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Economics 387


Economics 387. Lecture 10. The Organization of Health Insurance Markets. Tianxu Chen – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Economics 387

Economics 387
  • Lecture 10
  • The Organization of Health Insurance Markets
  • Tianxu Chen

  • Loading Costs and the Behavior of Insurance Firms
  • Employer Provision of Health Insurance Who Pays?
  • Employer-Based Health Insurance and Labor Supply
  • The Market for Insurance
  • The Uninsured An Analytical Framework
  • Technological Change, Higher Costs, and Inflation
  • Conclusions

  • Consumers can improve their well-being by
    sacrificing a (relatively) small but certain
    premium to insure against the probability of a
    considerably larger loss. It is important now to
    demonstrate how the policies will be offered to
    specific groups and why, in fact, some groups
    will find it difficult to get insurance at all.

Impacts of Loading Costs
  • Insurance firms incur costs of doing business
    that are added to the claims payouts.
  • These loading costs are largely related to the
    numbers and types of customers and claims
    processed and must be passed on to consumers in
    order for insurers to cover their costs.

A Model of Loading Costs
Marginal gain from insurance is the
horizontal distance (FG) between the utility
function and the expected utility function.
  • Figure 11-1 Health Insurance Coverage Status and
    Type of Coverage, 1990-2009 (in thousands)

Benefits of Insurance
  • Near A, high probability of the uncertain event,
    or B, low probability of uncertain event, the
    marginal gain from insurance is zero and the
    consumer will not purchase.
  • Between A and B, the marginal gain increases,
    reaches a maximum and then decreases.

Insurance for Heart Attacks and Hangnails
  • Because the loss associated with a heart attack
    is larger than the loss associated with a
    hangnail, the marginal gains from insuring
    against a heart attack dwarf the marginal gains
    from insuring against a hangnail.
  • Insurance for a heart attack will occur for
    probabilities lying between C and D, while no
    insurance will be offered for hangnails.

Loading Costs and the Uninsured
  • This analysis provides one avenue for addressing
    the problem of the uninsured.
  • It is apparent that the per-person costs of
    processing information and claims of those
    individuals who are outside larger organizations
    (either companies or unions) are higher. This
    results in an increase in the insurance firms
    marginal costs relative to the consumers
    marginal benefits and can reduce or eliminate the
    range of services that may be offered.

  • The largest segment of the American population
    acquires health insurance through the workplace,
    and this began almost by accident over 60 years
  • Federal government imposed wage and price
    controls as anti-inflationary devices.
  • Predictably, employers had to devise new ways to
    attract workers. One of these fringe benefits was
    health insurance.

Labor Market
  • We assume that a lower market money wage rate
    leads an employer to hire more workers for two
  • the employer can substitute labor for more
    expensive equipment or resources
  • the employer can sell more products at lower
    prices, hence requiring more workers
  • Employers will hire workers as long as the
    incremental (marginal) revenue from the goods
    those workers produce exceeds the per hour wage.

Labor Market With Health Insurance Benefits
  • Suppose that workers negotiate a health insurance
    benefit worth 1 per hour to them, and costing
    exactly 1 for the employer to provide. The
    employer, who was previously willing to pay a
    wage of 20, will now be willing to pay 20 less
    the 1 cost.
  • The workers are no worse off at a wage of 19
    with the health insurance than at 20 without the
    health insurance because the insurance is worth
    the 1 that it cost in reduced wages. The
    employer earns no less profit for providing the
    health benefit.

Labor Market Model
  • Figure 11-2 Interactions of Health Insurance and
    employee Wage
  • D is initial labor demand
  • S is initial labor supply
  • Market clears at wage W1 with L1 employees
  • D is labor demand after insurance benefit of z
  • S is labor supply after insurance benefit of z
  • Market clears at wage W2 with L1 employees

Labor Market Model
  • However, there are several reasons that the
    marginal benefits of the insurance to the
    employees may fall short of the employers
    marginal costs. How?
  • Some contracts negotiate subsidized coverage for
    prescription drugs, at a cost to the employer.
    However, some employees are healthy and do not
    use prescription drugs. This benefit has no value
    to them. Then?

