7th NATIONAL ABACUS &VEDIC MATHS CHAMPIONSHIP – 2016 Venue : Bosco Public School, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi. Eligibility : A student may appear for one level previous to the level which the student has passed or is appearing for on or before 01.11.16 Participation Fees : ABACUS:Rs.750.00 (Category – with and/or without abacus and / or Champion of Champions) VEDIC MATHS:Rs.750.00 per participation
OPEN TO ALL – NATIONAL LEVEL ABACUS COMPETITIONS Abacus Competition, State level Abacus competition, National Level Abacus competitions COMPETITION 1: COMPETITION DATE:10.01.2016 A K R MAHAL & BALAMBAL MAHAL(SRI KANNAIH REDDIYAR TOWERS) 156/28A KALIAMAN KOIL STREET VIRUGAMBAKKAM,CHENNAI- 600 092 Competition Time: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM Prize Distribution: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Competition Fee: Rs.600/
We offer / manufacture / supply / retail / distribute ABACUS STUDENT KIT, which includes: • Student Abacus (6,7,13,15,17 and 23rods) • Abacus Bag • Abacus Books • Dictation Books/ Speedwriting Note/Flashcard • T - shirt Cap Pencil Progress Report/ Formulae card • Abacus Dictation CD/Abacus Exercise CD/Abacus Mktg Video According to Age: • Junior Based 4-6Yrs or • Senior Based 7-12 yrs or • Super senior 13-18 Yrs According to Application Area: • School Based or • Center Based According to Methodology: • Zhusuan or • Soroban Marketing Office New No. 25, Old No.9, Chari Street, North Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Tamilnadu, India. Email : alagappan_sk@yahoo.com, info@jvindians.com Phone : 044-42071815 Tele Fax: 044-42071815 Cell : (+91) - 098410 23115/7299923115
Venue: A K R MAHAL & BALAMBAL MAHAL(SRI KANNAIH REDDIYAR TOWERS), 156/28A KALIAMAN KOIL STREET VIRUGAMBAKKAM, CHENNAI- 600 092 Date: 10th January’2016 Competition Time: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM Prize Distribution: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Competition Fee: Rs.600/- per student. Last date for receipt of competition fee along with application should reach us on or before 15/12/2015. The total amount should be sent in the form of Demand Draft in favor of Jayavidya Education & Learning Systems Pvt Ltd, payable at Chennai #1310, 2nd Floor, 33rd Street, 7th Sector, K.K.Nagar, Chennai- 600078. Email: info@jayavidya.com website:www.jayavidya.com Phone : 044 - 4217 0183 Tele Fax: 044 - 4217 0183 Cell: 072 99 23 23 23/ 098418 23115
All India Abacus & Mental Arithmetic Competition – 2016 Rules and Regulations 1. Objectives The Competition aims in its efforts to fulfill the following i) Give chance for each student to compete at the National level ii) Promote and advocate the learning of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic iii) Elevate the standard of performance of learners of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic iv) Foster a closer relationship between the Course Instructors and students of various centers v) Certify ones capability in Abacus or Mental Arithmetic
We are into the business of producing Abacus and Abacus Educational Material for our customers. We produce readily available stock for immediate needs and Also we produce material with your custom needs. Have your order with YOU LOGO AND ADDRESS AND SELF BRANDING We offer whole lot of Activities under our roof for our customers. 1. Custom Developed content Books on Abacus with client's Logo & Address branding. 2. Our Developed content Books on Abacus with clients's Logo and Address branding. 3. Abacus Tool with embossed/printed Logo. 4. Master Abacus/ Teacher Abacus embossed/printed Logo. 5. Flash cards, Brochure, Visiting Cards, Pamphlets, Flex Banner etc. We offer choice of colour on Abacus Tools and Abacus Books.
One of the biggest struggles related to parenting for kids at an early age is to get them engaged into studies and give them something that lures them into the idea of studying — as they only care about one thing — FUN! Where something like the concept of Abacus classes kicks in.
One of the biggest struggles related to parenting for kids at an early age is to get them engaged into studies and give them something that lures them into the idea of studying — as they only care about one thing — FUN! Where something like the concept of Abacus classes kicks in.
