SHIGELLA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SHIGELLA Genus Shigella belongs to Enterobacteriaceae family Shigella has been traditionally been grouped with Salmonella and Yersinia because these 3 genera are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Genus Shigella belongs to Enterobacteriaceae
  • Shigella has been traditionally been grouped with
    Salmonella and Yersinia because these 3 genera
    are invasive organisms that do not ferment
  • However, recent taxonomic studies that have
    focused on DNA homology have shown that Shigella
    is closely related to Escherichia, and some
    researchers believe that it is a subspecies of
    Escherichia coli.

General features
  • Four species (groups) of Shigella has been
  • Shigella dysenteriae (group A), (12 serotypes)
  • Shigella flexneri (group B), (6 serotypes)
  • Shigella boydii (group C), (18 serotypes)
  • Shigella sonnei (group D). (1 serotype).

  • Members of the genus Shigella are the principal
    agents of bacillary dysentery.
  • This disease differs from profuse watery
    diarrhea, as is commonly seen in choleraic
    diarrhea or in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
    diarrhea, in that the dysenteric stool is scant
    and contains blood, mucus, and inflammatory

(No Transcript)
  • Shigella is one of the most infectious of
    bacteria and ingestion of as few as 100-200
    organisms will cause disease.
  • Most individuals are infected with shigellae when
    they ingest food or water contaminated with human
    fecal material.
  • Shigellae can survive up to 30 days in milk,
    eggs, cheese or shrimps.

  • Spread is always from a human resource and
    generally involves one of the five fs
  • food,
  • fingers,
  • feces,
  • flies or
  • fomites.
  • This is in contrast to salmonellae, which are
    often spread to humans from infected animals.

  • Shigellosis is primarily a pediatric disease
  • 70 of all infections occur in children younger
    than 15 yars
  • Dysentery outbreaks are usually associated with
    closed populations, such as
  • families,
  • cruise ships,
  • mental hospitals,
  • children in day-care facilities, and
  • prisoners.

  • Bacterial products involved in virulence
  • Shigella cause disease by invading, replicating
    in cells linning the colonic mucosa, and cell to
    cell spread.
  • The ability of shigellae to invade host cells
    depends on the presence of a 220 kb plasmid that
    encodes for a set of 4 proteins known as invasion
    plasmids antigens (IpaA, IpaB, IpaC, IpaD).
  • One of these antigens, IpaD, is believed to be an
    adhesin that allows the bacterium to be
  • The host cell receptor for IpaD is not known, but
    it is expressed only on the basolateral pole of

  • Once the shigella is inside the host phagosome, a
    cell-associated hemolysin lyse the phagosome, and
    the bacterium multiplies within the cell

  • Within 2 hours of entry, the shigella is coated
    with gelatinized actin.
  • This coat is soon converted to a tail of
    polymerized actin that streams away from the
  • Actin polymerization is caused by a 120 kD outer
    membrane protein.
  • This polymerization allows the shigella to move
    directly from cell to cell.

  • Shigella dysenteriae produces Shiga neurotoxin.
  • This toxin is identical to verotoxin 1 produced
    by enterohemorrhagic strains of E. coli and it
    has one A subunit and five B subunits.
  • The B subunits bind to a host cell glycolipid
    (Gb3) and facilitate transfer of the A subunit
    into the cell. The A subunit disrupts protein
  • The primary manifestation of toxin activity is
    damage to the intestinal epithelium.
  • In some cases, Shiga toxin can mediate damage to
    the glomerular endothelial cells, resulting in
    renal failure.

  • Shiga toxin production is not need to kill host
    colonic epithelial cells in fact invasion seems
    to be the critical event in cell death and kills
    host cells faster than does Shiga toxin.
  • Nevertheless, shigellae that produce Shiga toxin
    cause more severe disease, possibly because the
    toxin damages the capillaries of the lamina
    propria of the colonic villi, causing ischemia
    and hemorrhagic colitis.

The Shigella infection cycle
  • Shigellae transiently infect the small intestine
    during the first few days of disease, and
    dysentery occurs when the colon is infected.
  • Invasion of the colon is probably initiated
    through colonic lymphoid follicles that are rich
    in M (microfold) cells and are analogous to
    Peyers patches found in small intestine.
  • These cells (M cells) typically transport foreign
    antigens to the underlying macrophages for

  • A proposed model for invasion of epithelial
    cells of the colon.
  • 1) The Shigella first cross the mucosa by
    passing through specialized cells called M cells.
  • The M cell passes the Shigella on to a macrophage
    from which it subsequently escapes - possibly by
    inducing apoptosis, a programmed cell suicide.

  • 2) The Shigella then uses its invasins to enter
    the mucosal epithelial cells from underneath.
  • The invasins cause actin polymer rearrangements
    in the cell's cytoskeleton resulting in the
    bacterium being engulfed and placed in an
    endocytic vesicle in a manner similar to
    phagocytic cells.
  • Once inside, the Shigella escape from the vacuole
    into the cytoplasm and multiply.

  • 3) The Shigella are able to move through the host
    cell and spread to adjacent host cells by a
    unique process called actin-based motility.
  • In this process, actin filaments polymerize at
    one end of the bacterium, producing comet-like
    tails that propel the Shigella through the
    cytoplasm of the host cell.

  • 4) When they reach the boundary of that cell, the
    actin filaments push the Shigella across that
    membrane and into the adjacent cell.

(No Transcript)
  • Some shigellae subsequently invade the connective
    tissue (the lamina propria), elicit an
    inflammatory response, and cause ulceration at
    the invasion site.
  • The inflammatory response involves PMNs and
    fibrin pseudomembrane typically forms over the

  • Shiga toxin may exacerbate the inflammation by
    causing ischemia and hemorrhage.
  • Shiga toxin that enters the circulation may also
    cause hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
  • Unlike salmonellae, shigellae are restricted to
    the mucosa and submucosa and rarely cause
    bacteriemia or sepsis.

  • Two to three days after exposure to shigellae,
    the symptoms of shigellosis begin.
  • There is a sudden onset of
  • fever,
  • abdominal cramping and tenderness, and
  • diarrhea.

  • During the first 2-3 days, fluid loss may be
    extensive and may endanger the lives of children
    and others that tolerate fluid and electrolyte
    loss poorly.
  • However, the cardinal feature of shigellosis is
    lower abdominal cramps and tenesmus,with abundant
    pus and blood in the stool.
  • The onset of tenesmus (straining at stool) is
    usually accompanied by decrease in the number and
    volume of stools

  • Sigmoidscopy reveals that the mucosa is hyperemic
    and hemorrhagic and demonstrates the presence of
    ulceration covered with fibrin pseudomembrane.
  • The finding of mucus, PMNs, and blood in the
    stool is hallmark of dysentery and indicates that
    the bowel wall has been invaded.

  • To identify the causative agent, stool samples
    can be cultured.
  • The best sample for culture, however, consists of
    a rectal swab of an ulcer and is obtained during
  • Dysentery due to Shigella must be differentiated
    from dysenterylike diseases caused by
    enteroinvasive E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni, and
    the parasite Entamoeba histolytica.
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