Title: Meaghan Crandall and Chris Brunscheen
1 1961-1970 Meaghan Crandall and Chris Brunscheen
2Thesis Statement
The 1960's was very much a time of social
revolution. Although the political and economic
changes of the 1960's created various opinions
throughout America, the social changes, affected
by a combination of both politics and the
economy, had a greater lasting impact.
3Political Change
4Cuban Missile Crisis
- The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest that
America ever came to a nuclear war, due to the
fear and probability that The Soviet Union would
launch the missiles that we're being assembled,
at the U.S. from Cuba.
5Martin Luther King Jr.
- Martin Luther King Jr. is the most
recognizable public figure for the support of the
African American Civil Rights Movement due to his
effective ideas such as The Montgomery Bus
Boycott, The March on Washington, and his
notorious I have a dream speech.
6Civil Rights
- The 1960's was a decade of a well past due
wave of change considering civil rights, which
were changed by the passing of The Civil Rights
Act of 1964 and The National Voting Rights Act of
7John F. Kennedy
- John F. Kennedy was known as one of the first
presidents who paid incredible amounts of
attention to minorities and their hardships like
supporting the Civil Rights Movement and creating
the Peace Corps.
8JFK Assasination
- On November 22, 1963, President JFK was
assassinated by a sniper which traumatized the
nation, yet the more intriguing aspect of the
event is the conspiracy about the shooter.
924th Amendment
- On January 23, 1964, the 24th Amendment
provided an opportunity for many many Americans
to vote because they no longer had to pay a fee.
10Domino Effect/Containment
- Theory of President Eisenhower that if certain
nations fell to communism then others would
follow and the United States tried to contain it
by stopping it in Vietnam.
11Tet Offensive
- Major turning point in the highly criticized
Vietnam War where the Vietcong carried out a
frenzy of sneak attacks on the United States
which were supported by communist North Vietnam.
12Berlin Wall
- Berlin Wall divided the eastern communist
Berlin from the western Democratic Berlin which
caused much controversy and not only split up
Berlin, but was somewhat seen as the dividing
line of communism in the world.
13Economic Change
14Medicare and Medicaid
- Though Medicare was run by Social Security at
first and Medicaid by Social and Rehabilitation
Service, they both provided medical expense
assistance to people over the age of 65 and
people with disabilities under the age of 65.
15Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- This was a huge step forward in the American
workplace because now workers could not be denied
jobs for ethnic reasons, along with many other
areas that promote equality basically job
competition will increase and be primarily based
on working ability/skill.
16 Social Change
- Many young people, known as hippies pulled away
from American ways of conservatism, the
conformity of the 1950's, and the intervention in
Vietnam, to create an eclectic social revolution.
18Anti-war movement
- Not only was the Vietnam war a war fought by the
military overseas, but it was also a war at
home on the grounds of college campuses where
the youth of America took advantage of their
right of free speech, questioning its morality.
19Women's Liberation
- Not only was the Feminist Movement a fight
against political and economic inequality between
women and men, but it was a fight to gain rights
for their bodies, which concerned child care,
birth control, abortion, and rape treatment
20The Olympic Games
- There were six Olympic games held in the 1960's,
of which began the IOC's prohibition of
performance enhancing drugs used by athletes in
1967, followed by the beginning of routine
testing of the competitors in 1968.
21Woodstock '69
Mark Hosenball, of Newsweek, stated that it
turned from a chaotic mud-fest into an epic
pageant of peace and love..
- Woodstock was one of the most well known displays
of a combination of what was being seen in the
social revolution not only was it a 3-day
festival containing the best of RockRoll, but it
was the trailing morality and disposition of the
summer of love, the disapproval of the Vietnam
war, and the fight for feminists.
22Concluding Statement
The 1960's was a decade full of tension with
other countries, and changes in the lives of the
minorities and of our own. The social revolution
of the 1960's overall had the greatest impact on
the country as a whole. Although the political
and economic changes of the sixties left a
lasting impact, both combined fueled the fire of
the social revolution.
23Works Cited
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960sPopular_culture
- http//library.thinkquest.org/27942/index.htm
- http//www.bing.com/images/search?qfeminism1960s
s2Ffeminism.jpg - http//www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/4
44.html - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women27s_Liberation
Women.27s_liberation_in_the_United_States - http//www.bing.com/images/search?qtheolympicga
ages2Fproducts2Flarge2F2438.jpg - http//www.newsweek.com/id/86079/output/print
- http//www.bing.com/images/search?qhippie1960sf
pie.jpg - http//www.bing.com/images/search?qprotestvietna
ytechnic.org2Fgfeldmeth2Fvietnam_protest_rs.jpg - http//library.thinkquest.org/11046/days/index.htm
l - http//www sparknotes.com/biography/jfk/summary.ht
ml - http//www.presidency.ucsb.edu/vietnam/showdoc.php
?docid151. - http//www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/modern/jb_modern
_polltax_1.html - http//www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1862.html
- American Pageant Text Book