Abacus is a leading travel technology provider that has developed technological advancements to meet the evolving needs of travel agents and suppliers. Abacus Travel Software is a fast and effective system to ensure that all your air-to-hotel bookings to tour packages are hassle-free. You can also reserve a car or a transfer with a single tap. It is cost-effective solution for travel companies and tour operators worldwide.
Foremost manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of wide assortment of abacus, children abacus, maths abacus, hand abacus, rods abacus, learning abacus, mathematical abacus, kids abacus, student abacus, kids abacus, teacher abacus and counting toys. These abacus are quality tested on well defined parameters such as strength, durability, dimensional stability, thickness and size before being delivered to our clients. New No. 25, Old No.9, Chari Street, North Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Tamilnadu, India. Email : alagappan_sk@yahoo.com, info@jvindians.com Phone : 044-42071815 Tele Fax: 044-42071815 Cell : (+91) - 098410 23115/7299923115
WEE Walnut Excellence Education – Brain Development Program, acts as a Brain Food for our Students by providing them the World class Arithmetic Education through Abacus Education & Vedic Maths.visit us to know more.
By: Ashley Margolis What is an Abacus An abacus is one of the first counting devices It is used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division It is a ...
Junior Abacus Book (4-6 Years) Abacus Math Class is structured method of learning and practicing the skills of operating Abacus to perform basic math or arithmetic operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division etc. Kids need a guided environment where they can take the instructions and practice the skills to perform mental arithmetic for mental math faster with accuracy and much more. Learning Abacus Math to perform Arithmetic Operations not only improves the ability to perform Mental Arithmetic for Mental Math, but also provides a beneficial ripple effect to their lives by strengthening their Brain Functions. Backed by our Experienced Technical teams and innovative approach we are able to offer Junior abacus Books, Junior Abacus Kit, Junior Mental Arithmetic Books, teacher training Materials, teacher resource stores, teacher tools,teacher supplies,training courses,user manual,instruction manual,manual instructor and lesson plans.
Teaching approaches There are several approaches to teaching the use of the abacus. Since one method might not work effectively for all students, teachers should be familiar with several methods. The most commonly used approaches are: • the partners or logic approach, • the secrets approach, • the counting method, and • adaptations or combinations of these approaches. Each is briefly described below, with an example (3+4=7) worked out according to that approach.
Teaching approaches There are several approaches to teaching the use of the abacus. Since one method might not work effectively for all students, teachers should be familiar with several methods. The most commonly used approaches are: • the partners or logic approach, • the secrets approach, • the counting method, and • adaptations or combinations of these approaches. Each is briefly described below, with an example (3+4=7) worked out according to that approach.
Walnut Excellence Education (WEE) focus on The Complete Brain Development program. The World class Arithmetic Education through Abacus Education. WEE-Abacus system helps parent to create best in their child.
ABACUS TRAINING VIDEO • Without Any contact details, Abacus Training video is available. • It will run 150 minutes. • It will explain Percentage (%) concepts. • 100 pages Percentage related exercise sheets will be provided. • The complete sett will be Rs.500/- Abacus Teacher’s Book Backed by our Experienced Technical teams and innovative approach we are able to offer comprehensive range of teacher abacus manual,teacher resources,teacher training Materials, teacher resource stores, teacher tools,teacher supplies,training courses,user manual,instruction manual sales,manual instructor and lesson plans Student Abacus Study Kit and Books includes manual for parents/teachers to structurally guide through the material to give them the benefit of abacus learning at home/center.
ABACUS EXERCISE CD (Hindi,English,Tamil) Let your kid exercise abacus with us. An Amazing, efficient and cost effective way to learn abacus calculation at your own pace. Only 30 minute a day. This animated virtual abacus learning tutorial helps you and your kid to master Abacus Mental Arithmetic technique. Jvindians.com’s CD helps children to develop deep concentration and patience. Regular and systematic exercise in abacus makes one more focused, sharper and stronger. It has been proved that abacus calculation techniques are one of the fastest ways of doing calculations especially when it comes to large numbers. Children love to play; we encourage them to do so. Our Self pace animated and interactive simple abacus study tutorial helps children learn while playing. Make your kid a “math-genius” in just 3 to 6 months’ time. This is a method of calculation, performed on a visualized abacus in the mind. The cost will be Rs.499/-
Mental arithmetic is a skill that can be cultivated initially by adopting the pen or bead. In the pen method we use pen and paper to perform the calculation. In the bead method we use an imaginary abacus in our minds to calculate and arrive at the answer. We can use the bead method to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The different methods of calculation can be divided into: • Dictation:This is also called "Mental arithmetic calculation through listening’ to the sum/problem ". Someone will read aloud the numbers and the listener will perform the calculation. • Observation: The person will use the numbers that he sees and imagines the numbers to be the beads on an abacus. He will use this imaginary abacus to perform the calculation. • Silent Dication: The person will dictate the number to himself silently and use an imaginary abacus to perform the calculation .
