Title: Winter Tree Identification
1Winter Tree Identification
2Evergreens (Conifers)
Leaves are needles or scalelikeLeaves stay on
Tree year roundFruit is a coneSap has
Leaves are flat with veinsLeaves fall off tree
in autumnFruits vary
3How to Identify Conifers
- Are leaves needle or scalelike?
- Are needles in a bundle or do they grow singly?
- How many needles are in a bundle?
- Do leaves fall off in autumn?
4Scalelike Leaves
Eastern red cedar
Northern white cedar
5Needles in Bundles
Jack Pine
Eastern White Pine
6Single Needles
Colorado blue spruce
7Opposite Leaves
Leaf Arrangement in Deciduous Trees
Alternate Leaves
Whorled Leaves
8Trees with Opposite Leaves
- MAD Horse Buck (and Viburnum)
- Maple
- Ash
- Dogwood
- Horse Chestnut
- Buckeye
- Viburnum
9Trees with Alternate Leaves
- Everything else
- Oak
- Beech
- Hickory
- Aspen
- Elm
- Hackberry
- Etc.
10Simple vs. Compound
11Twig Anatomy
12Maple (Acer sp.) Twigs/Buds
Sugar Maple
Silver Maple
13Maple (Acer sp.) Bark
Sugar Maple
Silver Maple
14Ash (Fraxinus sp.) Twigs
Black Ash
White Ash
Green Ash
15Ash (Fraxinus sp.) Bark
White Ash
Green Ash
16Ohio Buckeye (Aesculus glabra)
Peanut Butter Colored Large Bud
Hexagonal Pith
Opposite Leaf Scars
Light Gray Bark
17Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
Chambered Pith
Bud and Leaf Scar (Monkey Face)
18Birches (Betula sp.)
Mature bark of River Birch
Bark of Paper Birch
Young bark of River Birch
19Hickories (Carya sp.)
Shagbark Hickory
Bitternut (or Yellow-bud) Hickory
20Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa)
Whorled Leaf Scars
21Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)
Bud Hairy Pseudoterminal Bud Angled
Warty Bark in Young Trees
22American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)
Spiky Fruit
Smooth, Silvery Bark
Bud Long, Narrow Cigar
23Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)
Bud One Scale
Distinctive Flaky Bark
24Cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
Blocky Bark
Bud Imbricate Scales, Shiny and Large
25Basswood (Tilia americana)
Bud Smiling Shark
Mature Bark Deep Fissures Young Bark Smooth
26Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Paired Thorns on Twig
Bark Deep Fissures
27Oaks (Quercus sp.)
White Oak
Red Oak
28Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
Young Bark (horizontal lenticels)
Mature Bark
29Field Guides and Resources
Trees of Wisconsin website http//www.uwgb.edu/bio