Statistical Downscaling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statistical Downscaling


Information is cascaded 'down' from larger to smaller scales. ... impact variables have also been dealt with: salinity in the German Bight; and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Statistical Downscaling

Statistical Downscaling
  • Hans von StorchInstitute for Coastal
    ResearchGKSS Research CentreGeesthacht, Germany

18.10.2004 Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan
Concept of Empirical Downscaling
"Downscaling" is based on the view that regional
climate is conditioned by climate on larger, for
instance continental or even planetary, scales.
Information is cascaded "down" from larger to
smaller scales. The regional climate is the
result of interplay of the overall atmospheric,
or oceanic, circulation and of regional
specifics, such as topography, land-sea
distribution and land-use. As such,
empirical/statistical downscaling seeks to derive
the local scale information from the larger scale
through inference from the cross-scale
relationships, using a function F such
that local climate response F (external,
large scale forcing)
Concept of Empirical Downscaling
Example flowering date of snow drops in
Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) R spatial
distribution of the flowering date of galantis
nivalis (snow drop) in days anomalies L mean
air temperature in Jan., Feb., and March in
Europe anomalies F linear regression model
constructed through a CCA.
Maak von Storch, Intl. J. Biometeorol., 1997
Anomalies of flowering date of snow drops days
2xCO2 climate
present climate
days (deviation from long term mean)
teacher Knuths data
Maak von Storch, Intl. J. Biometeorol., 1997
days (deviation from long term mean)
Schleswig-Holstein average of flowering date
When using downscaling for assessing regional
climate change, three implicit assumptions are
  • (1) The predictors are variables of relevance and
    are realistically modeled by the AOGCM.
  • (2) The transfer function is valid also under
    altered climatic conditions. This is an
    assumption that in principle can not be proven in
    advance. The observational record should cover a
    wide range of variations in the past ideally,
    all expected future realizations of the
    predictors should be contained in the
    observational record.
  • (3) The predictors employed fully represent the
    climate change signal.

Behind the concept local climate response F
(external, large scale forcing) stands the view
that there is a "true function F, with a unique
value F(L) for any large scale forcing L. Thus F
may be thought of a surface, with L
representing generalized coordinates thus as a
terrain F and geographical coordinates L.
For the following, see von Storch., H., 1999
Representation of conditional random
distributions as a problem of "spatial"
interpolation. In. J. Gòmez-Hernàndez, A. Soares
and R. Froidevaux (Eds.) geoENV II -
Geostatistics for Environmental Applications.
Kluwer Adacemic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston,
London, ISBN 0-7923-5783-3, 13-23
Example (Tim Osborn)
  • R rainfall amount anomalies at some location
  • L (x1, x2)with x1 flow directionand x2
    flow intensityof the regional wind
  • The value S -2.5 mm/day for a flow strength of
    20 m/s and a flow direction of 100 is the
    average of rainfall amount anomalies recorded on
    many days with a flow strength of about 20 m/s
    and a flow direction of about 100.

Of course, the surface F is unknown. It needs to
be determined by interpolating or approximating a
number of point observations Fk at some
locations Lk. This can be done by a number of
different spatial interpolation methods. The
results of the interpolation is an approximate or
estimated surface FE, which differs to some
extend from the true surface F. The purpose of
the spatial interpolation is the determination of
the continuous surface F and not the reproduction
of known points Fk.
Skill of approximation
  • The success of FE, as an estimator of F may be
    determined by comparing the estimates FE(Lk) with
    the true F(Lk) at a number of additional data
    points. "Additional" means that the data F(Lk)
    have not used for determining FE.
  • Conventional measures of success are
  • the bias, in the mean or in the standard
    deviation, i.e., B ltFE(L)gt ltF(L)gt, Bs sE -
    s , where the brackets ltgt represent the
    averaging operation over all considered data
    points L. sE and s are standard deviations of
    FE(L) and of F(L).
  • the mean square root difference, i.e., the
    squared correlation, i.e., MSE ltFE(L) F(L)gt2 /
  • the represented variance e 1 MSE / ltF(L)2gt

Random character of the problem
  • When we think of the surface no longer as a
    terrain but as the surface of the ocean, there
    is no longer a well defined height but a variable
    surface which elevation may be described in
    probabilistic terms.
  • Precipitation can not completely be understood as
    a function of the variables L (i.e., as a
    function of flow direction and strength), but
    must in part be understood as being random.
  • The concept of "downscaling" does not imply that
    the regional climate would be determined by the
    large-scale state for similar large-scale
    states, the associated regional states may vary
    substantially. Instead, the state is constrained
    or conditioned.
  • The regional climate is a random process
    conditioned upon a driving large-scale climate
    regime. That is, precipitation may be modeled as
    a random variable R conditioned upon flow
    direction and strength.The surface F is the
    conditional expectation E of R F(L)

