paatshaahee dasvee kabiyobaach bentee' chaupeee' - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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paatshaahee dasvee kabiyobaach bentee' chaupeee'


A hymn by the tenth Guru. To be read like a poem. hamree karo haath dai ... tin k dushtt dukhit hvai mar . jy AisDuj qv srnI pry ] iqn ky dust duiKq h Y mry ] ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: paatshaahee dasvee kabiyobaach bentee' chaupeee'

ltgt sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqh
God is One, All victory is the victory of God.
ik ou(n)kar sri vaheguroo jee kee phateh
paatisaahee dasvee kabyo baach bentee.
pwiqswhI 10 kbÎo bwc bynqI cOpeI
A hymn by the tenth Guru. To be read like a
hamree karo haath dai rachhaa. pooran hoé chit
kee ichhaa.
hmrI kro hwQ dY rCw pUrn hoie icq kI ieCw
O Lord, protect me with Your Hand, thus my
heart's desire be fulfilled.
tav charnan man rehai hamaaraa. apnaa jaan karo
pratipaaraa .1.
qv crnn mn rhY hmwrw Apnw jwn kro pRiqpwrw 1
May my mind ever seek the refuge of Your Feet,
and You sustain me as Your very Own. 1
hamré dustt sabhai tum ghaavho. Aap(u) haath dai
mohé bachaavho.
hmry dust sBY qum Gwvhu Awpu hwQ dY moih bcwvhu