We are into manufacturing and exporting of a quality range of educational abacus, chinese abacus, plastic abacus, arithmetic abacus, abacus, learning abacus, mathematical abacus, kids abacus, student abacus, teacher abacus, counting toys etc., that is used for carrying out arithmetic calculations. We are engaged in manufacturing and exporting student abacus, school abacus, interactive abacus, number abacus etc., with colored beads, frames and in different weight and size combination. CONTACT US Marketing Office New No. 25, Old No.9, Chari Street, North Usman Road, T.Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Tamilnadu, India. Email : alagappan_sk@yahoo.com, info@jvindians.com Phone : 044-42071815 Tele Fax: 044-42071815 Cell : (+91) - 098410 23115/7299923115
We are into manufacturing and exporting of a quality range of educational abacus, chinese abacus, plastic abacus, arithmetic abacus, abacus, learning abacus, mathematical abacus, kids abacus, student abacus, teacher abacus, counting toys etc., that is used for carrying out arithmetic calculations.
The Purpose of this Statewide contract is to establish contracts with ... Abacus Corporation. Dover Staffing. Eagle Resource Group, Inc. Focus of Georgia, Inc. ...
MEMBERSHIP of Abacus & Mental Arithmetic Teacher’s Association:: Applications are inviting from around the world who are all teaching, training, adopting and following Abacus Education in their country. Any abacus and mental arithmetic organization can apply the membership of Abacus Association should submit application form. Individual members can apply for online examinations. Institutional members and member countries shall follow the procedure of Grading Examination.
SAPS Coaching specially designed Foundation course for standard 8th students for both State & CBSE level.Here 8 months rigorous training prepares students to excel well in future Competitive Exams like NTSE,MTSE, KVPY, JEE, NEET & so on.
Abacus Study Material plays a Key Role in ensuring the required results in every student of Abacus. Trainer requires material not only to train children in a structured way but also requires enough self-practice sums systematically aligned to add value for a student. • WE MAKE EXTRAORDINARY ABACUS STUDENT BOOKS FOR YOUR CHILD TO GET PROPER OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE BENEFITS OUT OF ABACUS LEARNING. • We understand that our school institutions require Abacus Kit to suite their needs of school schedule with bulk discounts. • Our customized solution for each of our school client is a very unique offering. We supply all Abacus Study Material for schools with their Logo's and address, wherever necessary. • We actually understand that what an educational institute like a school would require and we supply exactly what they actually require and would suite to their needs.
Teacher Abacus is a large sized Abacus similar to of a Student Abacus but can be used either ways i.e. vertically or horizontally on a table. Abacus trainings are generally conducted is a group of students meeting the Abacus Teacher at a regular interval for learning and training the techniques of Abacus calculations for Fast and Accurate Mental Math. This Master Abacus is framed in Acrylic material for better finish and long-terms use compared to a wood based abacus. Its natural colour never fades with time keeping it new all the time of use. No trouble of regular expensive polishing. Its shape and size makes it presentable and right choice for the needs. http://www.jvindians.com/Teaching-abacus.php
2.9 MILLION PEOPLE PER DAY ARE EMPLOYED BY STAFFING COMPANIES. ... Virginia Commonwealth University RRTC. Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) ...
Global Distribution System or GDS has become an important part of the global Travel port development at present. FlightsLogic integrates global distribution system, GDS System, Travel GDS to travel agencies, tour operators and travel companies worldwide. For more details, please visit our website: https://www.flightslogic.com/global-distribution-system.php
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