Homelessness and Addiction Treatment Outcomes among Veterans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Homelessness and Addiction Treatment Outcomes among Veterans


Homelessness and Addiction Treatment Outcomes among Veterans Substance use itself may be the most salient factor causing homelessness (Devine, 1997). – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Homelessness and Addiction Treatment Outcomes among Veterans

Homelessness and Addiction Treatment Outcomes
among Veterans
Substance use itself may be the most salient
factor causing homelessness (Devine, 1997).
  • Andrew J. Saxon, M.D.

VA Puget Sound Health Care System, HSRDCenter
of Excellence in Substance Abuse Treatment and
Education University of Washington
Homelessness and Addiction Outcomes
  • Data from a cohort of Veterans entering
    outpatient substance use disorders (SUD)
    treatment who participated in randomized trial
  • on-site primary care in a substance use treatment
  • referral primary care in a general medicine
  • Included participants who completed at least one
    follow-up visit (N622)

Housing Status
  • Examined subject characteristics and outcomes by
    housing status at baseline and final follow-up
    (typically 12-months post-randomization)
  • Participants classified into 4 groups
  • housed at baseline and at the final follow-up
  • homeless at baseline and at the final follow-up
  • housed at baseline but homeless at the final
    follow-up (8)
  • homeless at baseline but housed at the final
    follow-up (24).

Demographics by housing status
  Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics  
  Consistently Housed Consistently Housed Consistently Homeless Consistently Homeless Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final  
  (n255) (n255) (n168) (n168) (n51) (n51) (n148) (n148)  
  n() or M(SD) n() or M(SD) n() or M(SD) n() or M(SD) n() or M(SD) n() or M(SD) n() or M(SD) n() or M(SD) p-value
Assigned to Onsite Primary Care 136 (53) 77 (46) 25 (49) 73 (49) .504
Mean age 45.4 (8.6) 47.0 (6.4) 46.2 (6.8) 46.2 (7.5) .166
Male 250 (98) 165 (98) 49 (96) 145 (98) .817
White (non-Hispanic) 175 (69) 106 (63) 28 (55) 87 (59)
African American/Black 64 (25) 50 (30) 13 (25) 49 (33)
Other 16 (6) 12 (7) 10 (20) 12 (7) .027
Demographics by housing status, cont.
  Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics  
  Consistently Housed Consistently Housed Consistently Homeless Consistently Homeless Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final  
  (n255) (n255) (n168) (n168) (n51) (n51) (n148) (n148)  
  n() n() n() n() n() n() n() n() p-value
Marital Status
Divorced, separated or widowed 162 (64) 118 (71) 42 (82) 101 (69)
Never Married 57 (22) 43 (26) 5 (10) 34 (23)
Married or Remarried 35 (14) 6 (4) 4 (8) 12 (8) .005
Period of Service                  
Vietnam 144 (57) 93 (55) 31 (61) 80 (54)
Post Vietnam 82 (32) 67 (40) 17 (33) 56 (38)
Other 29 (11) 8 (5) 3 (6) 12 (8) .233
Service Connected 75 (29) 20 (12) 14 (28) 28 (19) lt.001
Diagnoses at baseline
  Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics  
  Consistently Housed Consistently Housed Consistently Homeless Consistently Homeless Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final  
  (n255) (n255) (n168) (n168) (n51) (n51) (n148) (n148)  
  n() n() n() n() n() n() n() n() p-value
Primary Substance
Alcohol 175 (69) 102 (61) 32 (63) 91 (62)
Cocaine 40 (16) 42 (25) 11 (22) 33 (22)
Opioid 28 (11) 12 (7) 5 (10) 12 (8)
Other 12 (5) 12 (7) 3 (6) 12 (8) .350
Number of psychiatric diagnoses Number of psychiatric diagnoses
0 96 (38) 55 (33) 14 (28) 31 (21)
1 68 (27) 52 (31) 16 (31) 50 (34)
2 or more 91 (36) 61 (36) 21 (41) 67 (45) .044
Addiction Severity Index at Baseline
  Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics Housing Characteristics  
  Consistently Housed Consistently Housed Consistently Homeless Consistently Homeless Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final  
  (n255) (n255) (n168) (n168) (n51) (n51) (n148) (n148)  
  M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) p-value
Alcohol .34 (.27) .34 (.27) .43 (.27) .29 (.27) .017
Drug .10 (.12) .10 (.11) .14 (.13) .12 (.11) .199
Medical .51 (.36) .58 (.37) .59 (.38) .61 (.36) .026
Employment .69 (.31) .85 (.18) .85 (.20) .82 (.21) lt.001
Legal .13 (.19) .07 (.15) .12 (.15) .13 (.20) .002
Psychiatric .39 (.25) .48 (.26) .48 (.26) .51 (.23) lt.001
Family .19 (.20) .18 (.18) .20 (.19) .19 (.18) .975
Outcomes by housing status
  • Analyses controlled for age, race, randomization
    location, baseline psychiatric condition, primary
    substance, baseline alcohol/drug abstinence, and
    final assessment time point (3-, 6- or 12-months)
    unless otherwise noted.
  • For longitudinal measures (e.g. ASI composite
    scores) compared change over time and 12-month
    outcomes between the housing groups