Spousal Coverage Who Pays?
  • Suppose employees can work in Beta or Alpha
    sectors. Alpha employers employ only married men
    half of the spouses do not work and half work in
    the Beta sector. Half of the Beta employees are
    spouses of men in the Alpha sector and half are
    single. The pure wage for each employee in both
    sectors is 80,000 per year.
  • Alpha firms offer employees family coverage worth
    8,000 per year. Beta firms offer to pay 4,000
    per year per person for employees, but
    participating employees must pay extra 240 per

Spousal Coverage Who Pays?
  • Who Pays?
  • Two-worker families covered through Alpha firms
    pay 10,000 for 8,000 in coverage Wages have
    fallen by 8,000 in the Alpha sector and by
    2,000 where their spouses work.
  • Single-worker families covered through Alpha
    firms pay 8,000 for coverage because wages have
    fallen by that amount.
  • Single-worker families covered through Beta firms
    pay 2,240 (reduced wages and 240 extra payment)
    for 4,240 in coverage.
  • Alpha and Beta firms pay the same net wage
    (80,000) for labor services. Single workers at
    Beta firms benefit because they receive 2,000
    more in coverage than they paythere is a
    transfer from two-worker households to
    single-worker households!

How the Tax System Influences Health Insurance
  • Figure 11-3 Impacts of Preferential Treatment of
    Employee Insurance
  • The tax treatment of health insurance benefits to
    employees amounts to a subsidy for employees
    which results in the purchase of more health
    insurance than in the absence of the subsidy.

Who Pays the Compensating Differentials?-Empirical
  • Gruber and Krueger (1992) examine workers
    compensation insurance, and Gruber (1994) looks
    at mandated maternity benefits coverage. Both
    studies confirm the existence of group specific
    average wage adjustments.
  • Jensen and Morrisey (2001) use 1994 and 1998 data
    from the Health and Retirement Survey (HRS) to
    examine the wagecoverage tradeoff for workers
    born between 1931 and 1941and found evidence of
    compensating differentials for older workers.

More Empirical Results
  • Bhattacharya and Bundorf (2005) found that the
    incremental health care costs associated with
    obesity are passed on to obese workers with
    employer-sponsored health insurance in the form
    of lower cash wages.
  • Adams (2007) examined the impacts of the 1993 New
    York imposition of pure community rating on firms
    in the small group market and found the reform
    did increase the relative wages for older
    workers, both in relation to older workers in
    other states and in relation to older workers at
    large firms within the state.
  • Emanuel and Fuchs (2008) sum up the tradeoff
    between wages and premiums as not a point merely
    of economic theory but of historical fact.
    Rather than coming out of corporate profits, the
    increasing cost of health care has resulted in
    relatively flat real wages for the past 30 years.

Other Impacts of Employer Provision of Health
  • Lower insurance costs may occur because of the
    large size of employers relative to individual
  • Group purchases through employers may address the
    problem of adverse selection.

  • The two major potential impacts of
    employer-based health insurance relate to
    retirement age and job mobility.

Health Insurance and Retirement
  • Gruber and Madrian (2002) show that compared with
    those age 35 to 44, those age 55 to 64 are
  • twice as likely to report themselves in fair
    health and four times as likely to report
    themselves in poor health
  • seven times as likely to have had a heart attack
    and five times as likely to have heart disease,
  • 40 percent more likely to have a prescribed
    medicine (with twice as many medicines if
    receiving a prescription).
  • Gruber and Madrian summarize 16 studies and
    report that the availability of retiree health
    insurance raises the odds of retirement by
    between 30 and 80 percent.

Health Insurance and Mobility
  • Employer provided health insurance may create job
    lock which may have several economic effects
  • Less productive workers may stay at jobs for
    insurance reasons only, leading to decreased
    economic output because they would not be
    replaced by more productive workers.
  • Even if all workers are equally productive, some
    workers may stay in jobs for fear of losing the
    health insurance benefits to the exclusion of
    those who would otherwise fill the jobs.
  • Those who do change jobs may be denied coverage,
    face higher premiums, or only obtain insurance
    subject to a waiver that excludes coverage of
    their health condition.

The Empirical Evidence
  • The empirical evidence generally shows that
    employer provided health insurance adversely
    affects job mobility.
  • Rashad and Sarpong (2008) provide a good review
    of the recent literature.

  • Table 11-1 Health Insurance Coverage Status and
    Type of Coverage, 1990-2009 (in thousands)

Insurance Practices
  • Payment of claims there is a conflict between
    insurers and the insured (most often represented
    by the health care providers) regarding the
    amounts of claims, and indeed whether the claims
    should be paid at all.
  • Rating community rating or experience rating?

