Tectonic Features - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tectonic Features


Tectonic Features Contents Folding and Fold Mountains Faulting and its associated Landforms Volcanism and the Earth s Crust Ocean Ridges, Ocean Trenches and Island ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Tectonic Features

Tectonic Features
  • Folding and Fold Mountains
  • Faulting and its associated Landforms
  • Volcanism and the Earths Crust
  • Ocean Ridges, Ocean Trenches and Island Arcs
  • Earthquakes

Folding and Fold Mountains
  • All major mountain chains are fold-belts or
    called orogenic belts

Features and Characteristics of Fold Mountain
  • There are parallel belts of fold mountains
    separated by intermountain plateau where
    sedimentary strata are much less intensely
  • They are mainly composed of thickness of
    sedimentary rock strata. But when the core of
    fold mts. has been exposed, igneous and
    metamorphic rocks are also found.
  • Young fold mts. Zones represent lines of weakness
    of the earths crust and most of the worlds
    recently active volacnoes lie and where the
    greater majority of earthqaukes originate.
  • The rock strata have been compressed into various
    kinds of folded structure.

Geometrical Varieties of Folds
  • Three geometrical varieties of folds can be
    distinguished, anticlines, synclines and

Elements of Fold
Types of folding
  • The profile of a fold is its form as seen in a
    plane perpendicular to the axis.
  • Simple / Symmetrical Fold
  • Two limbs dip symmetrically as similar angles
  • Asymmetrical Fold
  • One limb dips more steeply than the other.
  • Over Fold / Overturned Fold
  • Recumbent Fold
  • The axial plane is roughly horizontal
  • Overthrust Fold
  • The sheet of rocks that has moved forward along
    the thrust plane.
  • Anticlinorium Synclinorium
  • A complex of folds of different orders

Types of folding
Formation of Fold Mountains
  • According to the plate tectonic theory, fold mt
    originates where two plates of crust converge.
  • The full development of an orogenic belt requires
    collision between plates.

Formation of Fold Mountains
  • The surface is being actively eroded supplying a
    large amount of sediments.
  • An accumulation of great depths of sediments in a
    geosyncline (large depression) under an ocean.
  • Two plates move toward each other producing a
    great compressional force.
  • The sedimentary rocks are folded up
  • Fold mountains are formed
  • Magma of the mantle may also flow out to the
    earths surface forming volcanoes in this
  • Faulting is very common.
  • Eg. Himalayas (boundary between Eurasian plate
    and the Australian Plate)

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Faulting and its associated landforms
  • Fault is a fracture of dislocation in the earths
    crust along which there has been displacement of
    the rocks strata.
  • The movement of the rocks on a fault may have
    been in any direction, vertical, or horizontal or
    some combination of these.

Elements of fault
Fault types
  • Faults may be divided into several categories in
    relation to the movements that have taken place
    on them.

Normal Fault
  • It is caused by tension
  • The hanging wall is displaced downwards relative
    to those against the footwall along the fault
  • Downthrow and upthrow for the two sides are
    purely relative.
  • Feature Horsts (block mountain) and Graben

Reverse Fault / Thrust Fault
  • It is caused by comression
  • The hanging wall is upthrow the footwall along
    the fault plane.
  • Feature Horsts and Graben

Tear Fault / Wrench Fault
  • It is called transcurrent or strike-slip faults.
  • It is formed where the movement was dominantly

Block Mountain and Rift Valley
  • Regions which have been divided by faulting into
    relatively elevated or depressed blocks are said
    to be block faulted.
  • The upstanding fault blocks may be small plateaux
    or long ridge-like block mountains or horsts.
  • A long fault trough is known as rift valley.
  • Example East African Rift Valley.

Cross-section of East African Rift Valley.
Volcanism and the Earths Crust
  • Vulcanicity is the process by which matter is
    transferred from the earths interior and erupted
    on to its surface.
  • Volcanoes eruption are undoubtedly one of the
    greatest natural hazards to life on this planet.
  • Below the crust, despite the high temperatures at
    depth, the material is usually solid because of
    the great pressure exerted by the superior masses
    of rock.
  • At times, a local increase of heat or/and
    reduction in pressure, the Basal layers of the
    crustal SIMA to become magma.
  • Magma may be able to rise to the surface of the
    earth through conveniently placed fissures and
    pipes or vents.
  • All such activities are known as vulcanicity.
  • There are two types of vulcanicity Intrusive and
    Extrusive vulcanicity

Intrusive Forms of Vulcanicity
  • The results of the forcing into the earths crust
    of magma depend on
  • Degree of fluidity
  • The character of the planes of weakness, such as
    joints and faults.

