Title: Surat Al-Qadr
1Surat Al-Qadr Surah number 97 Number of Verses
5 Translated by Pickthal Recitation by Mishari
Rashid Al-Afasy
2?????? ????? ?????????? ??????????
In The Name Of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
3?????? ???????????? ??? ???????? ????????? (1)
971 Lo! We revealed it on the Night of
4????? ????????? ??? ???????? ????????? (2)
972 Ah, what will convey unto thee what the
Night of Power is!
5???????? ????????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? (3)
973 The Night of Power is better than a
thousand months.
6????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ??????
???????? ???????? ???? ????? ?????? (4)
974 The angels and the Spirit descend therein,
by the permission of their Lord, with all
7??????? ???? ?????? ???????? ????????? (5)
975 (The night is) Peace until the rising of
the dawn.
8Please Recite Surat AlFatiha On Grand Ayatullah
Sayed Muhammed Kadhim Al-Yazdi, Grand Ayatullah
Sayed Mohsin Al-Hakim, Ayatullah Sayed Ibrahim
Tabatabai, Ayatullah Sayed Muhammed Mahdi
AlHakim, Ayatullah Sayed Muhammed Baqir AlHakim,
And All The Martyrs Of The Family Of AlHakim.
9The Quranic sound file is taken
fromhttp//www.islamway.com Translation of the
Surah is taken fromhttp//www.al-islam.org
This presentation is produced byhttp//www.almu
The End