CALL%20Computer%20Assisted%20Language%20Learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CALL%20Computer%20Assisted%20Language%20Learning

CALLComputer Assisted Language Learning
  • University of Stellenbosch

  • This presentation attempts to provide an
    overview of the historical development of
    CALI/CALL, with particular attention to the
    concepts, principles, techniques and applications
    that have evolved over the years.

  • The term
  • Computer assisted language learning
  • refers to educational measures taken to enhance
    language instruction which is not conducted by

  • The term
  • Computer assisted language learning
  • appears to imply that stand-alone language
    software true self-study applications are
    impossible, unlikely or undesirable.

  • If language instruction by computer is only
    possible or desirable as an enhancement of other
    educational measures, it follows that it must be
    well integrated into these measures.

Interdisciplinary character
  • CALL is a hybrid discipline. It has strong
    affinities to other disciplines outside the field
    of language teaching e.g.
  • Information Science,
  • Materials Design,
  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • Expert Systems,
  • Interface Design.

Interdisciplinary character
  • Language educators with a solid scientific
    grounding in these other disciplines are rare
    which is why Levy states that
  • When one looks at CALL software, one often finds
    that it adheres less to educational
    considerations, but that hardware and software
    tools determine, to a considerable degree, how
    CALL is conceptualized
  • (Levy 1997 17).

History (1)
  • CALL began in the age of mainframe computers with
    large well-funded projects, e.g.
  • PLATO Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching
    Operations, 1960, University of Illinois
  • TICCIT Time-Shared Interactive Computer
    Controlled Information Television, 1971,
    Brigham Young University.

History (2)
  • The appearance of the home computer in the
    middle of the 70s (Apple I und II, Commodore PET,
    Radio Shack TRS-80) and at the beginning of 80s
    (Apple IIe, Sinclair ZX80, BBC micro, Amiga,
    Atari, IBM PC) opened computing to a broader
    audience. The beginning boom also extended to
    CALI. (cf. Info DaF 1992 147)

History (3)
  • As most of the new micro computers were
    equipped with the relatively easy to learn
    programming language, BASIC, many language
    instructors learned programming and began to
    write their own little applications.
  • Manuals on programming for CALL soon appeared
    (e.g. Graham Davies 1985 Talking Basic) and
    the first CALL journals were founded (e.g.
    Calico Journal 1983).

History (4)
  • In the second half of the eighties, the Apple
    MacIntosh with the authoring system HyperCard
    became the trendsetter (cf. Levy 1997 23).
  • By introducing a sophisticated graphical
    interface, using symbols to represent functions
    and the mouse to activate them, it set new
    standards for user friendliness.

History (5)

Soon, the MacIntosh offered integrated sound and
video. CALL, which had so far mainly relied on
reading and writing abilities, could now also
address listening ability. Moreover, the
authoring system HyperCard made it possible to
develop sophisticated hypertext applications
without much programming skill (cf. Pisani/
Rünneburger 1994). The British Company OWL soon
followed with Guide, a hypertext authoring system
for the PC (cf. Kussler 1990).
History (6)
  • A vision from the early days of computing became
    reality. Ted Nelson who had coined the term
    Hypertext in 1965, following a concept of
    Vannevar Bush in 1945, understood it as one
    network which would eventually integrate all
    texts.The world wide web of the Internet
    which has revolutionised the world of information
    since the beginning of the 90s, has made this
    vision a reality.

History (7)
  • The Internet thrives on the hypertext principle,
  • interconnecting
  • electronically available
  • information units.

History (8)
  • Using speech recognition, modern multimedia
    systems cannot only reproduce language, but
    actually be trained to analyse input from a user.
  • This enables CALL, for the first time, to
    address all four language skills reading,
    writing listening and speaking.

The Present
  • The increasing use of CMC (computer mediated
    communication) has given the educator another
    tool in the CALL arsenal. One can now use chat,
    e-mail, SMS and Skype to enhance ones teaching.
  • Apple has made a significant comeback with the
    introduction of the iLife concept which includes
    iPod, iTunes and an array of tools with which
    easily to create multimedia interaction.

Types of Applications
  • CALL applications have been classified in a
    number of ways. The following three types are
    intended as a very basic distinction
  • Drill-and-practice
  • Authoring programmes and authoring systems
  • Hypermedia

Drill and Practice
  • The first CALL applications adhered to the
    dominating learning theory of the time,
    Behaviorism, and to the principles of Programmed
    Instruction (cf. Levy 1997 183)
  • They consisted of simple text presentation and
    Drill-and-practice-exercises. Because of their
    rigid structure, they were easy to develop. (cf.
    Levy 1997 15-21)

Drill and Practice
  • DP exercises had a formative influence on CALL.
    Until the end of the 80s, CALL software
    consisted predominantly of exercises and tests of
    the types multiple choice, cloze and
    matching to facilitate vocabulary and grammar
    learning. (cf. Jung 1988a, 1988b and Info DaF
    19, 1992, 2).
  • Depite the availability of other approaches to
    assessment, multimedia applications nowadays
    still mainly use these types of exercises. Maybe
    because they really are quite simple to develop.

Authoring tools
  • Authoring programmes either provide
    prefabricated templates for specific kinds of
    programmes or a toolkit with programming elements
    (or a combination of these types) which enable
    users to create applications without actually
    having to program. Sophisticated authoring
    programmes of the toolkit type are called
    Authoring systems. They normally offer a
    Courseware Management System with which learner
    responses can be evaluated, analysed and stored.

Authoring Systems
  • The PLATO project resulted in a versatile
    authoring system, TUTOR. Later, the Plato Author
    System for single user workstations was
    developed. The successors of these early ASs
    became more and more powerful.
  • Extremely sophisticated and versatile hypermedia
    learning applications can be developed with the
    latest versions of programs like Authorware,
    Director and Captivate, for example.

CALL Authoring Systems
  • Authoring systems like CALIS (later WinCALIS
    Computer Assisted Language Instruction System)
    and Dasher were developed specifically for
    language teaching.
  • However, the more sophisticated the system, the
    more it requires in terms of mastering it. Simple
    authoring programmes can be mastered in a few
    hours. Sophisticated authoring systems like
    Authorware require months of very intensive

The cognitive model of AS
  • Until the end of the 80s, CALL applications were
    mainly used as paging machines, presenting
    information and then asking questions on the
    material presented. The questions were set
    according to a few expected options, and users
    were branched according to their results.
  • The cognitive model behind such applications was
    a flowchart which predetermined what, how and in
    which sequence material ought to be learned based
    on the accepted theory of the time.

  • The paging machine type of CALL application
    became much less prominent with the advent of
  • Hypermedia applications can be stand-alone or
    web-based, the latter becoming more and more
    widespread, because of ease of delivery.

Hypermedia enables the creation of applications
which can be used with a greater amount of
freedom for the user to choose how she wants to
master the material. Obviously, the learning
theory which underpins the development of a
specific learning application will influence the
choice of developmental tool.
Hypermedia enables the creation of applications
which can be used with a greater amount of
freedom for the user to choose how she wants to
master the material. Obviously, the learning
theory which underpins the development of a
specific learning application will influence the
choice of developmental tool.
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