The Past 30 Years
  • In a wide-ranging interview (Iglehart, 1995),
    Blue Cross of California chief executive Leonard
    Schaeffer offered three reasons for the changes
    in the Blue Cross system
  • Most Blues plans were big and had not reacted
    quickly to marketplace changes.
  • The Blues were successful for a long period of
    time, and traditional operations got embedded.
    This led to a resistance to change.
  • The national association consisted of an
    unwieldy national association with 69
    independent plans.

of the Problem
  • Various surveys have shown that well over 50
    million Americans have no health insurance at any
    moment in time.
  • In 2009, 37.8 (or 3 of every 8) of families
    with annual incomes below 20,000 had no health
  • 28.8 of those ages 26-34 were uninsured in 2009.
    In the 35-44 range, 21.8 were uninsured.
  • Of the 29.8 million people working in firms with
    25 or fewer employees, about 10.2 million people
    (or 34.3 percent) were uninsured.

Table 11-2 Health Insurance Coverage of
Nonelderly, 2009
Table 11-2 Continued
Figure 11-4 Health Insurance Status of Workers by
Firm Size, 2009
The Working Uninsured
  • Small businesses face several barriers to
    providing health insurance benefits to their
  • The first, affordability, is a price-related
  • The second involves insurance redlining or
    preexisting-condition clauses, which may exclude
    specific individuals, or companies that employ
    them, from insurance coverage.
  • A third barrier to the provision of coverage may
    be termed attitudes. Many firms are uninterested
    in offering insurance.

Figure 11-5 Insurance and Employment
Impacts of Mandated Coverage
  • Mandates may increase the cost of insurance
    coverage and produce two adverse responses by
  • First, the company may stop offering insurance
    entirely because it is too expensive.
  • Second, companies may employ fewer employees
    resulting in a rise in unemployment.

Table 11-3 20 Most Common Conventional
  • Increased insurance coverage increases demand for
    health care which leads to higher prices.
  • Health insurance can also induce innovations in
    health care which can be either cost decreasing
    or cost increasing.
  • New health products can also stimulate an
    increased demand for health insurance.

The Cost-Increasing Bias Hypothesis
  • Because increased health insurance usually
    reduces the out-of-pocket portion of the bill,
    patients may be willing to spend considerably
    more when insured. Consumers and their providers
    may realize that premiums will tend to rise if
    all patients act likewise, but they wish to make
    use of the best, new, expensive technology to the
    maximum extent affordable, often beyond the point
    where the marginal benefits equal the full
    marginal costs. Consequently, the payoff to
    owning a patent to new costly health care
    technology increases.

Goddeeriss ModelInnovative Change over Time
  • More generous insurance coverage offering lower
    coinsurance rates, will cause the innovator to
    switch from an emphasis on cost-reducing
    innovations, to cost-increasing innovations.

Evidence on Technological Change and Inflation
  • Newhouse (1978b, 1988) set out the basic
    empirical models designed to test the underlying
    hypotheses and measure the contribution of health
    insurance to health care inflation.
  • First, the conventional view emphasized the role
    of insurance as a demand shifter this is
    measured by the variable change in insurance.
  • Second, the level of health insurance (indicated
    by the average coinsurance rate) was hypothesized
    to induce innovations, thus causing inflation
    indirectly through cost-increasing technological

Evidence - continued
  • By 1988, Newhouse had found, though somewhat
    tentatively, evidence that supported the
    induced-innovation hypothesis, leaving uncertain
    whether any role at all existed for the
    conventional demand-shifting avenue.
  • Peden and Freeland (1998) found that between 1963
    and 1993, about half of the 373 percent increase
    in real per capita health spending was due to the
    level of coinsurance, giving support to the
    induced-innovation hypothesis.

  • We established that in a market setting,
    insurance constitutes an important part of the
    wage package, and to the extent that it is
    valuable to the workforce, higher insurance is
    reflected in lower money wages. This market
    result occurs irrespective of who contractually
    pays for the insurance.
  • We have also shown how many of the trappings of
    the U.S. health care system are related to the
    employer base of the health insurance.

  • The decline in the primacy of the Blues in the
    late 1980s and 1990s has led to profound changes
    in the provision of health insurance and the
    delivery of care.
  • The chapter also included several implications
    about the uninsured. Some are not employed and
    hence ineligible for health insurance. There are
    others, however, whose health, employment, or
    lifestyles may not permit commercial insurers to
    provide insurance profitably.
  • We finished the chapter by looking at the impact
    of insurance on cost-increasing technological
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