Title: Thyroid Diseases
1Thyroid Diseases
- An Update
- Chris Place, MD
2Aspects That Will Be Addressed
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Thyroiditis
- Iodine-induced thyroid disease
4Thyroid Functions
- Cardiovascular? B adrenergic receptors
- GI? peristalsis and vitamin A
- CNSmentation and development
- MSprotein metabolism, growth and maturation
- Respiratory? surfactant synthesis
- CHO metabolism
6Hyperthyroidism Symptoms
- Hyperactivity/ irritability/ dysphoria/ insomnia
- Heat intolerance and sweating
- Palpitations
- Fatigue and weakness
- Weight loss with increase of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Polyuria
- Oligomenorrhoea, loss of libido
7Hyperthyroidism Signs
- Tachycardia (AF)
- Tremor
- Goiter
- Warm moist skin
- Proximal muscle weakness
- Lid retraction or lag
- Gynecomastia
- Hair/nail changes
8Causes of Hyperthyroidism
- Most common causes
- Graves disease
- Toxic multinodular goiter
- Autonomously functioning nodule
- Rarer causes
- Thyroiditis or other causes of destruction
- Thyrotoxicosis factitia
- Iodine excess (Jod-Basedow phenomenon)
- Struma ovarii
- Secondary causes (TSH or ßHCG)
9Graves Disease
- Autoimmune disorder
- Abs directed against TSH receptor with intrinsic
activity. Thyroid and fibroblasts - Responsible for 60-80 of Thyrotoxicosis
- More common in women
10Graves Disease
- Autoimmune with over activity of thyroid gland
- HLA-DR3 association
- Defect in suppressor T cells
- B cells synthesize thyroid-stimulating
immunoglobulin (TSI) - Autoantibody against TSH receptor
- Gland becomes over stimulated and loses negative
feedback to T3 and T4
11Graves continued
- Associations
- Viral/bacterial infections
- Stress
- Exposure to iodide
12Graves Disease Eye Signs
- N - no signs or symptoms
- O only signs (lid retraction or lag) no
symptoms - S soft tissue involvement (peri-orbital oedema)
- P proptosis (gt22 mm)(Hertls test)
- E extra ocular muscle involvement (diplopia)
- C corneal involvement (keratitis)
- S sight loss (compression of the optic nerve)
14Graves Disease Other Manifestations
- Pretibial mixoedema
- Thyroid acropachy
- Onycholysis
- Thyroid enlargement with a bruit frequently
audible over the thyroid
- http//www.ohiohealth.com/healthreference/referenc
16Diagnosis of Graves Disease
- TSH ?, free T4 ?
- Thyroid auto antibodies
- Nuclear thyroid scintigraphy (I123, Te99)
17Treatment of Graves Disease
- Reduce thyroid hormone production or reduce the
amount of thyroid tissue - Antithyroid drugs propyl-thiouracil (PTU),
carbimazole - Radioiodine
- Subtotal thyroidectomy relapse after
antithyroid therapy, pregnancy, young people? - Symptomatic treatment
- Propranolol
18Considerations with Thionamides
- Both PTU and Methimazole may be used in pregnancy
- PTU and Methimazole are considered safe in
breastfeeding - Methimazole appears in higher concentrations
- Watch for agranulocytosis
- Fever
- Sore throat
19Thionamides Cont
- Measure FT4 and FTI every 2-4 weeks and titrate
accordingly - Goal is high normal range
- 90 see improvement in 2-4 weeks
20Iodine 131
- Contraindicated in pregnancy
- Avoid pregnancy for 4 months after 131I treatment
- Avoid breastfeeding for 120 days after 131I
treatment - Gestational age key when counseling pregnant
women exposed to 131I
21Thyroid Storm
- Medical Emergency
- Occurs in 1 of pregnant pts with
hyperthyroidism - Diagnostic signs and symptoms
- Fever
- Tachycardia
- Altered mental status
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Cardiac arrhythmia
22More on Thyroid Storm
- If suspected, draw lab
- FT4
- FT3
- Start treatment immediately
23Toxic Adenomas
- Single Nodules
- Release excessive thyroid hormone
- Identified with radioactive scan
- Hot Nodule
24Toxic Nodular Goiter
- Develops from multinodular goiter
- Nodules become autonomous
- AKA Plummers disease
25Factitious Hyperthyroidism
- Excessive intake/exposure to thyroid hormone
27Hypothyroidism Symptoms
- Tiredness and weakness
- Dry skin
- Feeling cold
- Hair loss
- Difficulty in concentrating and poor memory
- Constipation
- Weight gain with poor appetite
- Hoarse voice
- Menorrhagia, later oligo and amenorrhoea
- Paresthesias
- Impaired hearing
28Hypothyroidism Signs
- Dry skin, cool extremities
- Puffy face, hands and feet
