Biotechnology and Computing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biotechnology and Computing


Isolate the piece of sequence you want to copy ... creates the first androids simulated people that play musical instruments ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Biotechnology and Computing

Biotechnology and Computing
  • BIF 101 Fall 2007
  • Debra T. Burhans, Ph.D.
  • Canisius College

What is Biotechnology?
  • A general definition of biotechnology is the use
    of biology or biological processes to develop
    helpful products and services. In this sense,
    humans have been using biotechnology (biology to
    create products) for centuries, for example in
    the breeding of farm animals for offspring with
    desirable traits and the use of yeast to make
    bread, beer, and wine. A modern definition of
    biotechnology is the set of biological techniques
    originally resulting from basic research,
    specifically molecular biology and genetic
    engineering, and now used for research and
    product development. Alternatively, biotechnology
    can be defined as the scientific manipulation of
    organisms at the molecular genetic level to make
    beneficial products.
  • http//

  • Research to develop new technologies
  • Includes the application of information developed
    by that research to the development of commercial
  • Includes all of the business activity that is
    required to bring these products to market
  • Applied in fields from agriculture to aerospace

  • Many high-throughput techniques have been
    developed that enable biologists to generate
    tens, even hundreds of thousands of data points
    with a single experiment
  • Some examples include cloning, PCR, sequencing
    and microarrays

Molecular Biology Tools
Restriction Enzymes
  • Molecular scissors
  • Create blunt or sticky ends
  • Used singly or in combinations to cleave DNA

Gel Electrophoresis
  • Labeled fragment of DNA (probe) is allowed to
    base pair with sample
  • Sample DNA may be immobilized on a membrane or
    may be contained in wells
  • Microarrays are small chips containing thousands
    of samples that are frequently used in todays
    biology laboratories

Expression Data
  • The context (e.g. tissue type, stage of growth of
    an organism, etc) of a cell determined its
    pattern of gene and protein expression
  • Expression patterns are measured using
  • Each spot on a microarray attracts and binds
    particular sequences
  • The amount of sequence bound to a spot can be
  • Initially gene expression arrays, now there are
    protein expression arrays
  • Genome on a chip, can have tens of thousands of
    spots on one chip

Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Chip
Microarray Data
cDNA spotted Microarray Chip
Atlantic salmon cDNA microarray
Microarray Data
Microarray Data in Spreadsheet
  • Spreadsheet file

  • General strategy use a biological machine to
    do the work
  • Isolate the piece of sequence you want to copy
  • Insert the sequence into a molecule that can
    replicate itself
  • Insert that molecule into (often) a bacterium
    that multiplies quickly
  • Each new generation of bacteria contains copies
    of your DNA

Making Copies - cloning
The Polymerase Chain Reaction
The reaction is placed in an automated thermal
cycler. Reactions typically have three steps -
denaturation to separate the DNA strands -
approximately 95oC - annealing to permit
primers to bind to target - approximately
60oC - actual temperature depends on
composition of primers - polymerization to
permit the enzyme to copy the template -
approximately 72oC This is repeated 30 or more
Making copies - PCR
Sequencing present and future
  • Not so long ago it took a year to sequence a few
    hundred bases, now an entire genome can be
    sequenced in a day
  • The newest technologies will enable sequencing of
    genomes of individuals leading the way towards
    personalized medicine
  • The ability to easily amplify a DNA sequence
    using PCR, creating millions of copies, has led
    to the use of DNA evidence in crime fighting
  • The more genomes we sequence the more we learn
    about how different organisms are related
  • The generation of sequence data has far outpaced
    our ability to analyze the data (at this point in
  • Data is immediately recorded in a computer and
    can be displayed as an electropherogram