Vaheguru! destroy all my enemies diseased
passions, instincts, impulses, evil thoughts,
etc. and protect me with Your Hand.
sukhee basai moro parivaaraa. sevak sikh sabhai
kartaaraa .2.
suKI bsY moro pirvwrw syvk isKÎ sBY krqwrw 2
May my Khalsa-family live in peace. O Vaheguru!
All my Sikhs are your sevaks (devotees). 2
mo rachhaa nij(u) kar dai kariyai. sabh bairan
kou aaj sanghariyai.
mo rCw inju kir dY kirXY sB bYrn kO Awj
O Vaheguru, extend Your Personal protection to me
and kill all my enemies here and now.
pooran hoé hamaaree aasaa. tor(i) bhajan kee
rahai piyaasaa .3.
pUrn hoie hmwrI Awsw qoir Bjn kI rhY pXwsw 3
May this wish of mine also be granted May the
thirst for Your worship continue in me forever.
tumhé chhaad(i) koee avar naa dhayaaoo(n). jo
bar chahau(n) so tum té paaoo(n).
qumih Cwif koeI Avr n DÎwaUN jo br cwhoON su
qum qy pwaUN
May I never ever forsake You to worship any other
(deity). May I draw all the spiritual strength I
desire, from You.
sevak sikh hamaare taareeahé. chun(i) chun(i)
satr hamaaré maareeahé .4.
syvk isKÎ hmwry qwrIAih cuin cuin sqR hmwry
mwrIAih 4
O Vaheguru! Make all my Sikhs and servants swim
this world-ocean. Please single out our spiritual
enemies and destroy them for good 4
aap(u) haath dai mujhai ubariyai. maran kaal ka
traas nivariyai.
Awpu hwQ dY muJY aubirXY mrn kwl kw qRws
Please give me Your Hand and save me. Destroy the
fear of death from within me.
hoojo sadaa hamaaré pachhaa.siree asithuj joo
kariyho rachhaa .5.
hUjo sdw hmwry pCw sRI AisDuj jU kirXhu rCw
Please, be always on my side. O Wielder of the
Great Sword of Justice Please safeguard me (from
my foes). 5
Raakh(i) leho muhé raakhanhaaré. saahib sant
sahaaé piyaaré.
rwiK lyhu muih rwKnhwry swihb sMq shwie pXwry
Protect me, O Protector Lord! O Beloved Lord
Master of the Saints.
deen bandh(u) dusttan ké hantaa. Tum ho puree
chaturdas kantaa .6.
dIn bMDu dustn ky hMqw qum ho purI cqurds kMqw
O Vaheguru! You are a friend of the weak, and the
destroyer of the tyrants. O Vaheguru! You are the
master of the entire universe.
kaal paaé brahmaa bap(u) dharaa. kaal paaé
sivjoo avtaraa.
kwl pwie bRhmw bpu Drw kwl pwie isvjU Avqrw
Vaheguru gave a human body to Brahma. Even Shiva
was ordained by Vaheguru to take human body like
kaal paaé kar(i) bisan prakaasaa. sakal kaal kaa
keeaa .7.
kwl pwie kir ibsn pRkwsw skl kwl kw kIAw qmwsw
Even Vishnu was made to take a human body by
Vaheguru. The life of all the living (including
Brahma, Vishnu Shiva who once lived) is like a
drama staged arranged by Vaheguru. 7
javan kaal jogee siv keeo.bedh raaj brahmaa joo
jvn kwl jogI isv kIE byd rwj bRhmw jU QIE
The Temporal Lord created Shiva, the Yogi.
Vaheguru created Brahma, the Utterer of Vedas.
javan kaal sabh lok savaaraa.namaskaar hai taahé
hamaaraa .8.
jvn kwl sB lok svwrw nmskwr hY qwih hmwrw 8
Who fashioned the entire Universe, I salute to
Him alone. 8
javan kaal sabh jagat dait jachhan
jvn kwl sB jgq bnwXo dyv dYq jCn aupjwXo
God who created not only the entire universe, but
also the divinities and the demons (the good and
aad(i) ant(i) eikai avtaaraa. soee guroo
samjhiyaho hamaaraa .9.
Awid AMiq eykY Avqwrw soeI gurU smiJXhu hmwrw
Vaheguru alone was in the beginning and will also
be at the end of the Time. He alone is my Guru.
namaskaar tishee ko hamaaree. sakal prajaa jin
aap savaaree.
nmskwr iqshI ko hmwrI skl pRjw ijn Awp svwrI
My salutations are to Vaheguru alone, who has
created all His subjects and preserves them.
sivkan ko savgun sukh deeo. satrun ko pal mo
badh keeo .10.
isvkn ko svgun suK dIE sqRün ko pl mo bD kIE
Vaheguru has blessed His devotees with all merits
and happiness and destroys enemies inner
disharmony instantaneously. 10
ghatt ghatt ké antar kee jaanat. bhale bure kee
peer pachhaanat.
Gt Gt ky AMqr kI jwnq Bly bury kI pIr pCwnq
Vaheguru, Who is the inner Knower of all hearts,
knows the sorrows of all creatures, good or bad.
cheetee té kunchar asthoolaa. sabh par kripaa
dristt kar phoola .11.
cItI qy kuMcr AsQUlw sB pr ikpw idRsit kir
PUlw 11
Vaheguru casts His Graceful Glance on all from
the meek ant to huge elephant and feels pleased.
santan dukh paae té dukhee. sukh paae saadhan ké
sMqn duK pwey qy duKI suK pwey swDn ky suKI
Vaheguru is pained, when His saints are pained
and feels happiness when they are happy.
eik eik kee peer pachhaanai. ghatt ghatt ké patt
patt kee jaanai .12.
eyk eyk kI pIr pCwnY Gt Gt ky pt pt kI jwnY
Vaheguru understands what pains each of the
hearts of the creatures and their innermost
workings. 12
jab udkarakh karaa kartaaraa. prajaa dharat tab
deh apaaraa.
jb audkrK krw krqwrw pRjw Drq qb dyh Apwrw
When Vaheguru created the Universe, He created
innumerable living beings (of different forms, in
no time) on the earth.
jab aakarkh karat ho kabhoo(n). tum mai(n)
milat deh dhar sabhhoo(n) .13.
jb AwkrK krq ho kbhUM qum mYN imlq dyh Dr sBhUM
Whenever Vaheguru contemplates ending the
Universe, all the living (their souls) will merge
in Him again. 13
jete badan sristt sabh dhaarai. aap aapnee
boojh(i) uchaarai.
jyqy bdn isRsit sB DwrY Awpu AwpnI bUiJ aucwrY
All the (varied) human individuals You have
created, recite Your Name and remember You as
guided by their own understanding.
tum sabh hee té rehat niraalam. jaanat bed bhed
ar(u) aalam .14.
qum sB hI qy rhq inrwlm jwnq byd Byd Aru Awlm
You remain detached to different religions and
sects. The Vedas know this secret of Yours. Even
the sages and saints are aware of this fact.
nirankaar nribikaar nrilambh. aad(i) aneel
anaad(i) asambh.
inrMkwr inRibkwr inRlµB Awid AnIl Anwid AsMB
Vaheguru is Formless, Stainless and Self-reliant.
Vaheguru is the Primal Power, Blemishless,
Beginningless and does not take birth.
taa kaa moorrha uchaarat bhedaa jaa kau bhev na
paavat bedaa .15.
qw kw mUVH aucwrq Bydw jw ko Byv n pwvq bydw
The fools claim boastfully about the knowledge of
Vahegurus secrets, which even Vedas do not know.
taa kau kar(i) paahan anumaanat. mahaa moorrha
kachh(u) bhed na jaanat.
qw kO kir pwhn Anumwnq mhw mUVH kCu Byd n jwnq
The fools consider Vaheguru a stone, for they do
not know the difference the lifeless stone and
the living God.
mahaa(n)dev kau kehat sadaa siv. nirankaar kaa
cheenat nehe bhiv .16.
mhWdyv koO khq sdw isv inrMkwr kw cInq nih iBv
People call Shiva, The Eternal Lord, and do not
know the secret of the Formless Lord. 16
aap(u) aapunee budh(i) hai jetee. barnat bhinn
bhinn tuhé tetee.
Awpu AwpunI buiD hY jyqI brnq iBMn iBMn quih
Every one according to his understanding,
describes Vaheguru differently.
tumraa lakhaa naa jaaé pasaaraa. keh bidh(i)
sajaa pratham sansaaraa.17.
qumrw lKw n jwie pswrw ikh ibiD sjw pRQm sMswrw
The limits of Your creation cannot be known, nor
how in the beginning You created the Universes.
eikai roop anoop saroopaa. rank bhayo raav kehee
eykY rUp AnUp srUpw rMk BXo rwv khI BUpw
You are One, manifest in varied forms, as a poor
man, rich manor a king.
andaj jeraj setaj keenee. ut bhuj khaan(i)
bahor(i) rach(i) deenee.19.
AMfj jyrj syqj kInI auqBuj Kwin bhuir ric dInI
You create the egg born, the sweat born, the
earth born and the foetus born. 18
kahoo(n) phool(i) raajaa hvai baitaa. kahoo(n)
simmatt(i) bheyo sankar ehkaitaa.
khUM PUil rwjw hÍY bYTw khUM ismit BXo sMkr
Somtimes Vaheguru sits joyfully as a well
contented King. And at other times Vaheguru
becomes a detached Sadhu, who has withdrawn
himself from the world.
sigree sristt(i) dikaaé achambhav. aad(i)
jugaad(i) saroop suyambhav.19.
isgrI isRsit idKwie AcMBv Awid jugwid srUp
suXMBv 19
Vaheguru shows His miraculous deeds to all His
creation of the Universe. Vaheguru, the Primal
Power, born of Himself is since the beginning of
beginning. 19
ab rachhaa meree tum karo. sikh ubaar(i) asikh
Ab rCw myrI qum kro isKÎ aubwir AisKÎ sMGro
O Vaheguru, now keep me under Your protection,
encourage my followers to flourish in intellect
and wisdom
dustt jite utvat utpaataa. sakal malechh karo
rann ghaataa .20.
dust ijqy auTvq auqpwqw skl mlyC kro rx Gwqw
Destroy my enemies (negative thinking). All the
evil doers who arise (in my mind), fight with
them and destroy them there and then. 20
jé asidhuj tav sharnee paré. tin ké dushtt
dukhit hvai maré.
jy AisDuj qv srnI pry iqn ky dust duiKq hÍY mry

