Title: Panoramic%20radiography
1Panoramic radiography
2Development of Panoramic radiogaphy
1952, Paatero
3Tomographic layer
4OP layer
5Projection of OP
6Anatomical landmarks
7Hard Tissue
Inf. Orbital canal and foramen
Articular eminence
Ant. wall of Maxillary sinus
Ext. Auditory meatus
Ptregomaxillary Fissure
Hard palate
Floor of Maxillary sinus
Nasal fossa
Inf. orbital rim
Panoramic Innominate line (Infra temporal surface
of Zyg. bone
Man. fossa
Mandibular condyle
Lat. ptreg. plate
Zygomatic bone
Zyg. process of Maxilla
Coronoid process
C- Spine
Mental foramen
Hyoid bone
Ext. oblique ridge
Inf. Alveolar canal
Inf. border of Mandible
All this diagnostic information is missed in
intraoral X-rays
8Soft tissues on OP
9Soft tissue (edentulous)
Middle meatus
Inf. nasal meatus
Soft palate
Inf. nasal concha (turbinate)
Dorsal surface of the tongue
Post. Wall of the pharynx
Upper lip
Ghost image of opposite Man.
Lower lip
All this diagnostic information is missed in
intraoral X-rays
10Ghost image
11Ghost image
12Ghost image
13Elnöki tumor
14Presidental tumor
15Presidental tumor
16Presidental tumor
17Carotis plaque
18Carotis plaque
19Resorption on the cortical bone
Specificity 40 Senzitivity 77 (comparing with
Nakamoto et al. Osteoporos Int (2003) 14 659664
20Osteoporotic patient
21Normal panoramic
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