Title: Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses
1Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses
- Alison Brettle,
- Research Fellow (Information)
- Salford Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and
Collaborative Research - University of Salford
2 Aims
- To discuss the role of the systematic reviews and
meta-analyses and cover issues involved in their
critical appraisal and interpretation
3Systematic Review
- A review of all the literature on a
particular topic, which has been systematically
identified, appraised and summarised giving a
summary answer.
4What is a systematic review?
- An overview of primary research studies conducted
according to explicit and reproducible
methodology - A rigorous method of summarising research
evidence - Shows what we know and dont know about a topic
area - Provides evidence of effectiveness (or not) by
summarising and appraising relevant evidence
5Systematic reviews aim
- To find all relevant research studies (published
and unpublished) - To assess each study on basis of defined criteria
- Synthesise the findings in an unbiased way
- Present a balanced and impartial summary of the
findings taking any flaws into consideration
6Advantages of systematic reviews
- Summarise evidence, keep people up to date
without reading all published research literature - Allow large amounts of data to be assimilated (eg
by busy clinicians, policy makers etc) - A clearer picture by collating results of
research - Reduce bias removes reviewers personal
opinions, preferences and specialist knowledge - Explicit methods - allow the reader to assess how
review has been compiled - More reliable conclusions because of methods used
7Systematic review models
- Medical/Health care
- Cochrane Collaboration, NHS Centre for Reviews
and Dissemination - Usually includes high quality research evidence
RCTs - Often includes meta-analysis (mathematical
synthesis of results of 2 studies that addressed
same hypothesis in same way) - Social care/Social Sciences
- SCIE, EPPI Centre, Campbell Collaboration
- Often include wider range of studies including
qualitative - Often narrative synthesis of evidence
8Systematic review process
- Define/focus the question
- Develop a protocol
- Search the literature (possibly 2 stages scoping
and actual searches) - Refine the inclusion/exclusion criteria
- Assess the studies (data extraction tools, 2
independent reviewers) - Combine the results of the studies to produce
conclusion can be a qualitative or quantitative
(meta-analysis) - Place findings in context quality and
heterogeniety of studies, applicability of
9Methodology for a systematic review of randomised
controlled trials1
Greenhalgh, T, BMJ 1997315672-675
10What type of study design?
- How effective is paracetamol at reducing pain?
- Does smoking increase the risk of oral cancer?
11- STRONG Experimental studies/ clinical trials
- Randomised controlled trials
- Non-randomised controlled trials
- Observational studies
- Cohorts
- Case-controls
- Cross-sectional surveys
- Case series
- Case reports
- WEAK Expert opinion, consensus
12Experimental studies
- Randomised controlled trial
- Non-randomised controlled clinical trial
- Evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention
13Observational studies
- Measuring the incidence of a disease looking at
the causes of disease determining prognosis - Looking at the causes of disease identification
of risk factors suitable for examining rare
diseases - Measuring the prevalence of a disease examining
the association
- Cohort
- Case-control
- Cross-sectional
- survey
14What is a meta-analysis?
- Optional part of a systematic review
Systematic reviews
- The process of using statistical methods to
combine the results of different studies. - The aim is to integrate the findings, pool the
data, and identify the overall trend of results - (Dictionary of Epidemiology, 1995)
16Systematic Reviews
- Understanding the jargon and the blobs!
17Odds Ratio, Relative Risk Measures of risk
The likelihood of something happening V The
likelihood of something not happening
18Odds Ratio Graph (Blobbogram)
Line of no significance
19Odds Ratio
Best estimate
Confidence Interval (wobble factor)
20Odds Ratio (Blobbogram)
21Confidence Interval
Is the range within which the true size of effect
(never exactly known) lies, with a given degree
of assurance (95 or 99).
22Confidence Intervals(Wobble factor)
23Confidence Interval (CI) the wobble factor,
how sure are we about the results? - the
shorter the CI the more certain we are about the
results - if it crosses the line of 1 (no
treatment effect) the intervention might not be
doing any good and could be doing harm
- Clinical heterogeneity differences in trial
characteristics - Statistical heterogeneity - the variability in
the reported effect sizes between studies - how similar are the results?
- are the differences among the results of the
trials greater than could be expected by chance
25Number needed to treat (NNT)
the number of people you would need to
treat with a specific intervention to see one
additional occurrence of a specific outcome
26The p-value in a nutshell
How often you would see a similar result by
chance, when actually there was no effect by the
drug or treatment.
Certain Absolutely
p0.001 Very unlikely 1 in 1000 p0.05
Fairly unlikely 1 in 20 p0.5 Fairly
likely 1 in 2 p0.75 Very likely 3 in 4
27Critical appraisal
- Is the study valid?
- Trustworthy
- What are the results?
- Is it useful in practice?
- Relevant?
- Generalisable?
28Evaluating quality of systematic reviews
- Is there a clearly defined question?
- Thorough and comprehensive search
- Was methodological quality assessed and studies
weighted accordingly? (Were studies reliable and
valid?) - How sensitive are the results to the way the
review was done ie if you changed the inclusion
criteria how would this affect results? - Interpretation of numerical results
29Further reading
- Greenhalgh T (1997) How to read a paper papers
that summarize other papers (systematic reviews
and meta-analyses), BMJ, 315672-675
30Useful resources
- Cochrane Collaboration
- http//www.cochrane.org/
- http//www.cochrane.org/docs/irmg.htm
- Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
- http//www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/
- Finding studies for systematic reviews
- http//www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/revs.htm
- EPPI-Centre Stages of a review
- http//eppi.ioe.ac.uk/cms/Default.aspx?tabid89
- SCIE - The conduct of systematic research reviews
for SCIE knowledge reviews - http//www.scie.org.uk/publications/details.asp?pu