Morir en la nieve. Morir en la nieve Por qu te moriste, padre, blanco, en el blancor de la nieve, y me dejaste solo, a m , que soy hu rfano de madre? ...
Enciende la luz, haz clic en el bot n Amor de tarde Es una l stima que no est s conmigo cuando miro el reloj y son las cuatro y acabo la planilla y pienso diez ...
LA GENERACI N DEL 27 Grupo de autores que merece m s que ning n otro el nombre de Generaci n. Integrado por: Jorge Guill n, Gerardo Diego, D maso Alonso ...
Armando Barrios (1920-2007) was born in Caracas. He entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Caracas in 1932 and graduated in 1937. He moved to Europe in 1949 and attended the workshop of Jean Dewasne and Edgar Pillet, Paris. In this city began its transition from figurative painting to geometric abstraction. Participated in the group of dissidents. Between 1956 and 1958 he served as director of the Museum of Fine Arts, which introduced important reforms that built the new art. Among numerous other awards has won the Arturo Michelena, in the Hall of the same name, Valencia, 1947 and the awards John Boulton, Esteban Antonio Frias, Armando Reveron and Official Prize of Painting, Officer in Venezuelan Art Salon.