Title: VRML virtual reality modeling language
1VRMLvirtual reality modeling language
2what is it?
- standardised (sort of) notation for virtual
reality over the web - text file (use normal text editor)
- bit like a programming language
- also special world building software
3how do you use it?
- you need a VRML viewer
- Netscape/IE plug-in
- stand alone VRML viewer
- and a world
- find one on the net
- write your own!
4interactivity over the web???
- 'world' is downloaded
- interaction is local
- moving within the world
- links to the web?
- can be linked to from web pages
- active objects link back
- VRML 1.0 first version 'static'
worlds - only viewpoint changes - VRML 2.0 animated objects in world
tidying up etc. - N.B. VRML browsers highly inconsistent
6VRML file format
- filename (URL) ends ".wrl
- c.f. .html, .gif, .jpg etc.
- VRML 1.0 first line vrml 1.0 ascii
- VRML 2.0 first line vrml 2.0 utf8
- can have binary versions too
7contents of VRML file
- one or more nodes
- general format DEF object objecttype
fieldname value . . .
- or simply objecttype
fieldname value . . .
8types of nodes
- objects that appear in the world
- e.g. sphere, cone, cube etc.
- nodes that alter subsequent objects
- e.g. texture, color, transformations
- nodes that group other nodes
- also limit the effect of transformations etc.
- When you are looking at a virtual world in
Netscape you can use - View Menu - Page Source
- and similar commands in other browsers.
VRML V1.0 ascii Sphere radius 1
11add colour
VRML V1.0 ascii Separator
groups things together Material
diffuseColor 1.0 0 0
red green blue Sphere radius
12or texture map an image
VRML V1.0 ascii Separator Texture2
filename "big_alan.jpg" Sphere
radius 1
13a cone
VRML V1.0 ascii Separator Material
diffuseColor 0 0 1 bright blue
Cone height 3
14put them together ...
VRML V1.0 ascii Separator Separator
for sphere Texture2 filename
"big_alan.jpg" Sphere radius 1
Separator for cone Material
diffuseColor 0 0 1 bright blue
Cone height 3
15transform ...
Sphere radius 1 ... Transform
translation 4 2 0 4 to the right
and 2 up Cone height 3
16putting bits together
simply several cuboids texture mapped with wood
grain and with a photo.
17again and again
- include other VRML files
- add hyperlinks
WWWAnchor name "http//www.hiraeth.com/a
lan/" description "Alan's home page"
WWWInline name "alan.wrl