Title: Don’t Believe This Enterprise Imaging Integration Myth
1Dont Believe This Enterprise Imaging
Integration Myth
2As a healthcare IT professional, you may have
heard that achieving enterprise imaging
integration is a daunting task. Most imaging IT
vendors would like you to believe that
integration is a complex, esoteric discipline
requiring cost-prohibitive fees to accomplish.
This is a common myth,
3Dicom Systems is here to dispel the myth that
integration is either esoteric or expensive.
Dicom Systems natively vendor-neutral approach
to DICOM, HL7 and FHIR integration supports the
companys goal to create an Enterprise Imaging
IT ecosystem that is cohesively and affordably
integrated. Dicoms focus is on interoperability.
4To that end, Dicom Systems offers a number of
integration solutions DCMSYS IHE Gateway helps
integrate your current DICOM and HL7 devices to
use IHE profiles. Interface WebBridge Improves
accessibility of patient data. Allows any native
or web-based third party application to upload
any non-standard data (JPEG, TIFF, PDF, TXT) to
Workflow Unifier and Unifier Archive.
5FireBridge makes any interface FHIR-ready and
DICOMweb-enabled. Extends the useful life of your
current systems by bringing them up to the latest
interoperability standards. Enterprise Imaging
Integration is definitely within reach for
healthcare organizations of any size.
6A free demo and free Dicom software download are
available for healthcare IT professionals
interested in Enterprise Imaging Integration. To
find out more about Dicoms Enterprise Imaging
Solutions, contact the company at info_at_dcmsys.com
or call 415.684.8790
Dicom Systems, Inc. 1999 S. Bascom Avenue, Suite
700 Campbell, CA, 95008 415.684.8790