DNA Sequencing
Modern DNA sequencing is done with an automated
sequencer. DNA sequencers use new
technologies -fluorescent tags for each
base -permit machine basecalling -dideoxy
chain termination chemistry -efficient and
amenable to automation -capillary
electrophoresis -permits analysis of small
samples -direct output to computer -minimizes
errors and speeds process
Sequencing figuring out what the letters
aredideoxy chain termination
  • Sequences are passed through a capillary
    electrophoresis apparatus that arranges them by
  • The result is that one labeled nucleotide at a
    time passes through the capillary tube
  • Labeled nucleotides are excited by a laser and
    emit a light signal corresponding to A, C, G, or T

Sequencing Facility Whitehead Institute
Pyro Sequencing
  • This newest of technologies is the latest
    standard in sequences
  • As bases are incorporated they emit light
    signals, allowing a single reconstruction of an
    original sequence to yield all of its letters
  • http//

Sequencing tied to physical maps
  • HGP (Human Genome Project)
  • Sequencing video

Shotgun approach
DNA sequence is obtained through a shotgun
approach -DNA is fragmented by shooting it out
of a small opening, e.g. the end of a
syringe -fragments are cloned in suitable
bacterial vectors -fragments are sequenced using
primers flanking fragment in plasmid - sequence
of fragments must be reassembled which relies on
the existence of very fast, large computing
resources - there are no physical maps to help
with reassembly
  • Around 1600 BC the abacus, the first mechanical
    calculating device, was created by the Chinese
    (image http//
  • 300-400 BC Aristotle invented syllogistic
    logic, the first formal deductive reasoning
  • A, A ? B (modus ponens)
  • B

Early A.D.
  • 780-850 Algorithm Idea invented by Mohammed
    ibn-Musa al-Khwarizmi, who was part of the royal
    court in Baghdad.
  • The notion of an algorithm is fundamental to
    computing. An algorithm is a step by step
    procedure for solving a problem that is
    guaranteed to find the right answer after a
    finite number of steps.
  • 13th century Ramom Llull, a Spanish theologian,
    invented a machine (Ars Magna) for discovering
    nonmathematical truths through eccentric logic
    (he wanted to prove the truth of the bible)
  • 1434 self striking water clock
  • 15th century Gutenberg and the printing press

  • 1500 Leonardo DaVincis mechanical calculator
    (designed, has since been built and works).
    DaVinci also designed a mechanical knight
  • Early 1500s Hans Bullmann creates the first
    androids simulated people that play musical
  • Clock makers create mechanical animals
  • 1533 Johann Muller, aka Regiomontanus, created an
    iron fly and an iron eagle both of which were
    purported to fly
  • 1580 Rabbi Loew of Prague invented the Golem, a
    clay figure that could be brought to life

  • Descartes proposed that bodies of animal were
    nothing more than complex machines
  • Hobbes published The Leviathan, describing a
    material and combinatorial theory of thinking
  • Early 1600s Napier created Napiers bones, carved
    wooden strips for mechanically computing
  • 1621 Oughtred invented the slide rule based on
    what Napier had done
  • 1642 Pascal created the first mechanical digital
    calculating machine
  • 1673 Leibniz invented the multiplier

1800s - I
  • 1801 Jacquard invents a loom where the pattern
    is controlled using punched cards made out of
    wood (http//
  • 1811-1816 Ned Ludd leads the Luddite movement to
    destroy machinery (England)
  • 1822 Charles Babbage designed the Difference
    Engine using Newtons method of differences it
    could approximate the value of a given polynomial
    using only subtraction (http//

1800s - II
  • Ada Byron (Lady Lovelace) worked with Babbage on
    his designs and is considered to be the first
    computer programmer
  • 1833 Babbage designs the Analytical Engine,
    considered to be the first programmable computer
    it was never built
  • The analytical engine was to be powered by a
    steam engine and would have been over 30 meters
    long and 10 meters wide. The input (programs and
    data) was to be provided to the machine via punch
    cards, a method being used at the time to direct
    mechanical looms. For output, the machine would
    have a printer, a curve plotter and a bell. The
    machine would also be able to punch numbers onto
    cards to be read in later. It employed ordinary
    base-10 fixed-point arithmetic. There was a store
    (i.e., a memory) capable of holding 1,000 numbers
    of 50 digits each. An arithmetical unit (the
    "mill") would be able to perform all four
    arithmetical operations.
  • The programming language to be employed was akin
    to modern day assembly languages. Loops and
    conditional branching were possible and so the
    language as conceived would have been
    Turing-complete long before Alan Turing's
    concept. Three different types of punch cards
    were used one for arithmetical operations, one
    for numerical constants, and one for load and
    store operations, transferring numbers from the
    store to the arithmetical unit or back. There
    were three separate readers for the three types
    of cards. (From Wikipedia, http//

