First New York bank to issue a letter of credit. Revenue from Credit ... Citizens & Southern National. Bank of Tokyo. First National Bank, Minn. BankAmerica ...
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Aquaporins are a class of membrane proteins that regulate the transport of water ... Sougrat R., Morand M., Gondran C., Barre P., Gobin R., Bonte F., Dumas M., and ...
Title: Surprising Benefits of Using Storage Areas Author: Tom Bascom Last modified by: Tom Bascom Created Date: 2/10/2003 2:33:30 AM Document presentation format
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Treatment of Endophthalmitis With Preservation of the Uninvolved Crystalline Lens Justin H. Townsend, MD Harry W. Flynn, Jr., MD The authors have no financial ...
Title: Pupil Dilation During Phacoemulsification Surgery: A Comparison of Topical Anesthetics and Mydriatics vs. Intracameral Lidocaine Richard M. Awdeh, M.D.
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Gary Guion donated the work on an entire floor in a building located in Central Arlington. Tillie Burgin, the Executive Director said she was so blessed that Gary chose to have Flatiron do the work on a basis that the new Kids Center be honored in memory of Gary's close friend and mentor
Inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations of current and new antibiotics for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcal ocular infections Yousuf Qureshi, M.D.