Title: Chris Rosenthal UBS - Portfolio Manager
1Chris Rosenthal
President, Portfolio Manager, Head Trader at
Municipal Portfolio Managers, Inc.
2(No Transcript)
3Chris David Rosenthal has unmatched knowledge of
project management. He is presently working at
Municipal Portfolio Managers, Inc., Atlanta, GA
as president portfolio managers head traders.
4Owing to his unparalleled teamwork abilities, he
manages a team of five professionals in handling
135 separately managed municipal bond accounts.
5Chris Rosenthal UBS is a pro in terms of
Portfolio Construction, Bond Allocation, New
Business Development, Relationship Management,
Project Management, Portfolio Review, Bond
Selection, Identifying Trends, Tax Swaps, Credit
Swaps, Extension Swaps, and Fixed Income Sales
6Chris Rosenthal worked as the senior vice
president and distributed tax-free and taxable
municipal debt to Trust Departments, Bank
Portfolios, RIAs, Insurance Companies and
7Chris David Rosenthal has a number of abilities
and possesses supreme status in the industry for
his fruitful relationship management and business
development abilities.
8He deals in bond selection for purchases, sales,
swaps, and overall portfolio construction as
well. He has gained multiple milestones within a
short span of time. Chris Rosenthal UBS is a pro
in terms of leadership skills and decision-making
9Thank You
Find out more about him at his official site