Invitation%20to%20the%20Life%20Span%20by%20Kathleen%20Stassen%20Berger - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Invitation to the Life Span by Kathleen Stassen Berger Chapter 7- Middle Childhood Body and Mind PowerPoint Slides developed by Martin Wolfger and Michael James – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Invitation%20to%20the%20Life%20Span%20by%20Kathleen%20Stassen%20Berger

Invitation to the Life Spanby Kathleen Stassen
  • Chapter 7- Middle Childhood
  • Body and Mind

PowerPoint Slides developed by Martin Wolfger
and Michael James Ivy Tech Community
A Healthy Time
  • The average 7- to 11-year-old gains about 2
    inches (5 centimeters) and 5 pounds (2.2
    kilograms) per year.
  • Healthy 7-year-olds tend to be agile and neither
    too heavy nor too thin.
  • After age 6, the rate of muscle growth slows.
    Children master any motor skills that dont
    require adult-sized bodies.

A Healthy Time
  • Asthma
  • A chronic disease of the respiratory system in
    which inflammation narrows the airways from the
    nose and mouth to the lungs, causing difficulty
    in breathing. Signs and symptoms include
    wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness,
    and coughing.
  • Some experts suggest a hygiene hypothesis for the
    current increase in all allergies, from peanuts
    (an allergen for about 1 percent of U.S.
    children) to cockroach droppings (a trigger for

A Healthy Time
  • Obesity
  • Many 7- to 11-year-olds eat too much, exercise
    too little, and become overweight or obese as a
  • Body mass index (BMI)- The ratio of weight to
    height, calculated by dividing a persons body
    weight in kilograms by the square of his or her
    height in meters.
  • Overweight- In an adult, having a BMI of 25 to
    29. In a child, having a BMI above the 85th
    percentile, according to the U.S. Centers for
    Disease Controls 1980 standards for children of
    a given age.
  • Obesity- In an adult, having a BMI of 30 or more.
    In a child, having a BMI above the 95th
    percentile, according to the U.S. Centers for
    Disease Controls 1980 standards for children of
    a given age.

A Healthy Time
A Healthy Time
  • Physical Activity
  • Benefits
  • Better overall health, including less asthma
  • Less obesity
  • Appreciation of cooperation and fair play
  • Improved problem-solving ability
  • Respect for teammates and opponents of many
    ethnicities and nationalities

A Healthy Time
  • But there are hazards as well
  • Loss of self-esteem because of critical teammates
    or coaches.
  • Injuries (the infamous "Little League elbow" is
    one example).
  • Prejudice (especially against the other sex).
  • Increases in stress (evidenced by altered hormone
    levels, insomnia.

Theories About Cognition
  • Piaget and School-Age Children
  • Concrete operational thought- Piagets term for
    the ability to reason logically about direct
    experiences and perceptions.
  • Classification- The logical principle that things
    can be organized into groups (or categories or
    classes) according to some characteristic they
    have in common.
  • Transitive inference- The ability to figure out
    (infer) the unspoken link (transfer) between one
    fact and another.

Theories About Cognition
  • Seriation- The idea that things can be arranged
    in a series. Seriation is crucial for
    understanding the number sequence.
  • Contemporary developmentalists find that, in some
    ways, Piaget was mistaken. The research does not
    confirm a sudden shift between preoperational and
    concrete operational thought.
  • What develops during middle childhood is the
    ability to use mental categories and
    subcategories flexibly, inductively, and

Theories About Cognition
  • Vygotsky and School Age Children
  • Whereas Piaget emphasized the childs discovery,
    Vygotsky regarded instruction as essential.
  • In guiding each child through his or her zone of
    proximal development, or almost-understood ideas,
    other people are crucial.
  • Children are "apprentices in learning" as they
    play with each other, watch television, eat
    dinner with their families, and engage in other
    daily interactions.
  • Language is integral as a mediator, a vehicle for
    understanding and learning.

