... of Corticosteroid- Responsive Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease with Methotrexate. ... trial is needed to better understand its role in autoimmune inner ear disease. ...
Introduction Autoimmune disease- immune reaction against self-antigens Tissue damage Single organ or multisystem diseases More than 1 autoantibody in a given ...
Autoimmune Diseases Dr. Raid Jastania Autoimmune Diseases Group of diseases with common pathological process Presence of auto-antibody ?defect in B-cells or T-cells ...
Coastal Ear, Nose and Throat is committed to providing the highest quality, state-of-the-art medical care, and an exceptional patient experience. Our award winning, fellowship trained and board certified physicians treat basic and complex ear, nose and throat disorders in both children and adults.
Meniere's disease is a problem that is associated with the fluid balancing system in the inner ear. Generally, it is defined as the symptom complex of episodic vertigo (sensation of whirling and spinning), tinnitus (ringing, roaring, and hissing that usually occurs in one ear), aural pressure (feeling of pressure in the concerned ear), and fluctuating hearing loss.
Connective Tissue Diseases Edward D. Buckingham, MD Byron J. Bailey, MD Introduction collagen vascular diseases, autoimmune diseases knowledge of immune system ...
When the immunological recognition of self with the ... Ascending paralyses of hind limbs, infiltration, demyelination. EAE. EAE. Synthetic peptides ...
Caucasian = Asian Black. Toxic MNG. Generally arises in the setting of a long-standing MNG ... index fingers and thumbs. Hyperthyroidism. Laboratory Findings ...
Celiac Disease Joshua Hoang * * * * * Definition Celiac Disease is a digestive condition that is triggered by the intake of gluten which causes damage to the small ...
... ,approximately 30% of patients with DM develop skin lesions at some point Overall prevalence of cutaneous disorders does not differ between type I and type II ...
Thyroid Diseases An Update Chris Place, MD Aspects That Will Be Addressed Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Thyroiditis Iodine-induced thyroid disease Thyroid Functions ...
Meniere s Disease? By Mohd Al-Houqani Hisham Hamadi Abdul Kareem Al-Olama What is Meniere s Disease? In 1861 Prosper Meniere described a syndrome characterized by ...
... Candida spp., & other fungi cause the reminder of the infections. Lung Infections The most common nosocomial pathogens causing pneumonia are gram negative rods ...
External Ear Diseases DR. MONA AHMED A/RAHIM ENT Surgeon Khartoum Center for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases and Head and Neck Surgery Assistant Professor
First, sound is collected by the pinna (the visible part of the outer ear) ... Finally, the vibration is transferred to the snail-shaped cochlea in the inner ear ...
Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions 4th edition Margaret Schell Frazier Jeanette Wist Drzymkowski Chapter 13 Neurologic Diseases and Conditions Learning ...
Microbial invasion of the bloodstream can have seriously immediate sequences , ... that is a complication of a urinary trat infection, than those who do not have one. ...
Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. It's commonly caused by a viral infection, but there are other possible causes of hepatitis. These include autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis that occurs as a secondary result of medications, drugs, toxins, and alcohol.
Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. It's commonly caused by a viral infection, but there are other possible causes of hepatitis. These include autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis that occurs as a secondary result of medications, drugs, toxins, and alcohol.
Ear involved 44% of the time. may have associated leukoplakia of tongue and oral mucosa ... 49% will have inner ear symptoms. Chondritis of nasal cartilages in 75 ...
Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which our own body immune system attacks glands that produce moisture. The misdirected immune system leads to inflammation of tissues and dysfunction in glands of the body that are generating tears and saliva. Sjogren syndrome affects lacrimal glands which produce tears and salivary glands which produce saliva in the mouth. It causes extreme dryness of eyes and mouth.
Lyme Disease. Figure ... The disease is transmitted by the ingestion of saliva from ... measures for plague, Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain Spotted ...
Episodic vs. Constant Episodic Attacks Usually ear related, acute peripheral vestibular BPPV, M ni re s Could occasionally be CNS related Migraine, ...
Title: HYPERTENSIVE VASCULAR DISEASE Author: nisreen Last modified by: Dr. Maha Shoumaf Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Christopher D. Muller, M.D. Jeffrey Vrabec, M.D. University of Texas Medical Branch Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Acupuncture for Neurological Disorders It matters not whether medicine is new or old, it only matters that it is applied for the benefit of the patient.
THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The Stryker Bed Frame Functional Electrical Stimulation FES is a means of producing contractions in muscles, paralyzed due to central nervous ...
Intervention before and after 6 months age has dramatically different outcomes ... Purcell DD, Fischbein NJ, et al. Laryngoscope 116: August 2006, p. 1439-46. ...
Pathophysiology Otosclerosis (otospongiosis) is an osseous dyscrasia, limited to the temporal bone, ... virus was identified in the lesion vascular, ...
C. trachomatis - Urogenital infections, trachoma, conjunctivitis, pneumonia and ... Male homosexuals are major reservoir. Clinical Syndrome -trachoma ...
Migraine. Vertigo occurs in approximately 25% of migraine patients ... Headaches that meet International Headache Society criteria for migraine. Treat migraine ...
Vascular Disorders: Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) A cerebrovascular accident (CVA) occurs when the brain is damaged by a sudden disruption in the flow of blood to ...
Correlate the three germ layers ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm with the ... (fossa ovalis) hepatic vein. umbilicus (navel) ligament. umbilical ligaments. ligament ...
IT-Dex with histamine significantly increased perilymph concentration compared ... Prospective study examining IT dex concurrent with oral steroids for profound SSNHL ...
Gerontological & Community Based Nursing: Physiologic Changes of Aging Physiologic Changes of Aging Biological Theories Normal Aging changes Common Pathologic ...
Gerontological & Community Based Nursing: Physiologic Changes of Aging Physiologic Changes of Aging Biological Theories Normal Aging changes Common Pathologic ...
Nose. Nasal mucosa classically pale blue, but not diagnostic (60 ... States his nose is always somewhat congested, with clear d/c. Denies excessive ...
Abrupt onset with unilateral neck or head pains suggests a carotid dissection. Changes in tinnitus intensity with head turning suggests a venous source for the ...