O Mighty Lord of the Sword, whosoever seeks Your
protection, his enemies (evil passions) suffer
pain and are destroyed.
purakh javan pag paré tihaaré. tin ké tum
sankatt sabh taaré .21.
purK jvn pg pry iqhwry iqn ky qum sMkt sB twry
The persons, who fall on Your Feet, You remove
all their afflictions and troubles. 21
jo kal ko ek baar dhiaihai. taa ké kaal nikatt
nehé aihai.
jo kil ko iek bwr iDAYhY qw ky kwl inkit nih
Those who meditate even once (with complete
devotion) on You, the Supreme Destroyer, cannot
be approached by Death.
rachhaa hoé taahé sabh kaalaa. dustt aristt
taré(n) tatkaalaa .22.
rCw hoie qwih sB kwlw dust Airst trYN qqkwlw
They remain protected at all times. All their
enemies and sorrows are removed instantaneously.
kripaa dristt(i) tan jaahé nihariho. taa ké taap
tanak mehe hareho.
ikpw idRsit qn jwih inhirho qw ky qwp qnk mih
Upon whomsoever dawns Vahegurus Grace, their
sins and afflictions are instantly removed.
ridh(i) sidh(i) ghar mo sabh hoee. dushtt
chhaah chhvai sakai na koee .23.
iriD isiD Gr mo sB hoeI dust Cwh CÍY skY n
koeI 23
They are blessed with all the earthly and
spiritual treasures and no evil doer deadly
passions and sickly instinctual drives can even
touch their shadows. 23
eik baar jin tumai sambhaaraa. kaal phaas té
taahé ubaaraa.
eyk bwr ijn qumY sMBwrw kwl Pws qy qwih aubwrw
O Vaheguru, he who remembers You even once, You
save them from the noose of Death.
jin nar naam tihaaro kahaa. daarid dustt dok té
rahaa .24.
ijn nr nwm iqhwro khw dwird dust doK qy rhw
Whosoever meditates on Your Name, he overcomes
his poverty, suffering and adversity. 24
kharragket mai sarann tihaaree. aap(u) haath dai
leho ubaaree.
KVgkyq mY srix iqhwrI Awpu hwQ dY lyhu aubwrI
The Lord of Sword (Knowledge), I seek Your
protection. Protect me with Your Own Hands.
sarab taur mo hoho sahaaee. dustt dok té leho
bachaaee .25.
srb TOr mo hohu shweI dust doK qy lyhu bcweI
Extend Your support to me wherever I be, save me
from the evil doers evil thoughts and sins.
kripaa karee ham par jag maataa.granth karaa
pooran subh raataa.
ikRpw krI hm pr jg mwqw gRMQ krw pUrn suB rwqw

