Title: The Ugly Duckling
1 The Ugly Duckling
2There once was an ugly duckling,
with feathers all stubby brown
3The other birds, in so many words, said, Quack!
get out of town.
4Quack, Get out! Quack, quack! Get out.
5Quack, quack! Get out of town.
6So he went with a quack and a waddle and a quack
And a very unhappy frown.
7All through the winter time he hid himself away
8Ashamed to show his face,
Ashamed to show his face
9Afraid of what others might say.
10All through the winter in his lonely clump of
11Until a flock of swans
spied him there
12And very soon agreed
Youre a very fine swan, indeed!
13Me, a swan? Aw, go on.
14Take a look at yourself in the lake and youll
Yes, you are a swan.
15And he looked
And he saw
And he said
16Gee! I am a swan!
17No more an ugly ducklingwith feathers all stubby
and brown
18In fact, these birds, in so many words said, WOW,
the best in town.
19Wow, the best
Oh boy, the best
By far, the best in town.
20And he swam with a glide
and a snowy white back
21And a head so noble and high.
22Now whos an ugly duckling?
Not I !!!
23(No Transcript)
24Photo USFWS
Assembled by Lu Mountenay