Title: Team Structure
1Team Structure
Project SS05 Team leader France
Proulx Analyste Céline Labrecque, Isabelle
Larocque, Eric Cuillerier IT Maria Clark, Hubert
Lafreniere Project RA07 Team leader Ian
Guénard Analyste Équipe laide financière IT
Michel Charron Project OIS09 Team leader
Sylvain Léonard Analyste Robert Duguay,
Management team Project SS07 Team leader
Caroline Renaud
- Project SS01
- Team leader Denise St. Jean
- Analyste Stephane Drouin, Dawna Turcotte
- IT Sharon Spriggs
- Project RA01
- Team leader Denise St. Jean
- Analyste Andrea Nadeau, Louis-Philippe Basque,
Sekna Khanafer - IT Thierry Brunet, Louella Cairns
- Project RA04
- Team leader Robert Sawler
- Analyste Nathalie Migneault, Nicole Lanthier
- IT Normand Gascon
- Project OIS23
- Team leader Steve Hall
- IT Team of managers
2Project RA01 Client Relationship Management
- Status
- Contract signed with Talisma, preparing for
Project Kickoff - Documenting Functional Requirements with Sectors
and finalizing Data Mapping - Developing Project Plan with Talisma
- Accomplishments
- Completed Request for Proposal Process
- Completed Opportunity Analysis
- Risks and Issues
- Availability of programmer analysts for
developing stored procedures - Availability of key stakeholders from sectors
involved in initial implementation - Next steps and timeframe
- Project Kick-off and Team Training September
6th-8th - Complete Feasibility Study and Present Project
Commitment by October 31st
3Project SS01 Communications with Students
- Status
- Defining Requirements for Communications on
Priority Processes - Finalizing Proposition for uOttawa Email Policy
- Completing RFP Vendor Selection Process for Text
Messaging with GES - Accomplishments
- Researched Email Policy of Universities
- Completed Opportunity Analysis
- Risks and Issues
- Availability of key stakeholders from faculties
to define requirements - Difficulty in determining triggers for the
automated communications - Next steps and timeframe
- Complete Feasibility Study by September 30th
- Present Project Commitment by October 31st
- Have IT assigned to the project by November 30th
4Project SS05 Amélioration des outils existants
- Phase 1 Corriger un ensemble de
lacunes/problèmes au SIS et au navigateur
dinscription - Status
- Définition des exigences daffaires des 17
opportunités en cours - Nouvelle ressource informatique engagée
- Accomplishments
- Première ébauche des règles daffaires associés
aux opportunités . - Risks and Issues
- Disponibilités des facultés afin de confirmer les
régles daffaires - Courbe dapprentissage du SIS de la nouvelle
ressource informatique - Next steps and timeframe
- Revue et approbation des règles daffaires
associé à la phase 1 - Établissement dun plan de mise en oeuvre
5Project SS05 Amélioration des outils existants
- Phase 2 Implémentation de la version 5.0 du
navigateur -
- Status
- Nous travaillons avec Decision Academic afin
détablir une interface plus conviviable. - Des essais-clients du logiciel sont en cours.
- Accomplishments
- Définition des besoins
- Version Beta installée dans notre environnement
Test - Achat et installtion de serveurs additionnels
- Risks and Issues
- Que la version finale ne soit pas finaliser au
1er septembre - Next steps and timeframe
- Développement dun tutorial
- Évaluation de la performance du nouveau système
- Évaluation de la mise en uvre des limites de
contingentement réellement disponible pour le
programme détude de létudiant (temps réel)
6Project RA04 Imaging and Workflow
- Status
- Fine Tuning Demo Imaging system for Trial run for
UnderGrad Admissions - Starting engagement with Faculties on using
imaging system - Waiting on CRM software to evaluate Talismas
workflow solution - Accomplishments
- Demo Imaging system framework created. Using
system to fine-tune imaging requirements and work
on training plan for imaging system. Students
files can be stored electronically - Imaging plan solidified for UnderGrad Admissions.