Theories About Cognition
  • Information-processing theory
  • A perspective that compares human thinking
    processes, by analogy, to computer analysis of
    data, including sensory input, connections,
    stored memories, and output.
  • Selective attention- The ability to concentrate
    on some stimuli while ignoring others.
  • Automatization- A process in which repetition of
    a sequence of thoughts and actions makes the
    sequence routine, so that it no longer requires
    conscious thought.
  • Reaction time- The time it takes to respond to a
    stimulus, either physically (with a reflexive
    movement such as an eye blink) or cognitively
    (with a thought).

Theories About Cognition
  • Sensory memory- The component of the information
    processing system in which incoming stimulus
    information is stored for a split second to allow
    it to be processed. (Also called the sensory
  • Working memory- The component of the information
    processing system in which current, conscious
    mental activity occurs. (Also called short-term
  • Long-term memory- The component of the
    information processing system in which virtually
    limitless amounts of information can be stored

Theories About Cognition
  • Working memory improves steadily and
    significantly every year from age 4 to 15 years.
  • The capacity of long-term memory is virtually
    limitless by the end of middle childhood.
  • Memory storage (how much information is deposited
    in the brain) expands over childhood, but more
    important is retrieval (how readily stored
    material can be brought into working memory).
  • As the prefrontal cortex matures, children are
    better able to use strategies to help them
  • Retrieval becomes more efficient and accurate.

Theories About Cognition
  • Metacognition- "Thinking about thinking" the
    ability to evaluate a cognitive task in order to
    determine how best to accomplish it, and then to
    monitor and adjust ones performance on that
  • Metamemory- The ability to understand how memory
    works in order to use it well. Metamemory is an
    essential element of metacognition.

Learning in School
  • Teaching Values
  • In some nations, every public school teaches
  • In the United States, most children who attend
    private school (10 percent) or who are
    home-schooled (2 percent) learn specific
    religious content.
  • Among the other specifics taught in some schools
    are evolution and sex education, both ideas that
    most Americans want children to learn but some
    parents do not.
  • Hidden curriculum- The unofficial, unstated, or
    implicit rules and priorities that influence the
    academic curriculum and every other aspect of
    learning in school.

Learning in School
  • Learning Language
  • By age 6, children know most of the basic
    vocabulary and grammar of their first language,
    and many speak a second or even a third language.
  • Some school-age children learn as many as 20 new
    words a day and apply grammar rules they did not
    use before.

Learning in School
  • Directly related to language learning is another
    capacity of the school-age child, the ability to
    switch from one manner of speaking, or language
    code, to another.
  • Each language code differs in tone,
    pronunciation, gesture, sentence length, idiom,
    grammar, and vocabulary.
  • Sometimes people switch from the formal code
    (used in academic contexts) to the informal code
    (used with friends).
  • Many children use a third code in text messaging,
    with numbers (411), abbreviations (LOL), and
    emoticons (_at_).

Learning in School
  • Learning Language
  • Should immigrant children be required to speak
    only Standard English in school right from the
    beginning, or should they be educated in their
    native language in the early grades?
  • English-language learner (ELL)- A child who is
    learning English as a second language.
  • In the United States, some school districts offer
    bilingual education (teaching in two languages)
    others provide ESL (English as a second language)
    instruction and others offer only immersion, in
    which children are taught exclusively in a
    language that is not spoken at home.

Learning in School
  • The Reading Wars
  • Phonics approach- Teaching reading by first
    teaching the sounds of each letter and of various
    letter combinations.
  • Whole-language approach- Teaching reading by
    encouraging early use of all language
    skills-talking and listening, reading and
  • A focus on phonics need not undercut instruction
    that motivates children to read, write, and
    discuss with their classmates and their parents.

Learning in School
  • The Math Wars
  • Historically, math was taught by rote children
    memorized number facts, such as the
    multiplication tables, and filled page after page
    of workbooks.
  • In reaction against this approach, many
    educators, inspired especially by Piaget and
    Vygotsky, sought to make math instruction more
    active and engaging- less a matter of
    memorization than of discovery.

Measuring the Mind
  • Aptitude- The potential to master a specific
    skill or to learn a certain body of knowledge.
  • IQ test- A test designed to measure intellectual
    aptitude, or ability to learn in school.
    Originally, intelligence was defined as mental
    age divided by chronological age, times
    100--hence the term intelligence quotient, or IQ.
  • Achievement test- A measure of mastery or
    proficiency in reading, mathematics, writing,
    science, or some other subject.