1800s - III
  • 1847 George Boole developed a binary logic that
    could be used to represent (some) laws of
  • 1887 Hollerith developed the modern-day punched
    card to tabulate the US Census, he went on to
    found a company that ultimately became IBM

20th Century
  • 1910-1913 Russell and Whiteheads Principia
    Mathematica leads philosophy into the logical
    analysis of knowledge
  • 1936 Alan Turing published his paper On
    Computable Numbers which describes the concept of
    a Turing Machine
  • 1943 The term cybernetics is coined in a paper
  • 1943 McCulloch and Pitts do pioneering work on
    neural networks
  • 1950 Alan Turing proposed the Turing Test to
    determine machine intelligence

Turing Test
  • The Turing Test is considered by some to be the
    gold standard for determining whether a machine
    is intelligent
  • Many, however, regard it as an unsatisfactory way
    to define intelligence
  • Turing predicated that by the year 2000 a general
    machine intelligence would pass the test
  • Ray Kurzweil believes this will happen by 2020
  • The Loebner competition is a limited version of
    the TT
  • Image http//

First generation electronic computers1937 - 1953
  • vacuum tubes punched cards or magnetic tape
    machine language magnetic core memory
  • 1941 Atanasoff and Berry (Iowa State) build the
    ABC which could solve partial differential
    equations with many unknowns, it was not,
    however, programmable
  • 1943 Turing Colossus used by British military
    to crack the German code in WWII
  • 1945 ENIAC first general purpose programmable
    computer (Eckert, Mauchly, vonNeumann)
  • 1945 first computer bug, discovered by Grace
  • 1948 transistor invented
  • 1955 EDVAC stored program concept, program and
    data can both be stored
  • 1950s IBM mainframe computers

More Generations of Computing Machines
  • Second generation electronic computersmid 50s
    mid 60s
  • transistors punched cards or magnetic tape
    assembly language and some high level languages
    magnetic core memory
  • Third generation computers mid 60s early 70s
  • integrated circuits silicon chips punched
    cards, magnetic tape, magnetic disks magnetic
    core, some semiconductor memory e.g. IBM
  • 1968 microprocessor invented
  • Fourth generation computers 1972 1984
  • VLSI (very large scale integration)
    microprocessor chip magnetic disks, floppy
    disks high level languages user-friendly
    software semiconductor memory
  • 1976 Apple II
  • 1981 IBM PC

Computing Revolution
  • Computers have been steadily and precipitously
    decreasing in price and increasing in power and
    storage space
  • Moores Law number of transistors on chips
    doubles every two years
  • Update of Moores law data density on chips
    doubles every 18 months
  • Computer science researchers continue to find new
    ways of solving problems

  • A program is a set of instructions a computer can
  • There are many different programming languages
  • Machine language (binary)
  • Assembly language (primitive instructions, e.g.
  • High Level language (Java, Fortran, Perl, etc.)
  • Programs are what make computers behave in a
    certain manner
  • Algorithms can be realized as programs

Limits to computation
  • P polynomial time
  • NP non-deterministic polynomial time
  • Problems whose solutions involve NP algorithms
    are effectively not computable
  • There are problems for which no computer can find
    a solution
  • This is related to a mapping between algorithms
    (computer programs) and the integers
  • There are more real numbers than integers,
    therefore there are noncomputable numbers (i.e.
  • Until a fundamental change in the design of
    computers happens this will continue to be the
    case (possibly quantum computing)

Computer System Components(Von Neumann
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