- Delayed tendon reflex relaxation
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Bradycardia
- Diffuse alopecia
- Serous cavity effusions
29Causes of Hypothyroidism
- Autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimotos, atrophic
thyroiditis) - Iatrogenic (I123treatment, thyroidectomy,
external irradiation of the neck)
- Drugs iodine excess, lithium, antithyroid drugs,
etc - Iodine deficiency
- Infiltrative disorders of the thyroid
amyloidosis, sarcoidosis,haemochromatosis,
30Chronic Thyroiditis
- Hashimotos
- Autoimmune
- Initially goiter later very little thyroid tissue
- Rarely associated with pain
- Insidious onset and progression
- Most common cause of hypothyroidism
- TPO abs present (90 95)
31Hashimotos Thyroiditis
- MCC of hypothyroidism
- Autoimmune thyroiditis
- Women 30-50 years of age
32Antibodies in Hashimotos
- Antimicrosomal abys
- Against peroxidase
- Antithyroglobulin abys
- Against thyroglobulin
- Autoantibodies against TSH receptor
- Net effect is prevent TSH stimulation of gland
33Associations with Hashimotos
- Sjogrens
- Pernicious anemia
34Risks with Immune Mediated Thyroid Dysfunction
- Antibodies cross placenta
- In Graves
- In Graves1-5 of neonates have hyperthyroidism
or neonatal Graves caused by maternal TSI - Incidence low due to balance of antibodies with
thioamide treatment
35Lab Investigations of Hypothyroidism
- TSH ?, free T4 ?
- Ultrasound of thyroid little value
- Thyroid scintigraphy little value
- Anti thyroid antibodies anti-TPO
- S-CK ?, s-Chol ?, s-Trigliseride ?
- Normochromic or macrocytic anemia
- ECG Bradycardia with small QRS complexes
36Treatment of Hypothyroidism
- Levothyroxine
- If no residual thyroid function 1.5 µg/kg/day
- Patients under age 60, without cardiac disease
can be started on 50 100 µg/day. Dose adjusted
according to TSH levels - In elderly especially those with CAD the starting
dose should be much less (12.5 25 µg/day)
37TFTs in Pregnancy and Disease
Maternal TSH FT4 FTI TT4 TT3 RT3U
Pregnancy No change No change No change ? ? ?
Hyperthyroid ? ? ? ? ? or no change ?
Hypothyroid ? ? ? ? ?or no change ?
- The most common form of thyroiditis is Hashimoto
thyroiditis, this is also the most common cause
of long term hypothyroidism - The outcome of all other types of thyroiditis is
good with eventual return to normal thyroid
- Acute rare and due to suppurative infection of
the thyroid - Sub acute also termed de Quervains thyroiditis/
granulomatous thyroiditis mostly viral origin - Chronic thyroiditis mostly autoimmune
41Acute Thyroiditis
- Bacterial Staph, Strep
- Fungal Aspergillus, Candida, Histoplasma,
Pneumocystis - Radiation thyroiditis
- Amiodarone (acute/ sub acute)
- Painful thyroid, ESR usually elevated, thyroid
function normal
42Sub Acute Thyroiditis
- Viral (granulomatous) Mumps, coxsackie,
influenza, adeno and echoviruses - Mostly affects middle aged women, Three phases,
painful enlarged thyroid, usually complete
resolution - Rx NSAIDS and glucocorticoids if necessary
43Sub Acute Thyroiditis (cont)
- Silent thyroiditis
- No tenderness of thyroid
- Occur mostly 3 6 months after pregnancy
- 3 phases hyper?hypo?resolution, last 12 to 20
weeks - ESR normal, TPO Abs present
- Usually no treatment necessary
44Clinical Course of Sub Acute Thyroiditis
45Chronic Thyroiditis
- Reidels
- Rare
- Middle aged women
- Insidious painless
- Symptoms due to compression
- Dense fibrosis develop
- Usually no thyroid function impairment
46Postpartum Thyroiditis
- May occur in 5 of women with no known thyroid
disease - Clinically
- 44 hypothyroid
- 33 thyrotoxicosis
- 33 thyrotoxicosis followed by hypothyroidism
47Postpartum Thyroiditis Cont
- Dx by abnormal TSH or FT4
- Screen symptomatic women only
- Aby screening may be useful
48Iodine-induced thyroid disease
49Iodine Deficient Hypothyroidism
- Risk of congenital cretinism
- Treatment with iodine in 1st and 2nd trimesters
significantly reduces abnormalities of cretinism
- Thyroid affects multiple organ systems
- Pathology may be infectious, autoimmune, cancer,
or combination - Understand hormone levels change during pregnancy
- Adequate treatment is the key to preventing
complications - Recognize the many complications that may occur
in pregnancy and respond accordingly