Batholiths. These are large igneous bodies that are 100 km2 in size. They are usually plutonic. ... A stock is like a batholith but 100 km2 . Dykes ...
Three-fold division of rocks in Germany. Named by Frederich ... Emplacement of batholiths. THE JURASSIC. Cordilleran Orogeny. THE JURASSIC. Cordilleran Orogeny ...
Most granite plutons are batholiths, which form deep in the core of mountain ranges. ... Vermillion Complex, Including Giants Range Batholith 2.67 Ga ...
Intrusive Igneous Activity Plutons result from the cooling and hardening of magma within the earth Exposed at surface after uplift and erosion Pluton refers to Pluto ...
Volcanic Landforms Landforms From Lava and Ash Rock and other materials formed from lava create a variety of landforms including shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes ...
Mount Pelee 1902 St. Pierre Mount Pelee 28,000 killed 1 survivor 17 ships in the harbor destroyed Ash cloud swept through town at 125MPH Event lasted 5 minutes
Extremely coarse-grained with rare euhedral minerals ... Time and depth of emplacement. General distribution of granites. Concentrated in orogenic belts ...
Fault Scarps. Active normal faulting produces a sharp surface break called a ... Erosion quickly modifies a fault scarp, but, because the fault plane extends ...
Igneous Rocks Make up 95% of earths crust Most common are on the continents - Andesite and Granite Most common on the ocean floor basalt All Igneous rocks ...
VOLCANOES CHAPTER 10 Viscosity the resistance to the flow. As temperature decreases, viscosity increases. As silica content increases, viscosity increases.
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: CVU FACULTY\STAFF\STUDENTS Last modified by: Elliott, Samantha L Created Date: 9/16/2000 4:39:29 PM Document presentation format
Commonly observed forms of Plutonic (intrusive) ... then acidic magma- mostly sills are made up of gabbros, dolerites and basalts ... GABBRO. APHANITIC TEXTURE ...
1. What are earthquakes? Earthquakes are movement of earth s crust caused by plates shifting and releasing stored energy Rocks on either side of a fault snag and ...
PLATE TECTONICS review REVIEW Plate Tectonics Plates are made up of the crust and top part of the mantle They move due to convection currents that occur in the ...
Global Tectonics. Climate. Orogenies in Western North America ... Don't Fit Simple Plate Tectonic Model. Shallow Subduction? Fig.23.09: Growth of West Coast ...
INTERIOR OF EARTH FORCES EXOGENIC ENDOGENIC EVIDENCES OF EARTH INTERIOR EARTHQUAKES Tectonic Earthquakes generates due to sliding of rocks along fault plane.
ROCKS Bell Ringer: Rocks What is the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks? T or F: Intrusive igneous rocks are composed of larger crystals then ...
Thin layers of lava pour out of the vent and harden on top of previous layers. Build a wide, gentle sloping mountain. Created Hawaiian Islands from a hot spot ...
ROCKS What is a rock? What is a rock? Made of entirely one mineral or several minerals. Could contain organic matter (composed of living material, usually carbon ...
Intrusions form as magma solidifies beneath the surface. Intrusive Rock Bodies. Intrusions are classified by their size, shape and relative age. Large intrusions ...
1. Mineral Resources Environmental Studies - Unit 2 Lesson 1 Sources and Demand Factors affecting the viability of exploiting mineral deposits Extraction costs ...
Images from Strahler and Strahler, 2005 The Crust and its Composition Igneous Rocks Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks The Cycle of Rock Change
Tectonic Features Contents Folding and Fold Mountains Faulting and its associated Landforms Volcanism and the Earth s Crust Ocean Ridges, Ocean Trenches and Island ...
Appalachians An Example. Eastern Part: The ... Eastern Appalachians: Piedmont. and Blue Ridge. Complex Mountains ... Appalachians. Complex Mountains ...
The Appalachians were reduced by erosion throughout the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. ... were deposited east of the Appalachians in the area that is now ...
subduction; shallow to deep earthquakes; volcanism (continental) Features: ... intrusive: formed inside the Earth. extrusive: formed at Earth's surface ...
Chapter 3: Volcanoes Chapter 3.1 Key Concepts: Where are Earth s volcanoes found? How do hot spot volcanoes form? Definitions: Volcano: a weak spot in the Earth s ...
Opening in Earth's crust through which molten rock, gases, and ash ... Sunset Crater. Composite Cone. Mt Fuji, Japan. Shield Cone. Galapagos Islands. Volcanoes ...
The Lithosphere Mineral Resources Reserves and resources Environmental impacts of mineral exploitation The Rock Cycle Mineral Resources Geological origins Rocks are ...
Chapter 3: Volcanoes Chapter 3.1 Key Concepts: Where are Earth s volcanoes found? How do hot spot volcanoes form? Definitions: Volcano: a weak spot in the Earth s ...
Plutons are intrusive igneous structures that result from the cooling and ... Intrusive igneous bodies, or plutons, are generally classified according to ...