Monthly mean precipitation at Orense (SW Spain)
as a function of the coefficients of the first
two EOFs of monthly mean air pressure.Winter
Skill of different techniques for interpolation
rainfall in Orense Linear regression based on
CCA, local interpolation by kriging, nearest
neighbor (analog) and neural nets (NN) The
interpolation was done with data from 1899 to
1968 the remaining independent data from the
winters 1968 to 1995 were used to determine the
skill measures.
Application of the interpolated "surface"
The purpose of interpolation is "to guide people
in unknown terrain", i.e., to guess the state of
the system in "locations" not visited no far.
Such guesses can be of very different format,
depending on the users needs.
  • In many cases, and in particular in the case of
    forecasts, the randomness is considered an
    unavoidable nuisance, since it is intrinsically
    unpredictable. Therefore, not the actual value is
    specified but the conditional expectation.
    Ideally, the specification is When the
    coordinates are close to L, on average, our
    interpolated variable will have a value of FE(L).
    The actual value will with some probability be
    within the interval FE(L) D , with some level of
    uncertainty D . Thus, for forecasting problem,
    techniques returning smooth surfaces are superior
    and the analog technique should not be used.
  • On the other hand, often not "best predictions"
    are needed but "weather generators", i.e.,
    methods which generate time series with
    statistics as observed. In that case the purpose
    is "simulation", and the capability of the system
    to generate the right level of variability (and
    other aspects such as the autocorrelation
    function length of dry and wet spells) becomes
    essential. The analog method fulfills this
    request automatically, if designed properly

Using more sophisticated predictands
  • Such as high percentiles representing (possibly
    not so) extreme events see following example.
  • Or characteristic statistics, such as
    probabilities of a wet day following a dry day
    (e.g., Busuioc, A., and H. von Storch, 2003
    Conditional stochastic model for generating daily
    precipitation time series, Climate Research 24,

Example Percentiles as Predictands
  • R percentiles of high tide water levels at a
    number of tide gaues along the North Sea coast.
    Each 3-month winter has about 180 high tides
    from the distribution of these 180 values,
    percentiles are derived and related to L
    large-scale winter mean SLP.
  • Pfizenmayer, A., 1997 Zusammenhang zwischen der
    niederfrequenten Variabilität in der
    grossräumigen atmosphärischen Zirkulation und den
    Extremwasserständen an der Nordseeküste.
    Diplomarbeit Institut für Geographie Universität
  • Langenberg, H. , A. Pfizenmayer, H. von Storch
    and J. Sündermann, 1999 Storm related sea level
    variations along the North Sea coast natural
    variability and anthropogenic change.- Cont.
    Shelf Res. 19821-842

Predictand Intra-annual percentiles of water
Winter mean
Winter mean
Winter percentiles after subtraction of winter
mean of high tides water levels.
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Thermal expansion not taken into account!
North Sea
Scenario 1 CO2 increase at the end of the 21st
End of examples
  • Summary of range of methods

18.10.2004 Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan
A diverse range of downscaling techniques methods
has been developed, but in principle fall into
three categories
  • (a) Weather generators, which are random number
    generators of realistically looking sequences
    conditioned upon the large-scale state.
  • (b) Transfer functions, where a direct
    quantitative relationship is derived through, for
    example, regression.
  • (c) Weather typing schemes based on the more
    traditional synoptic climatology concept
    (including analogs and phase space partitioning)
    and which relate a particular atmospheric state
    to a set of local climate variables.

von Storch, H., B. Hewitson and L. Mearns, 2000
Review of Empirical Downscaling Techniques. T.
Iversen and B.A.K. Høiskar (Eds.) Regional
climate development under global warming. General
Technical Report No. 4. Conf. Proceedings RegClim
Spring Meeting Jevnaker, Torbjørnrud, Norway, 8.
- 9. May 2000, p. 29-46
  • Weather generators
  • Weather generators are statistical models of
    observed sequences of weather variables. They can
    also be regarded as complex random number
    generators, the outputs of which resemble daily
    weather data at a particular location.
  • There are two fundamental types of daily weather
    generators, based on the approach to modeling
    daily precipitation occurrence the Markov chain
    approach and the spell-length approach.
  • In the Markov chain approach, a random process
    is constructed which determines a day at a
    station as rainy or dry, conditional upon the
    state of the previous day, following given
    probabilities. If a day is determined as rainy
    then the amount is drawn from a probability
  • In the spell length approach, the time between
    two rain days is modelled.
  • For statistical downscaling the parameters of the
    weather generator are conditioned upon a
    large-scale state, or relationships can be
    developed between large-scale parameters sets of
    the weather generators and local scale