The world-Mother blessed us with Her Mercy, and
the Granth Sahib was made perfectly complete at
the right time.
kilbikh sakal deh ko hartaa. dustt dokhiyan ko
chhai kartaa .26.
iklibK skl dyh ko hrqw dust doiKXn ko CY krqw
All sins and evil deeds are destroyed and erased.
The wicked and the cruel are reduced to ashes.
sree asidhuj jab bhae dayiaalaa. pooran karaa
granth tatkaalaa.
sRI AisDuj jb Bey dieAwlw pUrn krw gRMQ qqkwlw

When the Great, All-Powerful Sword became
Merciful, The Granth Sahib was made perfectly
man baa(n)chhat phal paavai soee.dookh na tisai
biaapat koee .27.
mn bWCq Pl pwvY soeI dUK n iqsY ibAwpq koeI
Reading this, the mind's desires are fulfilled,
And one shall not suffer pain again.
sunai gung jo yaahe so rasnaa paavaee. sunai
moorr chit laaéchaturtaa aavaee.
sunY guMg jo Xwih su rsnw pwveI sunY mUV icq
lwie cqurqw AwveI
Listening to this, the mute regains his tongue.
Listening to this, the fool becomes intelligent.
dookh darad bhau nikatt na tin nar ké rahai. ho
jo yaakee eik baar chaupe-ee ko kahai .28.
dUK drd BO inkt n iqn nr ky rhY ho jo XwkI eyk
bwr cOpeI ko khYy 28
Sorrow, pain and fear cannot come near that
person who reads this Chaupayee, even just one
sambat satrah sehas bhennijai.aradh sehas
phun(i) teen(i) kahijai.
sMbq sqRh shs BixjY ArD shs Puin qIin kihjY

The year (in Bikrami years) was 1700. Add half of
one hundred (50) and then three years Meaning
1753 Bikarmi (1696 C.E.)
bhaadrrav sudee asttmee ravivaaraa.teer satudrav
granth sudhaaraa .29.
BwdRv sudI AstmI rivvwrw qIr squdRv gRMQ
suDwrw 29
In the month of Bhaadro (mid-summer) on a bright
Sunday morning and the eighth day of the month
This Baani (Chaupayee Sahib) was completed on the
banks of the River Sutlej.
paa(n)e gahe jab té tumré tabté kooo aa(n)kh
taré nehee aanyo.
pWie ghy jb qy qumry qb qy koaU AWK qry nhI AwnÎo

O Vaheguru! Since I have taken your shelter and
refuge, I have never come under the menacing,
dirty look of any person.
raam raheem puraan kuraan anek kahai(n) mat eik
naa maanyo.
rwm rhIm purwn kurwn Anyk khYN mq eyk n mwnÎo
The Puraans, the Hindu scripture, praise and
glorify Raam, and the Quran praises and
glorifies Muhammad. Likewise, other religions
talk of of their own prophets and glorify them as
God. I do not accept any of these.
simrit(i) saastr bed sabhai, baho bhed kahai(n)
ham eik na jaanyo.
isMimRiq swsqR byd sBY bhu Byd khYN hm eyk n
Simritis, shastras and the four Vedas mention
varied ways of realising God. O Vaheguru! I do
not accept any of their ritual approaches.
siree asipaan kripaa tumree kar(i), maina kahyo
sabh tohé bakhaanyo.
sRI Aispwn ikpw qumrI kir mY n khÎo sB qoih
It was through Vaheguroos Grace (that Guru
Gobind Singh Jee says) I was able to do Naam
Simran and realise Vaheguroo.
sagal duaar kau chhaad kai, gaheo tuhaaro duaar.
sgl duAwr kau Cwif kY gihE quhwro duAwr
Having abandoned all other doors, I have come to
Your door for protection and help.
baa(n)he gahe kee laaj as gobinddaas tuhaar.
bWih ghy kI lwj As goibMd dws quhwr
O Vaheguroo! I have held Your arm, I am Your
servant a devotee.
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