Title: The Giraffe
1 The Giraffe
2What is Special about giraffes?
- They have unusually long necks
- Both male and female have horns
- The tongue of a giraffe is almost two feet long
- All giraffes have different patterns on their
- The giraffe has the longest tail of any land
mammal. They can be 8 feet long
- The heart of a giraffe is about two feet long
(the largest of all animals)
3Birth Of A Giraffe
- After about 15 months of waiting the mother
finally gives birth to a baby giraffe - A baby giraffe is called a calf
- When born the calf falls headfirst to the ground
about six feet - An hour after its birth it is walking
4Childhood of a Giraffe
- When growing up the calf will often be left
sitting alone while its mother is out eating - At four months the calf can start to eat leaves
- The calf will leave its mother after a year
- At about age 4 the giraffe will become mature
- The lion, crocodile and hyena are predators to
the giraffe - Humans are also predators
- They are hunted for meat, coat and their tails
- For defense the giraffe has powerful legs to kick
the predator
6Eating and Sleeping
- The tongue of a giraffe is about 18 inches
- It is colored blue-black to prevent sunburn
- They eat about 65 pounds of food a day
- At most a giraffe sleeps 2 hours a day
- When sleeping they can stand up
- Eats twigs and leaves
- Favorite food is from the acacia tree
- Also they like fruit
8Home of the Giraffe
- All giraffes can be found in Africa
- Mainly live in the savannah or the grasslands
9The Subspecies of Giraffes
- There are nine subspecies of Giraffes
- West African
- Nubian
- Rothschild (endangered)
- Masai
- Somali (most common in zoos)
- Tornicroft
- Kordofan
- Angolan
- South African
- The main difference between the giraffes is the
pattern and variation of color of their skin
10A Grown Giraffe
- A full grown male weighs from 2,400 and 4,000
pounds and can be 18 feet tall - A full grown female weighs 1,600 to 2,600 pounds
and will grow to be 16 feet tall - The average life span of a giraffe is 25 years
11Bibliography http//www.aps.uoguelph.ca/gmason/St
tongue-playing20(M20Bashaw).jpg http//en.wikipe
pg http//farm1.static.flickr.com/42/75713257_ca61
dd232d_b.jpg http//honewatson.com/wp-content/blog
0ok.jpg http//www.mccullagh.org/db9/10d-17/giraff
e-1.jpg http//sidneyalbertluke.org/sitebuilder/im
ages/Acacia1-870x637.jpg http//whateverthingsare.
files.wordpress.com/2009/03/giraffe-01.jpg http//
522231ms-588.jpg http//www.rd.ca/cms/images/image
/momgiraffe_291.jpg http//www.africaguide.com/wil
dlife/giraffe.htm http//www.sandiegozoo.org/anima
lbytes/t-giraffe.html http//17.media.tumblr.com/t
umblr_kut7zyGl2w1qaqjvso1_400.jpg http//www.bosto
ads/2009/09/african-lion-closeup.jpg http//www.pi
http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giraffe\ http//www.s
ml http//www.animalwebguide.com/Giraffe-2.jpg