Title: FLAMES/GIRAFFE:%20%20%20Euro3D,%20kickoff%20meeting,%20science
1GEPI - L. Chemin
3D spectroscopy
at Paris Obs. (GEPI)
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
23D spectroscopy at GEPI C. Balkowski, V.
Cayatte, L. Chemin, H. Flores, F. Hammer
I. Kinematics Dynamics of nearby galaxies
(in tight collaboration with a Marseille Obs.
team) 1- 3D obs. of galaxies vs magnetic field
ex NGC 3627 2- 3D observations
of galaxies in dense environments the
case of the Virgo Cluster ex NGC 4522 -
NGC 4438
II. Kinematics Dynamics of distant galaxies
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
3I. Kinematics Dynamics of Nearby Galaxies
1- 3D obs. of galaxies vs magnetic field
? Understand the relation between the
magnetic field component and the ionized gas
kinematics. ? 3D dynamo simulation of B and
radio polarization ? example NGC 3627
(coll. with Urbanik M., Soida M., Chyzy K.,
Otmianowska-Mazur K. Astron. Obs. Krakow,
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
4NGC 3627
Magnetic field
FP H? velocity field
(cube 256x256x24, FSR380 km/s, 1/pixel)
(Soida et al. 2001)
(Chemin et al. in prep.)
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
52- Kinematics Dynamics of Nearby Galaxies in
Fabry-Perot H
survey of Virgo galaxies
C. Balkowski, V. Cayatte, L. Chemin (1)
, P. Amram
, A. Boselli
, J. Boulesteix (2)
C. Adami
, O. Garrido
, M. Marcelin (2)
J.-L. Gach
B. Vollmer (3)
C. Carignan (4)
1 Observatoire de Paris, GEPI, 92195 Meudon,
2 Observatoire Astronomique de
2, Place Le Verrier, 13248 Marseille, FRANCE
3 Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, 53121
4 Département de physique, Université de Montréal
Montréal (Québec), CANADA H3C 3J7
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
6Scientific justification
On-going Fabry-Perot survey
(Boselli Gavazzi 2002)
Galaxies having deep H? images
(Koopman et al. 2001)
Galaxies with perturbed rotation curves (Rubin et
al. 1999)
Compare the gas velocity field with numerical
simulations of ram pressure stripping (eg
Vollmer et al. 2001)
? Allow to establish when a galaxy has
passed through the cluster centre
? Test the hypothesis of the re-accretion of
the expelled gas onto the galaxy disk after
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
7NGC 4522 (Vollmer et al. 2000)
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
8NGC 4438 (in prep.)
H? Velocity Field of NGC 4438 (ESO 3.6m tel.,
obs. 2002/04)
H? NII image of NGC 4438 (Kenney Yale
(cube 512x512x40, FSR490 km/s, 0.5/pixel)
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
9II. Kinematics Dynamics of Distant Galaxies
Vogt et al. 1996
1- Context
? Few tens of rotation curves ? emission
lines (Vogt et al. 1996, 1997) ? absorption
lines (Kelson et al. 2000) ? Long-slit
spectroscopy (Keck Telescope) ? Low spectral
res. (? 60 km/s)
? Results ? rotation curves of distant gal.
are similar to nearby ones ? no change of
slope or shape of the TF-relation vs local
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
102- Limits ? slit width 1 ( ? 5kpc at
z0.5) ? slit effect ? seeing ? slit
misalignment vs major axis
? beam-smearing effect ? kinematical
parameters not well determined ? ? plateau
not reached ?
Kinematics at intermediate redshift needs IFS
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
We are developping a tool to recover high angular
resolution velocity fields of intermediate
redshift galaxies.
Illustration of what could be obtained with a
HDFS galaxy (z 0.58 or OII3727 at 5888Ã…) and
a warped velocity field model.
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
12LIR Galaxies detected by ISO
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002
133D spectroscopy with GIRAFFE
Key questions for galaxy evolution
in field and clusters, disk, compact galaxies,
LIRGs, ULIRGs, ...
? Merging rate vs. redshift
? Tully-Fisher relation and mass of distant
? Star formation coupled with dynamical
Euro3D kick-off meeting Jul. 2-4, 2002