Title: Mobile Robotics
1Mobile Robotics
- Julie Letchner
- Angeline Toh
- Mark Rosetta
2(No Transcript)
3Fundamental Idea Robot Pose
- 2D world (floor plan)
- 3 DOF
Very simple modelthe difficulty is in autonomy
4Major Issues with Autonomy
- Environmental
- Uncertainty
5Problem One Localization
- World map
- Robots initial pose
- Sensor updates
6How do we Solve Localization?
- Represent beliefs as a probability density
- Markov assumption
- Pose distribution at time t conditioned on
- pose dist. at time t-1
- movement at time t-1
- sensor readings at time t
- Discretize the density by
- sampling
7Localization Foundation
- At every time step t
- UPDATE each samples new location based on
movement - RESAMPLE the pose distribution based on sensor
readings -
- Markov localization (simplest)
- Kalman filters (historically most popular)
- Monte Carlo localization / particle filters
- Same Sampled probability distribution
- Basic update-resample loop
- Different Sampling techniques
- Movement assumptions
9Localizations Sidekick Globalization
- Localization without knowledge of start location
- Credit to Dieter Fox for this demo
- One step further kidnapped robot problem
10Problem Two Mapping
- Map of the environment
- (and implicitly, the robots location as it
11Simultaneous LocalizationAnd Mapping (SLAM)
If we have a map We can localize!
If we can localize We can make a map!
12Circular Error Problem
If we have a map We can localize!
If we can localize We can make a map!
13How do we Solve SLAM?
- Incorporate location/map uncertainties into a
single model - Optimize robots exploratory path
- Use geometry (especially indoors)
Major hurdle correlation problem
- Credit to Sebastian Thrun for this demo
14For the Interested
Good overview papers by Sebastian
Thrun Probabilistic Algorithms in Robotics,
2000 Robotic Mapping A Survey, 2002
Stanford course cs225B Build a Markov
Localization engine Run it on Amigobots to play
15Up Next
Mobile robot example Underwater
robots Localization is only useful if were
mobile so how do these robots move?
Emergent Behaviors Mobile robots more powerful
in groups but localization is expensive so
what can we do without localization?