Intrusive Forms of Vulcanicity
  • Dykes
  • These are formed when magma has risen through
    near-vertical fissures and solidifying to form
    walls of rock cutting across the bedding planes
    of parent rock.
  • Sills
  • Horizontal sheets of rock solidify from magma
    which has been ejected between bedding planes.
  • Laccoliths
  • These features are produced where tongue-like
    lateral intrusions of viscous magma have forced
    the overlying strata into a dome.
  • Batholiths
  • Large masses of rock occur in the heart of
    mountain range.
  • Large scale intrusion in the great depth and
    magma cooled slowly to form large-crystalled
    rocks such as granite.
  • Intrusive rocks can be classified into Hypabyssal
    (dykes, sills and laccoliths) and Plutonic

Extrusive Forms of Vulcanicity
  • A volcano consists of vent or opening at the
    surface of the crust through which material is
    forced in eruption.
  • This may accumulate around the vent to form a
    hill, or it may flow widely over the country rock
    as an extensive level sheet.
  • Three types of extrusive materials

Extrusive materials
  • Gases
  • Include gaseous compounds of sulphur and hydrogen
    with carbon dioxide.
  • Stream is the most important factor affecting the
  • Solid
  • Pyroclastic Debris / Pyroclasts / Tephra
  • Include
  • Country rocks
  • Finer materials (lapilli, dust, ash)
  • Volcanic bombs lava are thrown into the air
    solidify before reaching ground.

Extrusive materials
  • Liquid
  • Lava
  • The form of a volcanic cone and the nature of
    eruption depend on a large extent upon the nature
    of lava.
  • Acid lava
  • High silica (SiO2) content, high melting-point,
    viscous, solidify rapidly and flowing very slow.
  • It builds high, steep-sided cones.
  • They may solidify in the vent and cause recurrent
    explosive eruption.
  • Basic lava
  • Relatively poor SiO2 content, low melting point
    and flows faster, and produces much flatter cone
    / shield cone.
  • Its eruption is quiet.

Structure of Volcanoes
Three Types of Volcano
  • They are classified by eruption type
  • Explosive eruption
  • Cinder cones and composite cones
  • Quiet eruption / Fissures eruption
  • Shield Cones and lava plateaux

Cinder Cones
  • They are the smallest volcanoes
  • They are formed by Pyroclastic Debris, tephra and
    volcanic ashes
  • Cinder cones rarely grow to more than 150 to 300m
    in height.

Basic Lava Cones / Shield Cones
  • They are built by basic lava.
  • Characteristics of basic lava (Basalt)
  • Dark Colour with Low content of SiO2
  • Low viscosity, Low melting-point and fast
  • Volcanoes with gentle slope (4o to 5o)
  • Eg. Hawaiian Islands

Acid Lava Cones
  • Light colour and viscous acid lava flows very
    slow for high content of SiO2.
  • It produces a steep dome.

Volcanic Plug
  • When the vent of lava cone was solidified by acid
  • When the country rocks were removed, the
    solidified vent is called volcanic plug.

Volcanic Plug
Composite Volcanoes
  • Most of the worlds great volcanoes are composite
  • They are built pf layers of cinder and ash
    alternating with layers of lava.
  • Many composite volcanoes lie in a great belt, the
    circum-Pacific ring (ring of fire) and
    Mediterranean group of volcanoes.
  • The eruption of large composite volcanoes is
    accompanied by explosive issue of steam, cinders,
    bombs, ash and by lava flows.
  • The crater may change form rapidly.
  • Example Fujiyama in Japan.

Composite cones
  • Volcanic explosive so violent as to destroy the
    entire central portion of the volcano.
  • There are remain only a great depression, a
  • Example
  • Krakatoa (in Indonesia), exploded in 1883,
    leaving a great caldera.
  • 75cubic km of rock disappeared during the
  • Great tsunamis appeared and kills thousands of
    people of Java and Sumatra.

Active, Dormant and Extinct Volcanoes
  • Active Volcanoes
  • Eruption periodically in historic times.
  • Dormant Volcanoes
  • Renewal of eruption activity is possible.
  • Eg. Vesuvius had been dormant so long before its
    eruption of AD 79 that it was thought to be
  • Extinct Volcanoes
  • They were formed in long-past geological times
    and with no sign of any volcanic activity.