Measuring the Mind
  • Measuring Aptitude
  • The most important aptitude for school-age
    children is intellectual aptitude, or the ability
    to learn in school, which is usually measured by
    an IQ test.
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)-
    An IQ test designed for school-age children. The
    test assesses potential in many areas, including
    vocabulary, general knowledge, memory, and
    spatial comprehension.
  • Flynn effect - The rise in average IQ scores that
    has occurred over the decades in many nations.
  • Mental retardation- Literally, slow, or late,
    thinking. In practice, people are considered
    mentally retarded if they score below 70 on an IQ
    test and if they are markedly behind their peers
    in the ability to meet the basic requirements of
    daily life.

Measuring the Mind
  • Measuring Achievement Within the United States
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act- A U.S. law
    enacted in 2001 that was intended to increase
    accountability in education by requiring states
    to qualify for federal educational funding by
    administering standardized tests to measure
    school achievement.
  • National Assessment of Educational Progress
    (NAEP)- An ongoing and nationally representative
    measure of U.S. childrens achievement in
    reading, mathematics, and other subjects over
    time nicknamed "the nations report card."

Measuring the Mind
  • International Achievement Test Scores
  • Literacy Study (PIRLS)- Inaugurated in 2001, a
    planned five-year cycle of international trend
    studies in the reading ability of fourth-graders.
  • Trends in Math and Science Study (TIMSS)- An
    international assessment of the math and science
    skills of fourth- and eighth-graders. Although
    the TIMSS is very useful, different countries
    scores are not always comparable because sample
    selection, test administration, and content
    validity are hard to keep uniform.

Measuring the Mind
  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • The field that uses insights into typical
    development to understand and remediate
    developmental disorders, and vice versa.
  • Children with special needs- Children who,
    because of a physical or mental disability,
    require extra help in order to learn.
  • Education of children with special needs is most
    beneficial when it begins early but availability
    of programs varies within and among nations.

Measuring the Mind
Measuring the Mind
  • Several lessons from developmental
    psychopathology apply to everyone
  • 1. Abnormality is normal. Most people sometimes
    act oddly, and those with serious disabilities
    are, in many respects, like everyone else.
  • 2. Disability changes year by year Someone who
    is severely disabled at one stage may become
    quite capable later on, or vice versa.

Measuring the Mind
  • 3. Adulthood may be better or worse than
    childhood. Prognosis is difficult. Many infants
    and children with serious disabilities that
    affect them psychologically (e.g., blindness)
    become happy and productive adults. Conversely,
    some conditions become more disabling at
    maturity, when interpersonal skills become more
  • 4. Diagnosis depends on the social context.
    According to the widely used Diagnostic and
    Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    (DSM-IV-TR), "nuances of an individuals cultural
    frame of reference" must be considered before a
    diagnosis is rendered(American Psychiatric
    Association, 2000, p. xxxiv).

Measuring the Mind
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
    Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)
  • The American Psychiatric Associations official
    guide to the diagnosis (not treatment) of mental
    disorders. (IV-TR means "fourth edition, text
  • The fifth edition is scheduled to be published in

Measuring the Mind
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-
    A condition in which a person is inattentive,
    impulsive, and overactive and thus has great
    difficulty concentrating for more than a few
  • Comorbidity- The presence of two or more
    unrelated disease conditions at the same time in
    the same person.

Measuring the Mind
  • Learning disability- A marked delay in a
    particular area of learning that is not caused by
    an apparent physical disability, by mental
    retardation, or by an unusually stressful home
  • Dyslexia- Unusual difficulty with reading
    thought to be the result of some neurological

Measuring the Mind
  • Autistic spectrum disorder- Any of several
    disorders characterized by impaired
    communication, inadequate social skills, and
    unusual patterns of play.
  • Autism- A developmental disorder marked by an
    inability to relate to other people normally,
    extreme self-absorption, and an inability to
    acquire normal speech.
  • Asperger syndrome- An autistic spectrum disorder
    characterized by extreme attention to details and
    deficient social understanding.

Measuring the Mind
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