Title: MarkerAssisted Selection and consequences on breeding programs
1Marker-Assisted Selection and consequences on
breeding programs
- Introduction
- SAM1 2001 - 2007
- SAM2 2008
- Consequences on breeding programs and genetic
- Beetween 1996 and 1999,a large QTL (chromosomic
regions with a significant effect on a
quantitative trait) detection experiment was
carried out in France - Based on the results obtained, a Marker-Assisted
Selection (MAS) program was implemented. - What are the results?
- How to use the results in program breeding ?
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
4SAM1 2001-2007
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
5What is a QTL
- QTL chromosomic regions with a significant
effect on a quantitative trait
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
6SAM1 2001 - 2007
- the markers are too far from genes to know
directly the value of these genes ? SAM1 (intra
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
7Assessment of QTL program
- More than a hundred of QTL detected in 2000
- 3 to 5 QTL per trait of interest
- The chromosomic regions (QTL) have big size and
contain beetween 50 and more of 300 genes
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
8Gain of reliabilities due to SAM1
- 2074 bulls born in en 2006. EBV July 2007
Breeding companies can expect higher genetic
progress by using SAM1. At a same genetic
progress, it means that you can reduce the size
of progeny bulls program of 10
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
9Assessment SAM1
- 60 000 animals typed in 7 years on 45 markers
- 8 traits of interest evaluated
- Small but real gains for SAM1 to improve the
results of breeding programs - SAM1 allows data, experience and development of
software that are useful for QTL fine mapping
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
10Implementing SAM22008
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
11QTL fine mapping results
Some families are added and a lot of markers are
used in order to precise the QTL position and to
allow studies on first genes candidates !
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
12QTL fine mapping results
The results on fine mapping are used to implement
a SAM2.
- A same markers sequence is generally associated
to a onely one allele of gene ? SAM2
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
13Principle of SAM2
SAM 2 is more simple and more efficient,
especially in uncommon families.
Sire 2
Dam 2
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
14And Genomic Selection ?
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
15Principles of SG
All the genome can be studied by SNP
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
16Principles of SG
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
17Principles of SG
Genotypes and performances are enough to estimate
breeding values of animals !
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
18Consequences of SG
Two animals with the same genotyping will have
the same EBV
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
19Consequences de la SG
The reliability of EBV will be the same for both
male and female !
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
20Consequences of SG
The cow performance will not have influence on
the EBV reliability, and also on the EBV itself
The EBV reliability will be the same for a cow
and a heifer
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
21The French Way
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
22The French Way
A mixed method using SNP markers but also QTL
effects !
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
Source S Fritz, UNCEIA
24SAM2 or SG what we could expect
- Reliability around 0.50 for all traits for all
animals ! - It needs to update links beetween markers SNP and
effects. - Milk recording at a large scale is always useful
- Reliabilities are only 0.50
- A complementary program of progeny tested bulls
is necessary
25SAM and SG
- State of the art
- En France
- Since 2001 SAM1
- Each month, EBV are delivered to the breeding
companies for young bulls. - In 2008 implementing of SAM2
- New EBVs are expected soon
- Bulls semen could be sold and used without
progeny results ? - Less bulls tested on progeny ?