The Map of the Organizational Journey - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Map of the Organizational Journey


Based mainly on Brian Hall's book Values Shift, and the works of Harrison Owen, ... The exceptional hint of blue to describe a desired / future image of workers who ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Map of the Organizational Journey

The Map of the Organizational Journey
What is it? Who developed it? Where do the ideas
come from? How can a facilitator use it? To what
Organizations keep changing. Our hopes and
dreams for it are usually a little beyond where
it is right now. This can be frustrating. ICAs
Map of the Organizational Journey helps to put
changes and frustrations into perspective by
helping us find the language we need to drive
the discussion down to the level of values.
The Map of the Organizational Journey
  • Based mainly on Brian Halls book Values Shift,
    and the works of Harrison Owen, Willis Harman and
    John Hormann, Dick West, JoAnne Raynes, Brian
    Stanfield, and the experiences of ICA Canada.
  • Converted by ICA into a visual model (poster)
    that groups can interact with -- a map.
  • Designed to expose assumptions and values so they
    can be talked about safely.

  • Values.are the ideals that give significance to
    our lives, that are reflected through the
    priorities that we choose, and that we act on
    consistently and repeatedly (p. 21)
  • Organizational Culture is an extension of the
    leadership that founded it (p. 21)
  • Neutrality. All human growth and development is
    good. Phases of an organizations journey are
  • Development. Organizations are like people --
    they change and mature over time. With hindsight
    and reflection we can see phases. We can add
    intent and awareness of the process. At each
    cycle we must address our fears or dark side

4 stages and 7 cycles of development (B. Hall)
There are recognizable phases of personal
development, drawn from analysis of multiple
schools of thought.
  • Development can be seen as occurring in cycles.

The four phases of the organizational journey
  • The learning organization
  • The collaborative organization
  • The institutional organization
  • The hierarchical organization

Phase 4 Phase 3 Phase 2 Phase 1
These four phases form the rings of the visual
model. None are good or bad compared to the
others, but it is hard to succeed at one phase
without passing through the previous phases and
having systems in place to succeed.
The 8 aspects or dynamics of every organization
  • What does your organization exhibit through its
  • Communication
  • Values
  • Skills
  • Leadership
  • Structure
  • Preoccupation
  • Mission context
  • Image of the worker

Combine the 2 images to create a single model
HOW a facilitator uses the Map of the
Organizational Journey poster with a group
As coloured dots collect around parts of the
poster something new comes into view
Hmmm what does this say about where we are as
an organization right now?
Hmmm what does this say about where we want to
be as an organization in the future?
Its not dot-mocracy or multi-voting. Its
allowing a picture of the organization to emerge.
Facilitation Procedures
  • Set a thorough context for the exercise
  • Individually assess the organization using a
    worksheet version of the map.
  • Small groups help each other clarify
    understandings (its not about agreement).
  • Place 1 colour of dots in each of the 8 dynamics
    (wedge) for where the organization is right now.
  • Whole group looks at and discusses the resulting
    image. Good question to get to What assumptions
    did you need to make in order to decide where to
    put your dots?
  • Place a second colour of dots in each of the 8
    dynamics to describe the kind of organization you
    want it to be in the future.
  • Whole group discussion again. Use the Focused
    Conversation Method, and link to your next
    exercise (eg values workshop).

Individuals pre-think their opinions.
  • Then in small groups, help each other to be clear
    (its not about agreement)

  • Each team puts dots on the poster,
  • one colour for where the organization is right
    now and
  • a different colour for where they want it to be
    in the future.
  • One of each for all 8 dynamics.

Group Self-Assessment
  • Now that impressions are shared,
  • what does it mean?
  • What kind of an organization do we have?
  • What kind of an organization do we seem to want?

  • The whole group reflects on the art they
    created together.
  • Notice clusters, gaps, and overlaps, that
  • What might it signify to them?

This could be a telling sign of one persons
frustration, anger or retrenchment.
  • These blue dots indicate that the language of a
    collaborative organization holds a lot of appeal
    for the future.
  • The dissonance between the current (red) and
    desired (blue) kind of organization sends a loud

Most people want to collaborate more, but
somebody is frustrated with workers who do not do
what they are told!
By using this visual aid, groups begin to SEE the
issues for themselves and to describe them in a
substantial way. You dont have to TELL them!
  • Different organizations produce different
    assessments of themselves.

A would-be coalition stuck in bureaucratic modes?
Big thinkers held back by incomplete processes
and threats to survival?
Potential uses for mapping an organizations
  • Diagnose collective organizational problems
  • Set a context for discussion of vision
  • Articulate the founder /or leader perspective
  • Stimulate productive dialogue during uncertainty
  • Expose aligned and dissonant values and
    assumptions that influence choices
  • Assess before-after impact of changes
  • etc.
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