Title: Techniques of Mandibular Anesthesia
1Techniques of Mandibular Anesthesia
2 Mandibular Anesthesia
- Lower success rate than Maxillary anesthesia -
approx. 80-85 - Related to bone density
- Less access to nerve trunks
3Mandibular Nerve Blocks
- Inferior alveolar
- Mental - Incisive
- Buccal
- Lingual
- Gow-Gates
- Akinosi
4Mandibular Anesthesia
- Most commonly performed technique
- Has highest failure rate (15-20)
- Success depends on depositing solution within 1
mm of nerve trunk -
5Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Not a complete mandibular nerve block.
- Requires supplemental buccal nerve block
- May require infiltration of incisors or mesial
root of first molar
6Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Nerves anesthetized
- Inferior Alveolar
- Mental
- Incisive
- Lingual
7Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Areas Anesthetized
- Mandibular teeth to midline
- Body of mandible, inferior ramus
- Buccal mucosa anterior to mental foramen
- Anterior 2/3 tongue floor of mouth
- Lingual soft tissue and periosteum
8Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Indications
- Multiple mandibular teeth
- Buccal anterior soft tissue
- Lingual anesthesia
9Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Contraindications
- Infection/inflammation at injection site
- Patients at risk for self injury (eg.
10Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- 10-15 positive aspiration
11Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Alternatives
- Mental nerve block
- Incisive nerve block
- Anterior infiltration
12Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Alternatives (cont.)
- Periodontal ligament injection (PDL)
- Gow-Gates
- Akinosi
- Intraseptal
13Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Technique
- Apply topical
- Area of insertion
- medial ramus, mid-coronoid notch,
- level with occlusal plane (1 cm above),
- 3/4 posterior from coronoid notch to
pterygomandibular raphe - advance to bone (20-25 mm)
14Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Target Area
- Inferior alveolar nerve, near mandibular
foramen -
- Landmarks
- Coronoid notch
- Pterygomandibular raphe
- Occlusal plane of mandibular posteriors
15Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Precautions
- Do not inject if bone not contacted
- Avoid forceful bone contact
16Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Failure of Anesthesia
- Injection too low
- Injection too anterior
- Accessory innervation
- -Mylohyoid nerve
- -contralateral Incisive nerve innervation
17Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
- Complications
- Hematoma
- Trismus
- Facial paralysis
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