2Our Reception and Year 1 children are in Class 1.
3Class 1 teachers Mrs Wilson and Mrs Jenkin
4Class 1 like to use the outdoor space as much as
possible for lessons.
5In Class 2 Mrs Broad and Mrs Kartawick teach the
Year 2 children.
6Class sizes
- We have small class sizes in our Infant
classes which ensures that children get off to
the best possible start. - Currently there are 12 children in Class ,
rising to 18 in January and 17 in Class 2. - Teaching assistants and parent helpers mean
that there is a very good ratio of staff to
7Mrs Wilkinson teaches the Year 3 and Year 4
8The Year 5 and 6 children are taught by Mrs
Wolstenholme in Class 4.
9Mrs Glistrides works in this room giving extra
support to children either individually or in
small groups.
10Our hall is where we worship, serve lunches and
come to choose books.
11Mrs McKie and Mrs Hobson work in the office in
School House.
12We really enjoy using the play equipment.
13We enjoy playtimes in the playground.
14The school house garden is a lovely place to
play, especially in the summer.
15We use our village hall for PE.
16We often use the village hall playing field for
PE and also at lunchtimes.
17We hold our Sports Days on the recreation field
18We are very lucky to have lovely countryside on
our doorstep.
19Junior children go to the Dronfield Sports Centre
each week to use the swimming pool and the sports
20We are a church school and have very close links
with our local church.
21We visit our local churches for services and also
to study as part of the curriculum.
23Healthy SchoolsWe actively encourage pupils to
live healthy lifestyles. We have achieved the
Healthy School Standard as well as the Active
24Uniform All children wear school uniform. This
is a green sweatshirt or cardigan, dark trousers
or skirt. There are also coats reversible
fleece/showerproof jackets and showerproof coats.
All uniform can be ordered from school.
- Our pupils are very keen to take
responsibility within school. Barlow Buddies help
in the playground. We have an active school
council. Many children initiate and organise
fundraising for charity. - Our Barlow Buddies
26School MealsChildren can enjoy school meals or a
packed lunch.
27We love putting on a show.
28We have a cross-curricular approach to the
curriculum and have regular themed weeks. This
is Harvest Week with Class 1. Class 1 visited the
local allotments to find out about growing and
harvesting fruit and vegetables. The children
also made decorations to decorate the church for
the Harvest service.
29We enrich the curriculum with visits and visitors
30The kitchen is used for food technology lessons
and also by the cooking club.
31We offer a wide range of after school clubs
throughout the year. These have included
football, netball, maypole dancing, tag rugby,
cricket, multi-skills, cookery, knitting, ICT,
choir, golf, film, recorders and gardening.
32Every year the Y5/6 pupils have the opportunity
to take part in a residential visit to the
Whitehall Centre for Outdoor Pursuits.
33Music tuitionPupils have the opportunity to
learn to play brass and woodwind instruments and
the violin.