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... say that love is a ... mistakes, shut your eyes, and let destiny take its sweet course. ... Even though it's a very short poem, I think my senryu 'Not-So ...
the means to achieve their goals (e.g. job, career, values, lifestyles) ... only is opposite, but antagonistic to students learning styles ('concrete active' ...
Everything is super-sized at home and at McDonalds. We don't exercise ... A large majority say they would be willing to work an extra 2-3 years to ensure ...
What kinds of tools did the Hopewell use to build mounds? Shovels, horses ... A grizzly bear can charge at speeds of more than 30 mph, or 44 feet per second. ...
Languages have two components which serve complementary functions: ... I used to know a Julia Roberts. his new Shakespeare. occur with descriptor: multiword units! ...
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