Title: Computer%20Assisted%20Learning
1Computer Assisted Learning CAL
R.Raveendran Professor of Pharmacology JIPMER Pond
icherry 605 006
2What is this talk about?
Types of CAL
Need for CAL?
Producing a CAL package
How to design?
3Types of CAL
4Is there a need for CAL?
Fully student centered
Highly interactive
Realistic simulation
User friendly
Meets the objectives
Can replace / reduce animals
CAL is a very unique teaching method
5 Producing a CAL package
- Decide on the topic
- Decide on the type of CAL
- Design the software ?
- Write the code
- Test it thoroughly
- Push, Promote Propagate
Do you have to be a programmer?
6Design a CAL program
- Run similar software and observe
- Think over how your software will look, run
- How many?
- Screen types
- Logo
- Main Menu
- Interface
7Design a CAL program
- Task?
- Text / pictures (supporting)
- Help / Instructions
- Input Menu / choices
- Response Answer / Action /Other
- Where to position
- text / pictures etc. (display area)
- User input / action (input area)
- Result (response area)
8Design a CAL program
Extra Fittings
- Point proceed
- Correct proceed
- Give another chance
- Punish / Crash
Input Error
9Case Study Dog BP Simulation
10(No Transcript)
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14Thank you for listening
15Thank you for listening
16Thank you for listening
17Software packages available for CAL
Free packages from www.indpharm.org/download.ht
m http//www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/PhysPharm/
Software databases InterNiche
www.interniche.org AVAR database
www.avar.org EuRCA database
www.eurca.org NORINA database http//oslovet.veth
18Commercial Software packages
Sheffield BioScience Programs http//www.sheffbp
.co.uk Pharma-CAL-ogy British Pharmacological
Society www.bps.ac.uk Biosoft
www.biosoft.com Software Loan from