charles University Jirà DolejÃ, Martin Spousta
- Staff 1, 1 PhD student
5Physics motivation
- Creation of hot, dense and deconfined medium
- Study of properties of this medium
- Study of hadronization and thermalization
- Study of collective phenomena
- Exploration of new phenomena
- Preparation of new PWO scintilator crystals
- with non-stechiometric Ba, Mo and Y doping
PHOS CRADLE in design and in reality
CRADLE during the transport down to the experiment
8ALICE Physics
- Heavy quark production  p-p and A-A collisions
- D meson flow
- Energy loss of light and heavy quarks in
deconfined matter - High Pt particle correlations
- Systematics of particle production in  p-p and
A-A - Femtoscopy correlation of identical and
non-identical particles - Event-by-event physics - jet detection in A-A,
DCC and detection of granular source by MRA - Study of early stages of the HI collision
9ATLAS Heavy Ion
Jets and jet quenching in HI collision at ATLAS
... More details in talk of R. Leitner
? - ? correlations
- First high statistics measurements of ?-?
correlations - Coulomb and strong FSI were observed
- Sensitivity to source size in ? peak was found
- New spherical harmonics representation of data
allowed - us to observe clear shift between average
emission - points of pi and X sources in qualitative
agreement with - transversally expanding source.
Heavy Flavor Tracker for STAR upgrade
central vs peripheral
Open charm measurement
Development of DAQ ASIC for Active Pixel Sensor
- Low mass di-lepton spectrum
- ???KK- and ???ee- reconstruction
- ? - ? and ? - p correlations
- Transverse momentum fluctuations
- High Pt particle correlation
- Particle flow
- Open charm reconstruction
Operation of Silicon drift detectors and RICH
- Study of strange and multi-strange baryon
- production in lead-lead collisions
- Strangeness enhancement grows
- with the strangeness of the produced hadron.
up to a factor 20 for the Omega baryons!
Study of compressed baryonic matter near the
critical point of the QCD phase diagram
- Open charm measurement
- Event-by-event fluctuations
- Participation in Silicon Tracking System and
Micro-Vertex Detector - Contribution in detector control system, power
supply system - Silicon detector testing and assembly
- HADES experiment will be incorporated
Low mass di-lepton measurement
Participation in Time of Flight detector
Forward Hodoscope
Data analysis coordination of hadron physics
ee- invariant mass distributions
15Summary and outlook
- HI community consists of 21 scientists, 8 PhD
students and 9 undergraduate students - Coordinated education of students
- Experiments cover wide range of nuclear matter
conditions - Rich experimental program
- Equilibrated detector construction, operation and
physics analysis - LHC coming soon ...