Distribution of volcanoes
  • Pacific Ring of Fire

Distribution of Volcanoes
  • There are many known active volcanoes all over
    the world. 80 active and ten calderas locates
  • Pacific Ring of Fire
  • 2/3 worlds volcanoes occur here.
  • The chain of volcanoes near 3200 km
  • America
  • St. Helens is very active in recent years.
  • Highest peaks in S. America
  • Aconcagua (7021m), Guayatiri (6060m)

Distribution of Volcanoes
  • Africa
  • They are found along the East Africa Rift Valley.
  • Mount Kenya (5195m), Kilimanjaro (5889m)
  • Asia and Europe
  • Alpine-Himalayan belt which forms the most
    tectonic features (folding, faulting,
  • Others
  • Volcanic activity is widespread in
    Iceland.Several Atlantic islands, which have many
    eruption .

Ocean Ridges, Ocean Trenches and Island Arcs.
Ocean Ridges
  • They connect through all the oceans to form a
    worldwide feature nearly 60000 km long.
  • They are all composed of basaltic lava.
  • They are formed by fissure eruptions with a
    fairly uniform rate of lava emission.
  • Iceland is built astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Ocean Trenches
Ocean Trenches
  • The deepest parts of the oceans are elongated
    troughs descending to depths of over 10000
  • Sediments accumulating on the trench floors.
  • Nearly all the trenches occur around the margins
    of the Pacific Ocean and arc of volcanic islands
    is commonly present on the continental side of
    the trenches.

Island Arcs
  • Island arcs are mostly found around western
    margin of the Pacific Ocean and in the northeast
    of the Indian Ocean.
  • They formed on the subduction zone.

Island Arc - Japan
Island Arc - Japan
  • Japan is the largest area of land formed by
    island arc.
  • MT. Fuji reaches nearly 4000m, and several other
    peaks on Honshu top 3000m.
  • Honshu is largely a pile of basalt and andesite
    lying between the Japan Trench and the Sea of
  • It seems that the subducted ocean-floor becomes
    mobilized as magma when it reaches 120km depth.
  • When the descending plate reaches over 100km in
    depth partial melting takes place, magma rises to
    form a pile of volcanic rocks and the island arc
    begins to rise / form.

  • Introduction
  • Seismic Waves
  • Distribution
  • Earthquake and Plate Tectonic
  • Effects of Earthquake
  • http//www.nstm.gov.tw/earthquake/A_2.htm

  • Earthquakes - natural vibrations within the
    earths crust.
  • Some of these are violent and are responsible for
    large scale death and destruction.
  • Most earthquakes are twoo small to be felt by man
    and only be detected by seismographs.

Seismic Waves
  • The investigation of earthquakes and the
    transmission of earthquake waves is known as
  • Earthquake generates elastic vibrations or waves

Four kinds of seismic waves
  • Primary Waves (P waves)
  • Secondary Waves (S waves)
  • Love waves (L waves)
  • Rayleigh waves

P and S waves
  • P waves
  • It is also called compressional waves which
    consists of longitudinal vibrations.
  • These waves propagate very rapidly through both
    solids and liquids and are usually the first
    indication that an earthquake has occurred.
  • The speed of P-waves
  • Crust 5.5 km/s Upper mantle 8 km/s Lower
    mantle 13.5 km/s
  • S-waves
  • It is also called Shear waves which are
    transverse vibrations with an movement at right
    angles to their path.
  • The speed of S-waves is 60 of P-waves.
  • It cannot propagate through the liquid (core)
  • The P-waves and S-waves are body waves.

P-waves and S-waves
L-waves and R-waves
  • L-waves
  • It is also called Love waves which travel around
    the periphery the earth.
  • R-waves
  • It is also Rayleigh waves which travel similar to
    wind-driven ocean waves.
  • L-waves and R-waves are surface waves.
  • P-waves is the fastest and L-waves are the
    slowest, but L-waves have the greatest amplitude
    and are those that do the most damage.

  • It is very similar with the distribution of

  • 80 originate in the Circum-Pacific Ring of
  • 15 in the Mediterranean and Trans-Asiatic zone.
  • 5 in other parts of the world.

  • Refers to the theory of plate tectonic.
  • http//www.nstm.gov.tw/earthquake/A_2.htm

Effects of Earthquake
  • Shattered buildings
  • Displaced roads and railways
  • Collapsed bridges
  • Great cracks in ground
  • Changes in sea level
  • Tsunamis
  • Fire and flood
  • Famines and disease
  • Loss of life
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