Using plan to build functional specification
document (project contract). - Risks and Issues
- Initial Software (SCT) for Workflow was reviewed
and deemed not sufficient to meet Admissions
needs. Waiting for Talismas software to
evaluate their solution. - Grad Admissions Imaging Implementation still
unclear. Working with several faculties and
admissions office to solidify plans. - Imaging software currently installed in test
environment. Working with key players on three
issues to bring software to an in-production
state. - Next steps and timeframe
- Finalize UGrad Admissions Imaging Requirement
and fine-tune Imaging system (Sept 1) - Engage 1 or 2 Faculties for pilot project (Week
of Sept 11) - Prepare Imaging system for Testrun (Week of Sept
7Project RA07 Financial Aid Process Review
- Status
- In Production Work-Study Re-imbursement Tool
- Documenting Functional Requirements of Upgrade to
Systems with Financial Aid Office - Initiation Planning to distribute a Self-Service
Financial Aid web site in Infoweb - Accomplishments
- New Work-Study Payroll Report for the
reimbursement of your Work-Study salary - Students no longer need to fill-in weekly time
sheets - Employers no longer need to print-send their
timesheets for Work-Study re-imbursement - Completed Feasibility Analysis for Phase 1
Quick-Win projects. - Submited an RFI for commercial alternatives for a
Financial Aid system - Risks and Issues
- Availability of programmer analysts for analyzing
the old and new systems - Availability of key stakeholders from Financial
Aid Office - Undocumented procedures and functionality yet to
be discovered - Next steps and timeframe
- Finish documenting functionality of our own
Financial Aid systems
8Projet SS07 Révision du processus dinscription
- Statut
- Étude dopportunités a été présenté au groupe de
travail ISIS le 21 août - Analyse des résultats du sondage Cri auprès des
rentrants en cours - Début de létude de faisabilité
- Accomplissements
- Identification des meilleures pratiques en ce qui
a trait au processus dinscription - Plus de 38 opportunités damélioration
identifiées dans le cadre de létude
dopportunités - Plus de 3202 rentrants ont répondu au sondage Cri
- Hypothèses et risques
- La volonté de changements
- Les fonctionnalités des phases 1 2 du projet
SS05 doivent être fonctionnelles - La capacité de Decision Academic de mettre en
uvre de nouvelles fonctionnalités à la Version
6.0 du NI - Les interdépendances reliées au projet OIS09
- Les ressources IT doivent être disponibles
(programmeur WEB, et IT SIS). - Prochaines étapes
- Matrice des opportunités présentées aux facultés
afin didentifier les priorités 15 septembre
9Project OIS09 Standardizing the POSt
- Status
- New method of representing UO programs of study
has been proposed we are validating its adequacy
and identifying its impact on existing SIS
screens and business processes. - Accomplishments
- Proposed new POSt structure has been documented,
reviewed revised several times. - Existing and past programs of study have been
mapped to new structure to ensure that it can
accommodate them. - Proposed new structure is currently being
validated with faculty stakeholders. - Risks and Issues
- Staff availability, e.g. team lead has been
diverted to Fees project. - Many SIS screens will be affected by the changes
to the POSt structure. Adequate impact analysis
change management process are crucial to success. - Next steps and timeframe
- Completion of validation process (further
consultations with faculties). - Completion of impact analysis (consultations with
business process managers). - Creation of estimates for Project Commitment plan
date under review..
10Project OIS23 Infrastructural Changes to the SIS
- Status
- Resolving technical aspects associated with error
handling (related to objective of making the
system more robust by implementing additional
edits at the database level). - Work continues on data documentation (with
respect to the objective of making the system
more maintainable). - Accomplishments
- Prototyping performance testing of technical
alternatives has been done. - Clean-up of existing data model mostly completed
glossary of terms has started. - Changes to the physical data model have been
tentatively identified (first cut). - Risks and Issues
- Dependence on OIS09. Approximately 20-25 of the
tables in the SIS contain the POSt code, and many
of these will change with the introduction of a
new POSt structure. - Next steps and timeframe
- Completion of data documentation (end September).
- Final design of technical solutions for edits and
error handling (end September). - Other dates under review to be established once
OIS09 dates are known..
11Team Structure
Project SS05 Team leader France
Proulx Analyste Céline Labrecque, Isabelle
Larocque, Eric Cuillerier IT Maria Clark, Hubert
Lafreniere Project RA07 Team leader Ian
Guénard Analyste Équipe laide financière IT
Michel Charron Project OIS09 Team leader
Sylvain Léonard Analyste Robert Duguay,
Management team Project SS07 Team leader
Caroline Renaud
- Project SS01
- Team leader Denise St. Jean
- Analyste Stephane Drouin, Dawna Turcotte
- IT Sharon Spriggs
- Project RA01
- Team leader Denise St. Jean
- Analyste Andrea Nadeau, Louis-Philippe Basque,
Sekna Khanafer - IT Thierry Brunet, Louella Cairns
- Project RA04
- Team leader Robert Sawler
- Analyste Nathalie Migneault, Nicole Lanthier
- IT Normand Gascon
- Project OIS23
- Team leader Steve Hall
- IT Team of managers