12-Month Addiction Severity Index Scores
  Housing Status Meanadj SEadj p-value
Alcohol Consistently Housed 0.15 0.01 ref
Consistently Homeless 0.19 0.02 .129
Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 0.15 0.04 .813
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 0.12 0.02 .345
Drug Consistently Housed 0.04 0.00 ref
Consistently Homeless 0.06 0.01 .015
Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 0.03 0.01 .072
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 0.05 0.01 .350
Medical Consistently Housed 0.46 0.02 ref
Consistently Homeless 0.53 0.03 .292
Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 0.63 0.05 .009
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 0.49 0.03 .882
Psychiatric Consistently Housed 0.26 0.01 ref
Consistently Homeless 0.38 0.02 .007
Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 0.44 0.04 .011
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 0.37 0.02 .088
Psychiatric composite score by housing status
Psychiatric composite scores showed less
improvement over time in the housed
baseline/homeless final group compared to the
consistently housed group (ßadj .01 95 CI
.00 .02 p .019).
Medical composite score by housing status
Medical composite scores worsened over time in
the housed baseline/homeless final group relative
to the homeless baseline/housed final group
(?2adj 6.89, df 1, p .009).
Drug composite score by housing status
Scores showed less improvement over time in the
consistently homeless group compared to the
consistently housed group (p .031) and the
housed baseline/homeless end group (p lt .001).
The housed baseline/homeless final group improved
more over time than the consistently housed group
(p .010).
12-Month Service Utilization
Service Housing status n ORadj 95 CIadj p-value
Any Inpatient Stay Consistently Housed 71 28 1
Any Inpatient Stay Consistently Homeless 110 66 5.05 3.24 7.87 lt.001
Any Inpatient Stay Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 33 65 4.43 2.30 8.52 lt.001
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 80 54 2.87 1.84 4.49 lt.001
Any Inpatient Stay (Excluding DOM CWT) Consistently Housed 52 20 1
Any Inpatient Stay (Excluding DOM CWT) Consistently Homeless 55 33 1.75 1.10 2.79 0.018
Any Inpatient Stay (Excluding DOM CWT) Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 21 41 2.3 1.19 4.45 0.014
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 45 30 1.47 .90 2.39 0.121
Emergency room visit Consistently Housed 104 41 1
Emergency room visit Consistently Homeless 102 61 2.12 1.41 3.21 lt.001
Emergency room visit Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 30 59 1.81 .96 3.41 0.065
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 76 51 1.45 .95 2.21 0.083
12-Month Costs at VA Puget Sound
  Housing Status Mean Dollars SD p-value
Total Costs Consistently Housed 11,621 11,235
Total Costs Consistently Homeless 21,341 21,238 lt.001
Total Costs Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 20,979 18,237 lt.001
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 18,006 18,360 lt.001
Total Costs Excluding DOM CWT Consistently Housed 10,287 9,071
Total Costs Excluding DOM CWT Consistently Homeless 12,566 11,781 0.033
Total Costs Excluding DOM CWT Housed Baseline/ Homeless Final 14,325 12,029 0.03
  Homeless Baseline/ Housed Final 12,283 12,103 0.095
  • Homelessness is prevalent among Veterans with
    substance use disorders
  • 65 of 622 Veterans spent at least one night
    homeless at some point during an 18-month period.
  • Veterans experiencing homelessness at baseline
    had more severe alcohol, medical, employment,
    legal and psychiatric problems than participants
    with housing.

  • Veterans with unstable housing engaged in and
    benefited from treatment.
  • short-term housing (domiciliary and community
    programs) may have increased treatment retention.
  • Associations between housing and positive
    treatment outcomes mixed
  • final ASI drug and psychiatric scores were better
    among those consistently housed when compared to
    the consistently homeless group.
  • Differences not found in final ASI alcohol scores
    or abstinence rates

  • Veterans with unstable housing used more services
    and had higher total costs than housed Veterans
  • Significant differences remained when costs such
    as domiciliary and compensated work therapy were
  • Costs limited to one VA medical center

Next Steps
  • Need for interventions that simultaneously
    address housing, substance use and mental health
  • Assertive community treatment / intensive case
  • improves housing status, substance use and mental
    health outcomes.
  • Life Skills Training
  • improves the likelihood of maintaining housing

Next Steps
  • The VA Homeless Health Services Research
    Initiative Addiction Housing Case Management for
    Homeless Veterans in Addiction Treatment
  • Integrates assertive community treatment /
    intensive case management and Life Skills
    Training into a large VA addiction specialty care
  • Time and attention control housing support group
  • 4-year study
  • N400

  • Compare Addiction /Housing Case Management (AHCM)
    to time and attention control on
  • number of days housed and likelihood of obtaining
    long-term housing
  • costs and cost-effectiveness
  • addiction and mental health outcomes and
    functional status
  • examine treatment process variables associated
    with improved outcomes.

Potential Impact
  • Identification of factors associated with
    improved outcomes could guide the care of
    Veterans with substance use and mental health
    disorders who are facing homelessness.
  • Potential to inform the roles of substance use
    specialists in the Homeless Care Line.
  • Help to determine if intensive case management
    services are cost-effective in this population
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