Title: 7th Grade A Whole New World
1Welcome New Berlin West "Class of 2015"
2Objectives for Tonight
- Staff presentations on elective courses
- co-curricular opportunities
3Guidance Counselors
Assigned according to students last names
A H Ms. Werner
I P Mr. Ische
Q Z Ms. Ehlers
4Important Pages in the Course Description Manual
5- Template is used for
- long-range planning
- Required classes are
- filled in for each grade level
- The blanks are left to fill
- in with the elective courses
- High school level classes
- taken in middle school
- count for credit, but not in
- the high school GPA.
6(No Transcript)
77th grade class schedule
8Academic Core Classes
9Math Flow Chart
7th 8th 9th
CMP 3 Algebra CMP 2 Geometry
Algebra Intensive Geometry Alg.
II OR Algebra II -
Chicago Geometry Algebra II
Traditional Algebra Students are
placed in either CMP 2 or
Intensive Pre-Calculus Algebra based on
Geometry/ teacher rec. and IAA Alg. II
Traditional test results.
10Required Classes
Social Studies
Physical Education
Digital Concepts
11Digital Concepts
- This course is required of all 7th or 8th graders
at - least once in middle school. Topics in this
course - include how to work with the following Microsoft
- applications
- Excel
- Photo Story
- Publisher
- Word
- Other topics in this course include using our
network - resources, accessing email, creating
presentations, - researching reliable internet sources, and
internet - safety.
12MicroSoft Word with Graphics in Report Form
13Learning Excel and Charts
14Elective Course Offerings
Gateway to Technology
Guided Study
Writing for Publication
World Language
Electives Art (Sem/Yr) Band/Orch/Vocal
(Yr) French or Spanish (Yr) Writing for
Publishing (Sem) Gateway to Tech
I/II (Semester) Course may be repeated in 8th
grade. Digital Concepts (Sem) Must be taken
one time in either 7th or 8th grade.
7th Grade Class Schedule
Semester 1
17Benefits of Art Education
- Art education develops students ability to
- Make new artistic friends
- Engage the imagination
- Understand that problems have multiple answers
- Learn new ways of "seeing"
- Learn and develop new techniques with various
materials - Increase fine motor skills and abstract thinking
- Improve problem solving skills in other academic
areas - Build on knowledge of Elements and Principles of
Design used in the work place by professionals
18World Language
Spanish - Mr. Raygoza Ms. Seaver Ms. Blocki
19Why Study a World Language?
- To LEARN about
- the world
- other people and their culture
- your own culture
- your own language
- yourself
- communicating with other people
- improving your mind
- studying and travelling abroad
- reading for information and for pleasure in
another language - improving your career opportunities
20Mardi Gras Celebration
24Writing for Publication
- The class is run in a workshop format where
students work alone and in groups on various
- Combination of technology and writing ideal for
strong students who like to be creative and want
to learn a variety of writing formats.
- Students will write for the school
- newspaper,write poetry in a poetry
- unit,write childrens stories and other
- fiction pieces, and an autobiographical
- piece.
25Pre-Engineering Curriculum 2008-2009 Gateway to
Each semester of Gateway to Technology consists
of two nine-week modules that show students how
to use technology to solve everyday problems.
- Gateway to Technology II
- The Magic of Electrons Students unravel the
mystery of digital - circuity.
- Automation Robotics Students design and build
automated - systems incorporating the principles of
electronics, physics, and - Robotics to gain an enriched understanding of the
contemporary - mechanized world.
- Gateway to Technology I
- Design Modeling Students use geometry,
problem-solving, - Teamwork, and project management skills to design
and develop - Product prototypes.
- The Science of Technology Students apply
scientific principles - and concepts of simple machines and energy to
solve real-world - problems.
26(No Transcript)
27Guided Study
- Offered to students who need additional support
for homework completion. - Placement is based on teacher recommendation,
standardized test scores, and review of grades - Focuses on study and organizational skills
- Small group of 1-10 students with one teacher
- Takes the place of an elective
28Special Education Department
Our three teachers Georgette Miller Becky
Barwick Lynn Reinick Contact will be made
between our teachers and each family this spring
and summer to help each student make a
smooth transition to middle school at West.
29Extracurricular Activities
Offered based on student interest
Winter Sports
- Boys Basketball
- Wrestling
- (co-ed)
- Girls Volleyball
- Physical Fitness Club
30Clubs To Get Involved In
Clubs are offered based on student interest from
year to year
Art Club
Ping Pong
Destination Imagination
Student Government
31Camp Middle School
- School-sponsored orientation program for all
incoming 7th graders - Half day program August
- Meet your guidance counselors, tour the building,
get your locker and learn how to use your lock,
meet our School Resource Officer, visit the Idea
Lab - Cook-out at the conclusion of the morning
327th Grade Groups
- To help with transition to middle
- school, each 7th grader meets once a
- month with his/her counselor in a small
- group setting.
- Topics we discuss include
- Study skills, organization
- Peer relationships
- Harassment/bullying
- Diversity
- Career/college planning
- Scheduling for 8th grade
33Independent Learners...
- Record assignments everyday in their assignment
notebook - Do a minimum of one hour of homework per night
- I did it all in study hall, is a popular myth
- Reviewing notes, studying vocabulary, reading
text can be done if there is No Homework
34Tips for Parents
- Check assignment notebook regularly
- Sign on to ParentConnect with your child
- Use Teacher Websites
- Provide a place and time for study
- Be suspicious if your student consistently has no
homework - When in doubt contact the teacher (email)
35(No Transcript)
36Counselors will be at the elementary schools on
Tuesday, February 24th to collect your Course
Selection Sheets. Thanks for joining us
tonight. See you on the 24th!