See also Giorgi, F., B. Hewitson, J.
Christensen, M. Hulme, H. von Storch, P. Whetton,
R. Jones, L. Mearns and C. Fu, 2001 Regional
climate information - evaluation and projections.
In J.T. Houghton et al (eds.) Climate Change
2001. The Scientific Basis, Cambridge University
Press, 583-638
Transfer functions - I The more common
approaches found in the literature are
regression-like techniques or piecewise
interpolations using a linear or nonlinear
formulation. The simplest approach is to build
multiple regression models relating free
atmosphere grid point values to surface
variables. Canonical Correlation Analysis has
found wide application. A variant of CCA is
redundancy analysis, which is theoretically
attractive as it maximizes the predictands
variance however, in practical terms it seems
similar to CCA. Also Singular Value Decomposition
has been used, which is another variant of
CCA. Most applications have dealt with
precipitation another example has successfully
specified local pressure tendencies, as a proxy
for local storminess, from large-scale monthly
mean air pressure fields. Oceanic climate and
climate impact variables have also been dealt
with salinity in the German Bight and salinity
and oxygen in the Baltic sea level and a number
of ecological variables such as abundance of
species. In addition statistics of extreme
events, expressed as percentiles within a month
or season, have been modeled storm surge levels
and ocean wave heights.
Transfer functions - II An alternative to
linear regression is to use piecewise linear or
nonlinear interpolation geostatistics offers
elegant "kriging" tools to this end. Another
approach is to use cubic splines for specifying
precipitation. Another non-linear approach is
based on artificial neural networks (ANN), which
are generally more powerful than other
techniques, although the interpretation of the
dynamical character of the relationships is less
  • Weather typing
  • The synoptic downscaling approach empirically
    defines weather classes related to local and
    regional climate variations. These weather
    classes may be defined synoptically or fitted
    specifically for downscaling purposes by
    constructing indices of airflow. The mean, or
    frequency, distributions of local or regional
    climate are then derived by weighting the local
    climate states with the relative frequencies of
    the weather classes. Climate change is then
    estimated by determining the change of the
    frequency of weather classes.
  • In the "statistical/dynamical" approach,
    meso-scale atmospheric models are utilized for
    simulating a series of typical weather states.
    The advantage over the former technique is that
    in this way spatially distributed local climates
    are specified.
  • The applicability of the analog method was
    demonstrated mostly for the specification of
    daily precipitation.
  • Conceptually similar, but mathematically more
    demanding are techniques which partition the
    large-scale state phase space, for instance with
    Classification Tree Analysis, and use a
    randomized design for picking regional
  • Both analog and CART approaches return the right
    level of variance and correct spatial correlation

  • Empirical downscaling methods have matured in the
    past years.
  • They are used for estimating a wide range of
    variables, both meteorological variables as well
    as statistics of not only meteorological but
    also oceanographic and ecological variables.
  • In some cases, dynamical downscaling does a
    better job, but many variables (e.g. ecological)
    can not dynamically modeled or are on spatial
    scales below the resolution of any RCM.
  • Thus, empirical downscaling is a methodwhich
    will remain to play an important role for
    assessing ongoing change and projecting possibel
    future changes.

  • The ppt-file of this talk can be downloaded
  • Most of the literature given can be downloaded

New book Why do we think we build new knowledge
by using complex models?
  • Empirical downscaling methods have matured in the
    past years.
  • They are used for estimating a wide range of
    variables, both meteorological variables as well
    as statistics of not only meteorological but
    also oceanographic and ecological variables.
  • In some cases, dynamical downscaling does a
    better job, but many variables (e.g. ecological)
    can not dynamically modeled or are on spatial
    scales below the resolution of any RCM.
  • Thus, empirical downscaling is a method which
    will remain to play an important role for
    assessing ongoing change and projecting possibel
    future changes.

  • The ppt-file of this talk can be downloaded
  • Most of the literature given can be downloaded
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